
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7638

Received: 19/03/2015

Respondent: Mr Gary Spaul

Representation Summary:

The areas of my objection are Ingrave and Herongate.
Over population of schools, roads. Overworking police, hospitals, local authorities

Full text:

I will list reasons for objections- there's quite a few so apologies for the length of this email!!

I can't list reference numbers as when going on to the link you sent the picture crashes and I can't see anything.

The areas of my objection are Ingrave and herongate.

But I would strongly oppose building/ developing in any areas of green belt land in any of the surrounding areas as the open countryside should be kept as it is for everyone to enjoy. However I don't think this reason will be enough so will continue to list my objections.

I was lucky enough to move to Ingrave 3 years ago and absolutely love the area and village life. I paid a considerable amount for my house and have since spent a lot of money building an extension overlooking beautiful countryside, Which is one of the areas marked to be developed.
I feel I paid a larger amount for my house as it is in a village location next to open countryside and I would not have spent in excess of £70,000 on an extension overlooking houses, roads etc.
We moved to a village to be part of a village community and have paid for this privilege, and places like this should be kept as they are. If every area with a field or open countryside let alone green belt land was built on and developed there would no areas like this left.
I understand the need for more housing but don't quite understand the need to make some of it affordable housing when this area is not an affordable area to buy a property and council tax is well over £200 per month. I imagine that the affordable housing would mean blocks of flats of however many floors which would absolutely ruin the look of these lovely villages. We have lovely old properties, cottages, farms etc and to build large areas of housing estates would take away it's beauty and turn into another town which would become over populated, overrun and not a very desirable place to live anymore.I don't know of any other areas to list as you requested but surely you can't keep on trying to build on our precious countryside.
There are however a row of derelict cottages next to a disused car showroom at the traffic lights by the artichoke pub which could be renovated and not have much effect on the surrounding areas. Maybe sites like this could be used, which have already been used previously. Or areas on "A"roads which would not affect or change village life.

The other reasons I object are as follows,

Local flooding- if there are more areas of hard standing/ roads etc there will be more localised flooding. The area is terrible for this as it is with gardens, paths and lanes around farms flooded after heavy rain.

Local roads- I walk my children to and from Ingrave school every day and Ingrave road is so busy with cars, lorries, buses etc it simply could not handle any more traffic. It is already overused with vehicles many of which are too busy to stop at the pedestrian crossings and with pavements much smaller than 1 metre in width in areas, I feel adding more traffic to this is an accident waiting to happen.

Over population of schools, roads.
Overworking police, hospitals, local authorities