
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7652

Received: 19/03/2015

Respondent: Mrs Kim O'Neill

Representation Summary:

To build on any plots in Doddinghurst is a major issue plots 143 224 and 185 could have a major impact on our quality of life and infrastructure, we have one small school no trains and a small bus 9-5 hourly bus service, Doddinghurst Road is busy enough without creating more traffic, it a danger to pedestrains and some parts of the pavement is so narrow you cant push a baby buggy through without difficulty and with more traffic on the road this could lead to potentially fatal accidents
You would be creating housing on greenbelt land which is in keeping wth the rural nature of the area
If we all gave in to this no greenbelt will be safe or valued for what it is and anyone will build where they want when they want

Full text:

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