
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7880

Received: 11/02/2015

Respondent: Mrs Kate Davies

Representation Summary:

I think it should be considered that people who have grown up in Blackmore village area and still have families and support needed from there families, should and have a need to be able to move into the village, plus also have already got children attending Blackmore School for medical reasons.

Full text:

I was told to write in on my view about the planning developing in Blackmore village, Redrose Lane and Woollards Way, and second being other side of Fingrith Hall Road, linking with Orchard Piece. I would like to say I am all for it, the development should go ahead, I know people that would like to move into the village to be near their families where they have been brought up and my daughter has been waiting for 12 years to move into the village. I know many people in similar situations, so yes I am for it.

[See attached completed consultation questionnaire]
