Question 12

Showing comments and forms 301 to 330 of 660


Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7570

Received: 18/03/2015

Respondent: Mr Robert Davis

Representation Summary:

The need for maintaining the character of a village, including its history have been ignored along with the quality of life enjoyed by its residents. The Council's record in Blackmore has been very poor, having closed the permanent sites of the library and community centre and still planning to meet the needs of the local children and young adults.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7638

Received: 19/03/2015

Respondent: Mr Gary Spaul

Representation Summary:

The areas of my objection are Ingrave and Herongate.
Over population of schools, roads. Overworking police, hospitals, local authorities

Full text:

I will list reasons for objections- there's quite a few so apologies for the length of this email!!

I can't list reference numbers as when going on to the link you sent the picture crashes and I can't see anything.

The areas of my objection are Ingrave and herongate.

But I would strongly oppose building/ developing in any areas of green belt land in any of the surrounding areas as the open countryside should be kept as it is for everyone to enjoy. However I don't think this reason will be enough so will continue to list my objections.

I was lucky enough to move to Ingrave 3 years ago and absolutely love the area and village life. I paid a considerable amount for my house and have since spent a lot of money building an extension overlooking beautiful countryside, Which is one of the areas marked to be developed.
I feel I paid a larger amount for my house as it is in a village location next to open countryside and I would not have spent in excess of £70,000 on an extension overlooking houses, roads etc.
We moved to a village to be part of a village community and have paid for this privilege, and places like this should be kept as they are. If every area with a field or open countryside let alone green belt land was built on and developed there would no areas like this left.
I understand the need for more housing but don't quite understand the need to make some of it affordable housing when this area is not an affordable area to buy a property and council tax is well over £200 per month. I imagine that the affordable housing would mean blocks of flats of however many floors which would absolutely ruin the look of these lovely villages. We have lovely old properties, cottages, farms etc and to build large areas of housing estates would take away it's beauty and turn into another town which would become over populated, overrun and not a very desirable place to live anymore.I don't know of any other areas to list as you requested but surely you can't keep on trying to build on our precious countryside.
There are however a row of derelict cottages next to a disused car showroom at the traffic lights by the artichoke pub which could be renovated and not have much effect on the surrounding areas. Maybe sites like this could be used, which have already been used previously. Or areas on "A"roads which would not affect or change village life.

The other reasons I object are as follows,

Local flooding- if there are more areas of hard standing/ roads etc there will be more localised flooding. The area is terrible for this as it is with gardens, paths and lanes around farms flooded after heavy rain.

Local roads- I walk my children to and from Ingrave school every day and Ingrave road is so busy with cars, lorries, buses etc it simply could not handle any more traffic. It is already overused with vehicles many of which are too busy to stop at the pedestrian crossings and with pavements much smaller than 1 metre in width in areas, I feel adding more traffic to this is an accident waiting to happen.

Over population of schools, roads.
Overworking police, hospitals, local authorities


Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7652

Received: 19/03/2015

Respondent: Mrs Kim O'Neill

Representation Summary:

To build on any plots in Doddinghurst is a major issue plots 143 224 and 185 could have a major impact on our quality of life and infrastructure, we have one small school no trains and a small bus 9-5 hourly bus service, Doddinghurst Road is busy enough without creating more traffic, it a danger to pedestrains and some parts of the pavement is so narrow you cant push a baby buggy through without difficulty and with more traffic on the road this could lead to potentially fatal accidents
You would be creating housing on greenbelt land which is in keeping wth the rural nature of the area
If we all gave in to this no greenbelt will be safe or valued for what it is and anyone will build where they want when they want

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7680

Received: 20/03/2015

Respondent: Mr and Mrs Cook

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

This is a small village and the facilities are limited and this will put a huge strain on our little school.

Full text:

Dear Madam/Sir

Recently on 13 February 2015 we received a letter through our door from two concerned local residents informing
us that a development plan was in the pipeline for land at the end of Peartree Lane Doddinghurst and Lime Grove Doddinghurst,
for affordable housing through Brentwood Borough Council,

We had no prior knowledge of this whatsoever so it came as a big shock to us and all our neighbours especially to be told that we have to
reply by Tuesday 17 February 2015, no later than 5 pm.

This is a small village and the facilities are limited and this will put a huge strain on our little school, We are still getting over the
last development at the bottom of Outings Lane with youngsters tearing up the village on their bikes and groups of young people hanging round
the village shops and park in the evening, the crime rate round here soared as the affordable housing was filled with one parent families.

The noise and dust pollution will be horrendous for the local residents as these are only small roads.

Why is it that the Council are so intent on ruing village life and disregarding Green Belt Law, this could happen to one of you in the future
as I believe what comes around goes around.


Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7681

Received: 20/03/2015

Respondent: Mr and Mrs Cook

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

We are still getting over the
last development at the bottom of Outings Lane with youngsters tearing up the village on their bikes and groups of young people hanging round
the village shops and park in the evening, the crime rate round here soared as the affordable housing was filled with one parent families.

Full text:

Dear Madam/Sir

Recently on 13 February 2015 we received a letter through our door from two concerned local residents informing
us that a development plan was in the pipeline for land at the end of Peartree Lane Doddinghurst and Lime Grove Doddinghurst,
for affordable housing through Brentwood Borough Council,

We had no prior knowledge of this whatsoever so it came as a big shock to us and all our neighbours especially to be told that we have to
reply by Tuesday 17 February 2015, no later than 5 pm.

This is a small village and the facilities are limited and this will put a huge strain on our little school, We are still getting over the
last development at the bottom of Outings Lane with youngsters tearing up the village on their bikes and groups of young people hanging round
the village shops and park in the evening, the crime rate round here soared as the affordable housing was filled with one parent families.

The noise and dust pollution will be horrendous for the local residents as these are only small roads.

Why is it that the Council are so intent on ruing village life and disregarding Green Belt Law, this could happen to one of you in the future
as I believe what comes around goes around.


Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7682

Received: 20/03/2015

Respondent: Mr and Mrs Cook

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

The noise and dust pollution will be horrendous for the local residents as these are only small roads.

Full text:

Dear Madam/Sir

Recently on 13 February 2015 we received a letter through our door from two concerned local residents informing
us that a development plan was in the pipeline for land at the end of Peartree Lane Doddinghurst and Lime Grove Doddinghurst,
for affordable housing through Brentwood Borough Council,

We had no prior knowledge of this whatsoever so it came as a big shock to us and all our neighbours especially to be told that we have to
reply by Tuesday 17 February 2015, no later than 5 pm.

This is a small village and the facilities are limited and this will put a huge strain on our little school, We are still getting over the
last development at the bottom of Outings Lane with youngsters tearing up the village on their bikes and groups of young people hanging round
the village shops and park in the evening, the crime rate round here soared as the affordable housing was filled with one parent families.

The noise and dust pollution will be horrendous for the local residents as these are only small roads.

Why is it that the Council are so intent on ruing village life and disregarding Green Belt Law, this could happen to one of you in the future
as I believe what comes around goes around.


Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7701

Received: 19/03/2015

Respondent: Lorraine Fowles

Representation Summary:

Don't think you have considered it, land has been offered to you and you haven't thought ahead of the long term implications!
Safety should be paramount both to the residents who already live here and any proposed building and this would not be a safe situation! No thought has been given to the residents that live in this lovely well balanced village.

Full text:

Q3: Do you have any comments on the appropriateness of particular sites?

Yes ●

Plot 143 (Doddinghurst - Lime grove) completely inappropriate, roads not wide enough to accommodate any more traffic, large vehicles have problems getting down Lime Grove, heavier traffic would make it a danger area, cars and vans have to mount the curbs regularly due to cars parked in the road and traffic could potentially be doubled!!

Schools are to small to accommodate more children, (we already have too many cars in the school area during the school run, there is no where for cars to park and it is already a big concern to the school and parents!

Not enough places for pre-school at St Margaret's and The village hall, these are already stretched with long waiting lists!

Parking in village shops always busy, not enough parking now! It is a hazardous place to be during the school run!

Very limited bus services, one bus on the hour between 7-6 (if you are lucky, you cannot rely on the bus) no buses on Sunday's! (So if you don't own a car you can't get out of the village, unless you get a cab)

No policing in the Village, police have to come from Harlow! (By increasing the village by that much social housing, the crime rate would go up! We have already seen this where we have other social housing in the village)

Brentwood only have one fire engine! Also if cars are parked in the road large vehicles are obstructed, this is a major concern already!

Doctors surgery could not accommodate that many more patients, you already have to wait 2 weeks for appointments!

Light pollution! (this is a quiet Village, most of it has no street lights)

Doddinghurst already has Social Housing (Widbrook) and nearby Stondon Massey, these a had a big impact on the village, the school had to be extended and there are not enough pre school places.

We do not have lots of clubs and activities as stated? We have a few for adults and a few for young children, not enough to accommodate and meet people's needs, you have to travel further afield to get to most clubs and again you need a car!

Q4: Given the greater capacity for growth along the A127 corridor, which of the sites put forward do you think is the best location for growth?

Dunton has a greater capacity for growth as there are many more amenities nearby and much more scope to build, without over populating.
Also there are industrial areas and it's nearby the large Town of Basildon.

Q5: Should the A12 corridor accommodate growth by releasing sites on the edge of urban areas? ●

If these areas do not effect the lives of people living nearby in a negative way also by keeping sites small, attractive, not concrete monstrosities!

Q6: In order to provide for local need is it preferable for Greenfield sites on the edge of villages to be released, or to develop brownfield sites (both within the Green Belt)?


Realistically neither, if they are sitting on the edge of a village as it can alter the balance, also it depends on how many dwellings were being built 10 or 20 houses can be eased into a village but 50 or more is a big impact.

Q7: To enable future employment need to be met do you agree that the most sustainable approach is to allocate new sites close to the strategic highway network?
Yes ●
No ●


Q8: In order to ensure that the Town Centre remains economically sustainable, do you agree that a "Town Centre First" approach should be taken to retail development?
Yes ●
No ●


Q9: Are there opportunities for more open space provision in the area where you live?
Yes ●

No ●


Depends on what you mean by open space provision?
People moved here because of the open space and surrounding green belt areas, paying a price for the privilege, housing is more expensive here than Brentwood, and most other surrounding areas also council tax is higher than a lot of other areas! (Property prices would go down in Doddinghurst if proposals went ahead)

Q10: Please rate the level to which you value the landscape near where you live (on a scale of 1 to 5), as compared to other areas within Brentwood Borough, for the following aspects:
Aspect: Very Low Low Average High Very High
Scenic Beauty / Attractivness 1 2 3 4 (5)
Outdoor Recreation / Leisure Use 1 2 3 4 (5)
Wildlife Interest 1 2 3 4 (5)
Historic Interest 1 2 3 4 (5)
Tranquility 1 2 3 4 (5)
Other - please specify:

.....................There is a village community here, which would be completely lost if the proposed site went ahead. 1 2 3 4 (5)
Q11: To what extent do you think the following are present in the landscape near where you live (on a scale of 1 to 4):
Aspect: Absent Occasional Frequent Predominant
Houses 1 2 (3) 4
Commercial / Industrial buildings (1) 2 3 4
Nature Reserves / Wildlife 1 2 (3) 4
Farmland 1 2 (3) 4
Woodland 1 2 3 4
Degraded / Derelict / Waste land (1) 2 3 4
Infastructure (Road / Rail / Pylons etc.) (1) 2 3 4
Leisure / Recreation Facilities 1 (2) 3 4
Other - please specify:

This is a village, there is not much scope for employment, unless you work in the school, play group or one of the few shops.
......................................... 1 2 3 4

Q12: Have we considered the main infrastructure issues? Are there other important issues to consider?

Don't think you have considered it, land has been offered to you and you haven't thought ahead of the long term implications!
Safety should be paramount both to the residents who already live here and any proposed building and this would not be a safe situation! No thought has been given to the residents that live in this lovely well balanced village.

Q13: What do you think the priorities for infrastructure spending should be?



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7709

Received: 20/03/2015

Respondent: Mrs Nicola Meader

Representation Summary:


Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7737

Received: 23/03/2015

Respondent: Mr Glen Singleton

Representation Summary:

Development plan needs to consider congestion problems that will arise along the A128 / A127.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7760

Received: 16/02/2015

Respondent: Mr Ian Atkinson

Representation Summary:

Development must not increase the challenges to the borough's infrastructure (i.e. it must be small enough not to create a significant demand on current infrastructure.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7761

Received: 16/02/2015

Respondent: Mr Ian Atkinson

Representation Summary:

Whilst transport is considered, the focus appears to be on Crossrail and links to Brentwood Town Centre. Although important, given the scale of potential development within the A127 Corridor, a completely fresh transport strategy needs to be developed for this area. and the A128 which links the A12 and the A127.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7762

Received: 16/02/2015

Respondent: Mr Ian Atkinson

Representation Summary:

In additon to transport, education, healthcare, community facilities and green infrastructure are all identified as significant infrastructure considerations. The detail on these within the consultation document is limited and significantly more detail will be necessary to ensure future development is carried out sustainably.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7763

Received: 16/02/2015

Respondent: Mr Ian Atkinson

Representation Summary:

Timing of infrastructure needs to have a stronger focus than currently seen in the consultation. Given the scale of potential development within the A127 Corridor, supporting infrastructure needs to be in place first, to prevent a significant and materially negative impact on existing residents. This will also ensure that any new development is undertaken in a sustainable manner.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7778

Received: 14/02/2015

Respondent: Lisa Atkinson

Representation Summary:

Development must not increase the challenges to the borough's infrastructure (i.e. small enough not to create a significant demand on current infrastructure). A completely fresh transport strategy needs to be developed for this area. This will need to consider both the impact of Brentwood and Basildon's cumulative development and travel around the borough. Impact on the A127 should be considered. Timing of infrastructure needs to be considered.

Full text:

see attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7797

Received: 24/03/2015

Respondent: Mrs Deborah Harper

Representation Summary:

Road traffic would increase through an already busy A128 through Ingrave. The local primary school would be inadequate.

Full text:

See Attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7809

Received: 24/03/2015

Respondent: Mr and Mrs June and Allan Rayner

Representation Summary:

The issues outlined here are very high level and need to be reviewed In much more detail. on the back of the presentation of robust evidence, to enable meaningful comment. There is no mention of energy infrastructure.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7823

Received: 24/03/2015

Respondent: Mr John Orbell

Representation Summary:

Development in a small village poses problems eg: are the drains up to it? Does the one school havbe any spare capacity? Do lanes have to be made into streets?

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7832

Received: 24/03/2015

Respondent: Mr John Orbell

Representation Summary:


Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7853

Received: 24/03/2015

Respondent: Mr Nick Hart

Representation Summary:

A127 corridor has untapped railway - fit in another station - & the tube close by! And the A127! And the M25! Build there :-)

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7856

Received: 24/03/2015

Respondent: Mr Gary Marsden

Representation Summary:

It should be considered that as there has to be a certain amount of housing to be built in the Brentwood area, as like other village surrounding, Blackmore should be allowed development.

Full text:

See attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7877

Received: 24/03/2015

Respondent: Mr Peter Culling

Representation Summary:

I dont think the infrastructure issues IE flooding risks, road, public transport links, school capcity, lack of employment etc in Doddinghurst have been considered.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7880

Received: 11/02/2015

Respondent: Mrs Kate Davies

Representation Summary:

I think it should be considered that people who have grown up in Blackmore village area and still have families and support needed from there families, should and have a need to be able to move into the village, plus also have already got children attending Blackmore School for medical reasons.

Full text:

I was told to write in on my view about the planning developing in Blackmore village, Redrose Lane and Woollards Way, and second being other side of Fingrith Hall Road, linking with Orchard Piece. I would like to say I am all for it, the development should go ahead, I know people that would like to move into the village to be near their families where they have been brought up and my daughter has been waiting for 12 years to move into the village. I know many people in similar situations, so yes I am for it.

[See attached completed consultation questionnaire]



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7892

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mrs Marilyn Turner

Representation Summary:

I dont believe the infrastructure issues in Doddinghurst have been considered.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7905

Received: 04/02/2015

Respondent: Mr Alan Ormston

Representation Summary:

In light of the Crossrail changes at Shenfield Station proper plans need to be formulated for improvements both on and off station to cope with increased numbers of passengers which will be far greater than those disclosed by Crossrail over the next 12 years.

Full text:

Q1: In general I agree with the areas being considered.

Q2: Yes.

Q3: No.

Q4: In the light of the poor nature of the land and its good transport links A127, A13 and M25 together with rail stations at Laindon and West Horndon it would seem sensible to develop this area.

Q5: Pockets could be developed but not ribbon development.

Q6: Limited tasteful developments with buildings designed to enhance the character and individuality of each village.

Q7: Yes with proper adequate road connections and boundary soft landscaping.

Q8: Yes but not at all cost and the detriment of other areas.

Q9: No there are some excellent open spaces in the areas with additional walks through the countryside.

Q10: Scenic Beauty Attractiveness: 4
Outdoor Recreation / Leisure Use: 4
Wildlife Interest: 5
Historic Interest: 3
Tranquility: 5
Other:- Close to all amenities: 4

Q11: Houses: 4
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 1
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 2
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 3
Other:- Litter: 2

Q12: In light of the Crossrail changes at Shenfield Station proper plans need to be formulated for improvements both on and off station to cope with increased numbers of passengers which will be far greater than those disclosed by Crossrail over the next 12 years.

Q13: Easing traffic congestion around Shenfield Station and more car parking in the Borough in general.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7927

Received: 25/03/2015

Respondent: Mrs. S. Johnson

Representation Summary:

I am wondering why the Government should be pushing for expansion when the existing road network is overloaded.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7929

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mr Richard Hart

Representation Summary:

No. We need a new GP surgery in Brentwood regardless of any potential expansion. At the surgery I work at we are currently taking on new patients and the wait is two weeks before they can see any doctor, let alone their own.

Full text:

Q1: Yes. It's logical.

Q2: No. Green Belt land must be left alone. Brownfield sites (in Green Belt) are fine if they have already been built on. Any spare land on brownfield sites in Green Belt should be left alone.

Q3: Yes. Don't build on Green Belt land, even the land at the edges of urban areas. It's all precious.

Q4: It's up to the local residents. I don't feel qualified to comment.

Q5: No. Terrible idea. It's Green Belt so leave it alone. In 30 years time they'll be asking if they should build on Green Belt land on the new edges of unknown areas resulting from whatever building gets forced through this time. If every generation builds a little more there'll be no countryside left.

Q6: Greenfield sites on the edge of villages must be left as they are. Brownfield sites are the preference, as long as they don't allude to picturesque, formally operational farmland sneakily hidden behind a euphemism!

Q7: No. There's Green Belt land the around strategic highway network, so I'm sorry but in my view that's not an option no matter how it's put to us.

Q8: Yes. There's always empty shop units and we've got to see that cinema/shopping complex.

Q9: No. Not that I'm aware.

Q10: Scenic Beauty Attractiveness: 5
Outdoor Recreation / Leisure Use: 5
Wildlife Interest: 5
Historic Interest: 5
Tranquility: 5

Q11: Houses: 2
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 2
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 4
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2

Q12: No. We need a new GP surgery in Brentwood regardless of any potential expansion. At the surgery I work at we are currently taking on new patients and the wait is two weeks before they can see any doctor, let alone their own.

Q13: As above [see representation ID 7929: "We need a new GP surgery in Brentwood regardless of any potential expansion. At the surgery I work at we are currently taking on new patients and the wait is two weeks before they can see any doctor, let alone their own."]

Potholes should be filled.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7941

Received: 25/03/2015

Respondent: Miss Leeann Davies

Representation Summary:

I think it should take into consideration that there are people who have a great need to live in Blackmore village for example children already attending Blackmore school for important reasons and have families that live there too.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7964

Received: 25/03/2015

Respondent: Ms Caoimhe O'Kane

Representation Summary:

Development must not increase the challenges to the borough's infrastructure (i.e. it must be small enough not to create a significant demand on current infrastructure, or big enough to generate money to create/improve infrastructure to meet the new need). A completely fresh transport strategy needs to be developed for this area to consider impact on rail and road, considering Crossrail and the new Thames crossing, any airport expansion and Paramount leisure Park.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 8000

Received: 03/02/2015

Respondent: Governing Body Mountnessing C of E Primary school

Representation Summary:

Major improvements would be needed to improve A127. Medical facilities from local health centres to a new hospital in Brentwood area would be needed to facilitate the increased population. New schools would need to be built or existing schools increased in size. Mountnessing Primary School has available land for increasing its size if the local population should increase through new developments.

Full text:

see attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 8010

Received: 03/02/2015

Respondent: Mr John Larkin

Representation Summary:

Improvement is road junctions need to be considered to ensure smooth flow of traffic around entry and exit points. Entry / Exit from A127 at Warley is typical example.

Full text:

see attached
