
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7682

Received: 20/03/2015

Respondent: Mr and Mrs Cook

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

The noise and dust pollution will be horrendous for the local residents as these are only small roads.

Full text:

Dear Madam/Sir

Recently on 13 February 2015 we received a letter through our door from two concerned local residents informing
us that a development plan was in the pipeline for land at the end of Peartree Lane Doddinghurst and Lime Grove Doddinghurst,
for affordable housing through Brentwood Borough Council,

We had no prior knowledge of this whatsoever so it came as a big shock to us and all our neighbours especially to be told that we have to
reply by Tuesday 17 February 2015, no later than 5 pm.

This is a small village and the facilities are limited and this will put a huge strain on our little school, We are still getting over the
last development at the bottom of Outings Lane with youngsters tearing up the village on their bikes and groups of young people hanging round
the village shops and park in the evening, the crime rate round here soared as the affordable housing was filled with one parent families.

The noise and dust pollution will be horrendous for the local residents as these are only small roads.

Why is it that the Council are so intent on ruing village life and disregarding Green Belt Law, this could happen to one of you in the future
as I believe what comes around goes around.