
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7929

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mr Richard Hart

Representation Summary:

No. We need a new GP surgery in Brentwood regardless of any potential expansion. At the surgery I work at we are currently taking on new patients and the wait is two weeks before they can see any doctor, let alone their own.

Full text:

Q1: Yes. It's logical.

Q2: No. Green Belt land must be left alone. Brownfield sites (in Green Belt) are fine if they have already been built on. Any spare land on brownfield sites in Green Belt should be left alone.

Q3: Yes. Don't build on Green Belt land, even the land at the edges of urban areas. It's all precious.

Q4: It's up to the local residents. I don't feel qualified to comment.

Q5: No. Terrible idea. It's Green Belt so leave it alone. In 30 years time they'll be asking if they should build on Green Belt land on the new edges of unknown areas resulting from whatever building gets forced through this time. If every generation builds a little more there'll be no countryside left.

Q6: Greenfield sites on the edge of villages must be left as they are. Brownfield sites are the preference, as long as they don't allude to picturesque, formally operational farmland sneakily hidden behind a euphemism!

Q7: No. There's Green Belt land the around strategic highway network, so I'm sorry but in my view that's not an option no matter how it's put to us.

Q8: Yes. There's always empty shop units and we've got to see that cinema/shopping complex.

Q9: No. Not that I'm aware.

Q10: Scenic Beauty Attractiveness: 5
Outdoor Recreation / Leisure Use: 5
Wildlife Interest: 5
Historic Interest: 5
Tranquility: 5

Q11: Houses: 2
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 2
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 4
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2

Q12: No. We need a new GP surgery in Brentwood regardless of any potential expansion. At the surgery I work at we are currently taking on new patients and the wait is two weeks before they can see any doctor, let alone their own.

Q13: As above [see representation ID 7929: "We need a new GP surgery in Brentwood regardless of any potential expansion. At the surgery I work at we are currently taking on new patients and the wait is two weeks before they can see any doctor, let alone their own."]

Potholes should be filled.
