Schedule of Potential Main Modifications

Ended on the 11 November 2021

Chapter 9



Page Number 243 - 244, Paragraph 9.1, Paragraph 9.2, Paragraph 9.7, Paragraph 9.17


Amend paragraph 9.1 to read:

Site allocations listed in this chapter reflect the spatial strategy and strategic objectives. The allocations in this chapter contain specific, sometimes additional, requirements to those set out in Chapter 5-8. All site allocations are depicted on the Policies Map of the Local Plan.

Amend paragraph 9.2 to read:

Each policy follows a similar format, providing the basis for how development is expected to come forward and key considerations. While these site policies detail specific requirements for each allocation site, these requirements will apply along with all other relevant policy requirements in this Local Plan unless the site specific requirements differ. The following sub-headings are included for each site:


Amend paragraph 9.7 to read:

This chapter is split according to strategic sites and non-strategic allocation sites for both housing residential-led and employment development. Residential-led allocation sites will deliver predominantly residential dwellings along with any necessary infrastructure. The Strategic Allocations also include other primary uses, such as employment and community infrastructure and are therefore referred to as Residential-Led, Mixed-use sites. In summary, the sites are: are listed as follows:

Strategic Housing Residential and Mixed-Use Allocations:

  • R01 Dunton Hills Garden Village Strategic Allocation
  • R02 Land at West Horndon Industrial Estate, West Horndon
  • R03 Land North of Shenfield, Shenfield
  • R04 & R05 Ford Headquarters and Council Depot, Warley

Housing Residential-led Allocations:

  • R06 Land at Nags Head Lane, Brentwood
  • R07 Sow and Grow Nursery, Pilgrims Hatch
  • R08 Land at Mascalls Lane, Warley
  • R09 Land at Warley Hill, Warley
  • R10 Brentwood Railway Station Car Park, Brentwood
  • R11 Westbury Road Car Park, Brentwood
  • R12 Land at Hunter House, Brentwood
  • R13 Chatham Way Car Park, Brentwood
  • R14 William Hunter Way car park, Brentwood
  • R15 Wates Way Industrial Estate, Brentwood
  • R16 & R17 Land off Doddinghurst Road, Pilgrims Hatch and Brentwood
  • R18 Land off Crescent Drive, Shenfield
  • R19 Land at Priests Lane, Shenfield
  • R20 The Eagle and Child Public House, Shenfield
  • R21 Land South of Ingatestone, Ingatestone
  • R22 Land Adjacent to the A12, Ingatestone
  • R23 Brizes Corner Field, Kelvedon Hatch
  • R24 Land off Stocks Lane, Kelvedon Hatch
  • R25 Land North of Woollard Way, Blackmore
  • R26 Land North of Orchard Piece, Blackmore

Amend paragraph 9.17 to read:

9.17 The policy framework is set out as one policy in two parts three interrelated policiesy domains:

i. The Strategic Allocation - describing the overarching site requirements and land use parameters;

ii. The Spatial Design Masterplanning, Delivery and Legacy - prescribing the physical components needed to deliver the necessary quality for a healthy, liveable and sustainable village;, and iii. The Delivery Approach and Legacy Management - setting out the expectations for how the delivery of the scheme should be approached achieved to embed an ethos of co-design and participation, timely and good governance in delivery, and an embedded legacy management of the village assets.


To provide clarity and make the Plan effective




Page Number 252 - 253 , Policy R01(I)


Amend Policy R01(I) to read:

A.  1.  In line with Policy SP02 MG01, land at Dunton Hills (east of the A128, south of the A127 and north of the C2C railway line, approximately 259.2 ha in size) is allocated for residential-led mixed-use development to deliver Dunton Hills Garden Village.

B.  2.  The development will deliver a mix of uses to comprise around1,6502,700homes in the plan period (as part of an overall indicative capacity of around 4,000 homes, the remainder to be delivered beyond 2033) together with the necessary community, retail and employment development and, utility, transport and green and blue infrastructure (GBI)comprehensive infrastructure to support a self-sustaining, thriving and healthy garden village.

C.  Successful development of the site allocation will require:

a.  3.  to be underpinned by Garden Community principles and qualities; The development proposals shall accord with all other relevant policies in this Plan (including the master planning and delivery requirements of R01(ii)).

b.  proposals to creatively address the key site constraints and sensitively respond to the unique qualities and opportunities afforded by the historic and environmental setting to deliver a distinctive and well designed garden village in line with the Vision and Strategic Aims and Objectives for Dunton Hills Garden Village; and

c.  a holistic and comprehensive locally-led masterplan and design guidance to be developed, co-designed with relevant stakeholders to frame and guide the consistent quality and delivery across the site by different contractors over the delivery period.

D.  The proposed development will be required to deliver all the necessary supporting spatial components and infrastructure to address the specific site constraints, potential impacts of development and harness the site opportunities as set out by the strategic Dunton Hills aims and objectives. Permission for mixed-use development will be granted subject to the parameters and components specified below:

Housing Mix

a.  4.  Development proposals shall deliver delivery of at least 2,700 dwellings in the plan period providing a balanced an appropriate variety of housing typologies types and tenures in accordance with the Borough's identified needs and the specific needs of Dunton Hills Garden Village. They shall andincludes the provision of:

a.  self-build and custom build plots in line accordance with Policy HP01;

b.  specialist accommodation including three care homes of around 80 beds each,or an appropriate mix of specialist accommodation to meet identified needs, in line accordance with Policy HP04; and

c.  affordable housing in line accordance with Policy HP05; and

b.  d.  the provision of a minimum of 5 serviced Gypsy and Traveller pitches, the location of the pitches and the timing of their provision to be identified in the masterplan in line with PolicyHP07(b).

Employment Development

c.  5.  land (5.5 ha) for Development proposals shall deliver around 5.5 hectares of employment development distributed across the village that may include office, light industrial and research and development uses coming within use class E and other employment development that is complementary to, and compatible with, the residential development that is complementary to, and compatible with, the residential development. space (in line with Policy PC03) to accommodate a creative range of employment usessuitable for a vibrant village within and a predominantly residential area, including use class A1-A5 and appropriate B class uses;

Main Town Centre Uses

6.  Development proposals shall deliver main town centre uses in the form of a district shopping centre and such additional local centres (in accordance with Policy PC04) as may be appropriate in order to optimise the self-sufficiency of the village. These centres shall also include the community and health facilities and related infrastructure necessary to support the village's residential and working community.

Schools and Nurseries

7.  Development proposals shall make provision for:

d.  a.  land (circa 7.9 hectares) for a co-located secondary school (Use Class D1); a site for one secondary school (Class F1) (around 7.9 hectares) with capacity to co-locate one primary school and one early years and childcare nursery facility;

e.  b.  land (circa 2.1 hectares each) for two co-located primary school and early years and childcare nurseries (Use Class D1); sites for an additional two primary schools with sufficient capacity to co-locate early years and childcare nursery facilities (around 2.1 hectares each);

c.  a site for a further primary school with capacity to co-locate early years and childcare nursery facilities (around 2.1 hectares) in the eventuality primary education provision is not co-located with the secondary school; and

f.  d.  land (circa 0.13 hectares) for two a site for one stand-alone early years and childcare nursery (around 0.13 hectares).(Use Class D1);

g.  e.  community and health infrastructure proportional to the scale of development, and in line with best practice principles of healthy design;

Green and Blue Infrastructure

h.  8.  green and blue infrastructure to be a minimum of Not less than 50% of the total land allocated areashall comprise green and blue infrastructure which should, so far as possible, be of a multi-functional nature.

i.  provision in the form of a 'District Shopping Centre' with additional Local Centre(s) in line with Policy PC08, as appropriate to the scale and phasing of the development.

Mobility Hub

j.  9.  the provision of new and enhanced transport infrastructure to mitigate the impacts of development and to support sustainable modes of transport to travel to ensure connectivity to key destinations, increase transport choice, support changes in travel behaviour, and to minimise the impact of traffic on the local and wider network, in line with Policy BE16 and as detailed in R01(ii) G-J; Development proposals shall make provision for a sustainable transport hub that should relate well to the district centre.

k.  strategically designed and appropriately phased infrastructure, employing the most up to date technologies to ensure a smart, sustainable and a resilient basis for drainage and flood management in line with Policy BE08; water management including potable/ non-potable and opportunities for grey water harvesting in line with BE03; efficient and cost saving energy networks in line with Policy BE04; superfast broadband in line with Policy BE10.


To ensure the policy is consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 254 -267, Policy R01 (II), Policy R01 (III), Paragraph 9.24, Paragraph 9.32, Paragraph 9.44, Paragraph 9.45, Paragraph 9.72, Paragraph 9.76


Delete Policy R01(III).

Replace policy R01 (II) with the following:


1.  All development proposals in relation to the site shall be in accordance with an approved masterplan. The masterplan shall relate to the whole of the allocated site and be produced in consultation with local communities and all relevant stakeholders and shall include a statement that sets out how community and stakeholder involvement has influenced the design and layout of the submitted scheme and its intended delivery. The masterplan shall be submitted to the Council for its approval as part of the initial application for planning permission.

2.  The Masterplan shall:

a.  be locally led with the community and relevant stakeholders, in accordance with the Statement of Community Involvement;
b.  show the intended overall design and layout of the development and the proposed distribution and location of uses across the allocated site which shall accord with, be based upon and promote, garden community principles;
c.  demonstrate how heritage assets and their settings will be sympathetically and appropriately integrated into the development taking into account the requirements of para.3 (j) and (k) below;
d.  identify the proposed transport links, including access to the site and main internal highway links, and principal walking, cycling and bridle links (including links to the surrounding network);
e.  show all structural landscaping and the treatments to be provided (including boundary treatments and measures to ensure visual separation from Basildon);
f.  incorporate a green and blue infrastructure (GBI) plan which is informed by a comprehensive wildlife and habitat survey and heritage and landscape character assessments;
g.  show all intended links to the surrounding footpath and cycleway network and indicate potential footpath and cycleway links towards Basildon from the east of the allocated site;
h.  show how development will safeguard, maintain and, where possible, enhance key views in and across the allocated site;
i.  provide for convenient pedestrian and cycle links through the allocated site towards West Horndon Station;
j.  show how the development will incorporate the full range of sustainable transport measures, including dedicated bus services and the location and nature of a mobility hub;
k.  identify the locations and forms of the district and local centres, including the community and healthcare facilities to be provided within them; and
l.  include a phasing and implementation plan which should secure the phasing of development across the whole of the allocated site to ensure that the development will be carried out in a manner that co-ordinates the implementation and timely delivery of such on and off-site infrastructure as shall be necessary to support each phase of the development and to ensure that:

i.  its impacts are satisfactorily and appropriately mitigated;
ii.  there are adequate supporting facilities (including access to adequate green and blue infrastructure, leisure and sporting facilities, shops, health, community and educational facilities) that will allow the early establishment of a self-sufficient and cohesive community; and
iii.  occupiers have an appropriate range of sustainable travel options at their disposal, including access to bus services and the cycle and pedestrian link to West Horndon Station.

3.  Development proposals should:

a.  ensure that detailed design and layout take into account the guidance contained in an adopted Garden Village Design Supplementary Planning Document;
b.  ensure that the distinct spatial, landscape and heritage qualities of the site and its surroundings are maintained or enhanced;
c.  ensure that the design of neighbourhoods is such that they are harmoniously integrated to form an overall Dunton Hills Garden Village identity and distinctiveness;
d.  combine to provide an appropriate range of densities across the site to ensure a compact and highly networked, walkable and fine-grained environment with a highly connected street-based layout that encourages walking and cycling;
e.  provide, or relate appropriately to, well-located multi-functional green infrastructure to promote safe, and attractive environments for leisure, informal and adventure play areas, recreational and sporting activity with appropriate levels of surveillance;
f.  promote coherent signposted internal footpath and cycleway routes that provide, where appropriate, links to the surrounding network with sympathetic transitions between the rural and urban environment;
g.  provide or contribute to a highly connected and biodiverse ecological network that incorporates existing habitats of value and natural features and, wherever possible and appropriate, the enhancement of existing, or the creation of new, habitats; and
h.  provide an appropriate level of formal sports pitches and facilities to meet the evolving needs of the community;
i.  ensure the public right of way (PRoW) is retained, maintained and enhanced;
j.  take into account the findings of the Council's Heritage Impact Assessment for Dunton Hills Garden Village and the applicant's own heritage impact assessment and demonstrate what measures have been taken to sustain the significance of any affected designated and non-designated heritage asset and its setting, whether on or off-siteand, wherever possible and appropriate, include other measures to provide enhancements to their settings; and
k.  take into account the results of a programme of archaeological evaluation based upon a geophysical survey of the development area.


1.  The development shall be delivered in accordance with the phasing and implementation plan

2.  A mobility hub shall be delivered prior to the first occupation of the development with provision for its enhancement and expansion during later phases to be secured through a planning obligation.

3.  The first primary school with early years provision shall be delivered prior to the occupation of the 200th dwelling with the delivery of the further primary schools and the secondary school to be determined in consultation with Essex County Council. Planning obligations will be sought to secure the timely transfer of the land needed to accommodate the schools along with any necessary financial contributions towards educational provision.

4.  Where directly related to Dunton Hills Garden Village applicants will be required to make necessary, appropriate and reasonable financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be necessary and reasonably required by National Highways and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes) unless, in the case of the A127/128 junction, the applicant enters into a s.278 Agreement for its timely construction, if more appropriate;
b.  necessary bus services to nearby school facilities prior to the delivery of on-site school facilities which services shall be secured before first residential occupation of the development;
c.  phased improvements to West Horndon Station in accordance with policy BE08 to increase its capacity and utility in line with anticipated demand generated by each phase the development;
d.  off-setting improvements to the Hartswood Golf Course.

5.  Appropriate restrictions on the occupation of the development will be imposed subject to the carrying out and completion of necessary highway works to secure safe and convenient access to the site, including any necessary improvements to the A128 corridor.

6.  Proposals shall include a supporting statement which addresses the long-term governance and stewardship arrangements (including the management, maintenance and renewal) of the green and blue infrastructure, the public realm, community and other relevant public facilities. Planning obligations will be sought to secure the long term funding, maintenance and stewardship of the assets where necessary.

7.  Proposals shall include a supporting statement that includes initiatives to ensure that new jobs created are offered to local people, as far as may be reasonably possible.

Amend para 9.24 to read:

The Council will adopt the Dunton Hills Garden Village Design Supplementary Planning Document to give guidance to subsequent applications. The sections that follow elaborate on the spatial vision and policy requirements which should be incorporated into the masterplan and any subsequent applications. Thise visionfor Dunton Hills Garden Village was defined following two Design Review workshops withDesign Council CABE in 2016, as well as a broad analysis of site constraints andopportunities.

Amend paragraph 9.32 to read:

Delivering great, affordable homes will be key to making the village distinctive and desirable. At least 1,6502,700 homes are planned within the Plan period, with an indicative capacity of around 4,000 (with the remainder to be delivered after 2033, subject to further feasibility and assessment of impact). Homes, like the public realm, should be well designed and provide a range of choice (dwelling sizes, tenure) to encourage a balanced community from all stages of life to form.

Insert new paragraph after paragraph 9.35 to read:

In accordance with the Golf Course Needs Assessment and the Golf Feasibility Assessment, the loss of entry level golf at Dunton Hills Garden Village should be mitigated by an appropriate financial contribution being secured through a planning obligation that would be used towards enhancements to the Borough Council's Hartwood Golf Course.

Amend paragraph 9.44 to read:

The creative interweaving of productive landscapes within the GBI network will be favourably considered. The agricultural heritage of the site also provides a distinctive cultural context to inspire green infrastructure with a focus on food production and foraging as alternatives to grassed verges; while grass verges are well-loved in garden communities, alternatives or additional elements, such as sensory street verges through the use of, for example, culinary herbs or linear orchards could also add another dimension to the much-loved and expected tree-lined and green verge-lined residential avenues. Allotments and open space should be provided in accordance with Policy NE05 and NE06 Some allotments should be created for any residential properties which may not have a garden.

Add new para after title Designated & Non-designated heritage assets, before para 9.45, to read:

The site contains and is surrounded by the following listed buildings, designated heritage assets and non-designated heritage assets as set out in the Heritage Impact Assessment:

  • Dunton Hills (Grade II listed building) on-site;
  • Dunton Hall (Grade II listed building) on-site;
  • Church of St Mary (Grade II listed building) off-site;
  • Church of All Saints (Grade II* listed building) off-site;
  • Nightingale Hall (non-designated) on-site;
  • Nightingales Lane (non-designated) on-site;
  • Windmill - site of (non-designated) on-site;
  • Cottages at entrance to golf course (non-designated) on-site.
    Development proposals will be considered by reference to the requirements of Policy BE16 and the specific requirements of R01(ii).

Amend paragraph 9.72 to read:

Strategic Objective DH02b (all through learning) will deliver an exemplar all through school with a design that fosters a learning environment for alleducation facilities that meet the needs of all types of learners and through life, from nursery through to adult learning opportunities.

Amend paragraph 9.76 to read:

Equally however, the village centre(s) themselves should provide opportunities for localised employment, to ensure a thriving local economy ensues. The spaces should be designed to flexibly accommodate A1-A5 use classes as well as appropriate B1 Class E and other employment development and other community spaces that are complementary to, and compatible with, the residential development, thinking particularly about the entrepreneurial potential of the area.


To remove duplications and make the policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 269 - 271, Policy R02, Paragraph 9.90, Paragraph 9.94, Paragraph 9.95


Amend Policy to read:

Land at West Horndon Industrial Estate, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for residential-led mixed use development.Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  1.  Amount and Type of Development

Development should provide:

a.  provision foraround 580 new homes of mixed size and type, including affordable housing;

b.  provision for a residential care home (around 60 bedresidential care home or an appropriate mix of specialist accommodation to meet identified needs,in accordance with policy HP04. scheme as part of the overall allocation);

c.  provision for5% self-build and custom build housing across the entire allocation area;and

d.  provision ofaround 2ha of land for employment purposes which may include light industrial, offices, research and development (within class E) or other sui generis employment uses which are compatible with the residential development. and

e.  retail, commercial and leisure floorspace sufficient to meet the needs of the new community;

B.  2.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  be accompanied by a comprehensive masterplan and phasing strategy to be prepared and considered as planning application inform detailed proposals as they comes forward;

b.  provide vehicular access via Station Road and Childerditch Lane;
create creating a new village centre, connected by sustainable links to West Horndon station, and which comprises retail and supporting community facilities;

d.  provide new and enhanced links with West Horndon station and the wider area; and

e.  provide well-connected internal road layouts which allow for good accessibility;

f.  provide provision for new multi-functional green infrastructure, including public open space in accordance with Policies NE02 and NE05;

g.  provide for appropriate landscaping and buffers along sensitive boundary adjoining the railway line; and

h.  any future development should sustain and where possible enhance the significance of the Scheduled former parish church and churchyard of St Nicholas, the Grade II* listed Registered Park and Garden of Thorndon Hall, and the Thorndon Park Conservation Area and their settings.

C.  3.  Infrastructure Requirements

a.  provision of for improved bus service;

b.  provision of for health facilities; and

c.  as the site is located within a Critical Drainage Area.This developmentmay have the potential to impact on the Critical Drainage Area in respect of surface water flooding. As a result of this, the site is likely to require an individually designed mitigation scheme to address this issue should minimise and mitigate surface water runoff in line with Policy BE05 Sustainable Drainage.

4.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways (M25, J28 and J29) and Essex County Council (A127/B186) in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

b.  necessary bus services to secondary school facilities prior to the delivery of secondary school at Dunton Hills Garden Village, which services shall be secured before first residential occupation of the development;

c.  phased improvements to West Horndon Station in accordance with policy BE08 to increase its capacity and utility in line with anticipated demand generated by each phase the development.

Amend second sentence of paragraph 9.90 to read:

The site will provide for around 580 homes, anticipated to be delivered between 2021/22 and 2030/31 2026/27 and 2032/33.

Delete paragraph 9.94

New paragraph to be inserted after paragraph 9.95 to read:

Development of this site will need to sustain and, where opportunities arise, enhance the Scheduled former parish church and churchyard of St Nicholas, the Grade II* listed Registered Park and Garden of Thorndon Hall, and Thorndon Park Conservation Area and their settings.


To make the policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 271 - 273, Policy R03, Paragraph 9.98, Paragraph 9.100, Paragraph 9.104, Paragraph 9.105


Amend Policy R03 to read:

Land north of Shenfield, as shown in Appendix 2, known as Officer's Meadow and surrounding land is allocated for residential-led mixed-use development. Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  1.  Amount and Type of Development

Development should provide:

a.  provision for around 825 new homes of mixed size and type, including affordable housing

b.  provision of land (circa around 2.1 hectares) of land for a co-located primary school and early years and childcare nursery (Use Class D1);

provision for a residential care home (around 60 bed residential care home or an appropriate mix of specialist accommodation to meet identified needs, in accordance with policy HP04. scheme as part of the overall allocation);

c.  provision for 5% self-build and custom build housing across the entire allocation area; and

d.  provision of around 2ha of land for employment purposes which may include light industrial, offices, research and development (within class E) or other sui generis employment uses which are compatible with the residential development.

B.  2.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  be accompanied by a comprehensive masterplan and phasing strategy to be prepared and considered as planning applications inform detailed proposals as theycome forward;

b.  site is identified as a key gateway location and development should be of a design quality and layout that reflect reflects this in terms of design quality particularly its key gateway location, particularly on land near to Junction 12, A12;

c.  provide vehicular access via Chelmsford Road (A1023) and Alexander Lane;

d.  allow if possible potential for the diversion of Alexander Lane to creating create a quiet lane for pedestrians and cyclists, with the provision for new and improved route through the development site linking to Chelmsford Road;

e.  enhancing sustainable links enhance walking, cycling and public transport services with Shenfield station and local services and facilities in the wider area, including Brentwood Town Centre;

f.  provide well-connected internal road layouts which allow for good accessibility;

g.  provision provide new multi-functional green infrastructure including public open space in accordance with Policies NE02 and NE05;

h.  maintain and enhance PublicRightof Way within the site and to the wider area; and

i.  protect and where appropriate enhance the Local Wildlife Site (Arnold's Wood);

j.  provide for appropriate landscaping and buffers along sensitive boundaries adjoining the A12 and railway line;

k.  maintain the same amount of existing playing field provision on site or, where this cannot be achieved, provide replacement playing fields (including supporting ancillary facilities) of equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in a suitable location prior to commencement of development on the playing field. Any replacement playing field provision should not prejudice Shenfield High School or the community from meeting their playing pitch needs; and

l.  be designed to ensure a coherent functional relationship with the existing development, which should be well integrated into the layout of the overall masterplan.

C.  3.  Infrastructure Requirements

Proposals should:

a.  provide pedestrian and cycle crossing points across Chelmsford Road (A1023) where appropriate; and

b.  provision for provide an improved bus service.; and

c.  as the site is located within a Critical Drainage Area.This developmentmay have the potential to impact on the Critical Drainage Area in respect of surface water flooding. As a result of this, the site is likely to require an individually designed mitigation scheme to address this issue should minimise and mitigate surface water runoff in line with Policy BE05 Sustainable Drainage.

4.   Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

b.  'quietway' cycle routes connecting transfer hubs to schools in Brentwood Town Centre.

Insert an additional paragraph before paragraph 9.98 to read:

This policy does not apply to the existing properties that existed prior to the adoption of the Plan.

Amend paragraph 9.100 as follows:

Given the scale of development, a wide range of new community services and facilities including a new co-located primary school and early years and childcare nursery, open space and play facilities are required. These services and facilities should be of an appropriate scale to serve the new communities and located where they will be easily accessible by walking, cycling and public transport to the majority of residents in the development.

Delete paragraph 9.104

Amend paragraph 9.105 to read

The development will be required to provide appropriate habitat mitigation and creation, and appropriate buffers to the Local Wildlife Site (Arnold's Wood). As the site is located within a Critical Drainage Area early consultation with the Lead Local Flood Authority (Essex County Council) will be required to determine appropriate mitigation which should be incorporated into the overall design of the scheme. The site falls within the Shenfield CDA and is at potential risk of flooding from surface water as show on the EAs Risk of Flooding From Surface Water Maps. Any development within this area should be directed away from areas of existing flooding and where possible should try to have a positive impact on existing areas of flood risk downstream of the development. Early Engagement with the LLFA in this area is critical to ensure that existing and potential flood risk is properly managed.


To make the policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 274 - 275, Policy R04 and R05, Paragraph 9.106, Paragraph 9.109, Paragraph 9.110


Amend the Policy R04 and R05 to read:

Policy R04 and R05: Ford Headquarters and Council Depot

The Ford Headquarters and Council Depot, Warley, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for residential-led, mixed-use development. Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  1.  Amount and Type of Development

Development should provide:

a.  provision for around 473 133 new homes of mixed size and type, including affordable housing;

b.  provision for a residential care home (around 60 bed residential care home or an appropriate mix of specialist accommodation to meet identified needs, in accordance with policy HP04. scheme as part of the overall allocation);

c.  provision for 5% self-build and custom build housing across the entire allocation area; and

d.  provision of around 2ha of land for employment purposes which may include light industrial, offices, research and development (within class E) or other sui generis employment uses which are compatible with the residential development.

B.  2.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  be accompanied by a comprehensive masterplan and phasing strategy to be prepared and considered as planning applications inform detailed proposals as they come forward;

b.  provide vehicular access via Eagle Way and The Drive;

c.  provide well-connected internal road layouts which allows for good accessibility;

d.  integrate existing community facilities within new development provision for new multi-functional green infrastructure including public open space;

e.  provide for new multi-functional green infrastructure including public open space in accordance with Policies NE02 and NE05;

f.  consideration of historic context for the area; any future development should sustain and where possible enhance the significance of the Grade II listed Blenheim House and the Chapel of the Royal Anglian and Essex Regiments and their settings;

g.  preserve the setting of two listed buildings on adjoining land to the west; and

h.  g.  protect and where appropriate enhance the Local Wildlife Sites (Barrack Wood/Donkey Lane Plantation); and

i.  h.  provide an improved bus service.

C.  3.  Infrastructure Requirements Drainage

a.  Provision for improved bus service; and

b.  As the site is located within a Critical Drainage Area.This developmentmay have the potential to impact on the Critical Drainage Area in respect of surface water flooding. As a result of this, the site is likely to require an individually designed mitigation scheme to address this issue should minimise and mitigate surface water runoff in line with Policy BE05 Sustainable Drainage.

4.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

b.  'quietway' cycle routes connecting transfer hubs to schools in Brentwood Town Centre.

Amend second sentence of paragraph 9.106 to read:

The site will provide for around 473 133 homes, anticipated to be delivered between 2024/25 and 2032/33 2022/23 and 2024/25.

Delete paragraph 9.109

Amend paragraph 9.110 of supporting text to read:

Development of this site will need to sustain and, where opportunities arise, enhance the Grade II listed Blenheim House and the Chapel of the Royal Anglian and Essex Regiments and their settings. This development should be of high quality design. The historic context of the site including previous use by the Essex Regiment and current use by Ford Motor Company provides an opportunity to promote local history


To make the policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 276 - 277, Policy R06, Paragraph 9.113, Paragraph 9.115


Amend Policy R06 to read:

Land off Nags Head Lane, Brentwood, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for housing development around 125 new homes. Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  Amount and Type of Development

a.  provision for around 125 new homes of mixed size and type.

B.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  provide vehicular access via Nags Head Lane

b.  provision provide for good pedestrian and cycle connections to routes identified within the Brentwood Cycle Action Plan or other relevant evidence;

c.  provision provide for public open space in accordance with policies NE02 and NE05; and

d.  provide for sensitive landscaping along the north and eastern boundaries adjoining existing commercial development and residential dwellings; and

e.  any future development at R06 should sustain and where possible enhance the significance of The Grade II listed Nags Head public house and its setting.

C.  2.  Infrastructure Requirements Drainage

a.  As the site is located within a Critical Drainage Area.This development may have the potential to impact on the Critical Drainage Area in respect of surface water flooding. As a result of this, the site is likely to require an individually designed mitigation scheme to address this issue should minimise and mitigate surface water runoff in line with Policy BE05 Sustainable Drainage.

3.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

b.  'quietway' cycle routes connecting transfer hubs to schools in Brentwood Town Centre.

Amend third sentence of paragraph 9.113 to read:

The site will provide for around 125 homes, anticipated to be delivered between 2021/22 and 2025/26 2022/23 and 2025/26.

Delete paragraph 9.115

Additional supporting text to be inserted after paragraph 9.115 to read:

Development of this site will need to sustain and, where opportunities arise, enhance the Grade II listed Nags Head public house and its setting. This development should be of high quality design.


To make the policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 277 - 278, Policy R07, Paragraph 9.117, Paragraph 9.119, Paragraph 9.120


Amend Policy R07 to read:

Sow and Grow Nursery, Pilgrims Hatch, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for housing development. around 38 new homes. Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  Amount and Type of Development

a.  provision for around 38 new homes of mixed size and type, including affordable housing.

B.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  provide vehicular access via Ongar Road;

b.  provision provide for good pedestrian and cycle connections to routes identified within the Brentwood Cycle Action Plan or other relevant evidence;

c.  preserve the setting of the Historic Park and Garden site (South Weald Park) to west of the site any future development should sustain and where possible enhance the significance of the Grade II listed Registered Park and Garden of South Weald Park and its setting; and

d.  provide for sensitive landscaping along the south western boundary adjoining the allotments.

C.  2.  Infrastructure Requirements Drainage

a.  As the site is located within a Critical Drainage Area.This developmentmay have the potential to impact on the Critical Drainage Area in respect of surface water flooding. As a result of this, the site is likely to require an individually designed mitigation scheme to address this issue should minimise and mitigate surface water runoff in line with Policy BE05 Sustainable Drainage.

3.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

b.  'quietway' cycle routes connecting transfer hubs to schools in Brentwood Town Centre.

Amend fourth sentence of paragraph 9.117 to read:

The site will provide for around 37 homes, anticipated to be delivered between 2020/21 and 2021/22 in 2022/23.

Delete paragraph 9.119

Amend paragraph 9.120 of supporting text to read:

Development of this site will need to sustain and, where opportunities arise, enhance the Grade II listed Registered Park and Garden of South Weald Park and its setting. This development should be of high quality design and The development will be required to provide appropriate landscaping and buffers to protect the amenity of the adjoining allotments and setting of the nearby Historic Park and Garden at South Weald Park


To make the policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 278 - 279, Policy R08, Paragraph 9.122, Paragraph 9.124


Amend Policy R08 to read:

Land at Mascalls Lane, Warley, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for housing development. for around 9 new homes. Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  Amount and Type of Development

a.  provision for around 9 new homes of mixed size and type.

B.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  provide vehicular access via Mascalls Lane; and

b.  provide for appropriate landscaping along sensitive landscaping along the north, east and western boundaries adjoining existing residential dwellings.

C.  2.  Infrastructure Requirements Drainage

a.  As the site is located within a Critical Drainage Area.This developmentmay have the potential to impact on the Critical Drainage Area in respect of surface water flooding. As a result of this, the site is likely to require an individually designed mitigation scheme to address this issue should minimise and mitigate surface water runoff in line with Policy BE05 Sustainable Drainage.

Amend third sentence of paragraph 9.122 to read:

The site will provide for around 9 homes anticipated to be delivered in 2020/21 2022/23.

Delete paragraph 9.124


To make the policy justified and effective




Page Number 279 - 280, Policy R09, Paragraph 9.126, Paragraph 9.128, Paragraph 9.129


Amend Policy R09 to read:

Land off Warley Hill, Warley, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for housing development. around 43 new homes. Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  Amount and Type of Development

a.  provision for around 43 new homes of mixed size and type, including affordable housing.

B.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  provide vehicular access via Pastoral Way;

b.  preserve the setting of nearby listed buildings any future development should sustain and where possible enhance the significance of the Grade II listed Warley Hospital, Tower at Warley Hospital and Lodge to Warley Hospital and their settings; and

c.  provide for sensitive landscaping throughout the site and consider the need for the retention of some existing trees on site where appropriate.

C.  2.  Infrastructure Requirements Drainage

a.  As the site is located within a Critical Drainage Area.This developmentmay have the potential to impact on the Critical Drainage Area in respect of surface water flooding. As a result of this, the site is likely to require an individually designed mitigation scheme to address this issue should minimise and mitigate surface water runoff in line with Policy BE05 Sustainable Drainage.

3.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

b.  'quietway' cycle routes connecting transfer hubs to schools in Brentwood Town Centre.

Amend third sentence of paragraph 9.126 to read:

The site will provide for around 43 homes, anticipated to be delivered between 2023/24 and 2024/25 2022/23 and 2023/24.

Delete paragraph 9.128

Amend paragraph 9.129 of supporting text to read:

The site forms part of the former Warley Hospital estate with nearby Grade II Listed Buildings situated to the north (Tower House and Lodge at Warley Hospital). The setting of these will need appropriate consideration in forming the design and layout of the site. Development of this site will need to sustain and, where opportunities arise, enhance the Grade II listed Warley Hospital, Tower at Warley Hospital and Lodge to Warley Hospital and their settings. This development should be of high quality design.


To make policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 280 - 282, Policy R10, Paragraph 9.131, Paragraph 9.133


Amend Policy R10 to read:

Brentwood Railway Station car park, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for housing development. around 100 200 new homes. Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  Amount and Type of Development

a.  provision for around 100 new homes of mixed size and type, including affordable housing.

B.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  provide vehicular access via St. James Road;

b.  provision provide for good pedestrian and cycle connection to routes identified within the Brentwood Cycle Action Plan or other relevant evidence;

c.  provision provide for public open space as required by Policy NE05; and

d.  development proposals should consider wider Town Centre parking needs in collaboration with other development sites where there is existing parking on site, in order to ensure that the current level of Town Centre public parking spaces is maintained parking on site is sufficient to meet existing and future rail traveller needs.

C.  2.  Infrastructure Requirements Drainage

a.  As the site is located within a Critical Drainage Area.This developmentmay have the potential to impact on the Critical Drainage Area in respect of surface water flooding. As a result of this, the site is likely to require an individually designed mitigation scheme to address this issue should minimise and mitigate surface water runoff in line with Policy BE05 Sustainable Drainage.

3.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

b.  'quietway' cycle routes connecting transfer hubs to schools in Brentwood Town Centre.

Amend third sentence of paragraph 9.131 to read:

The site will provide for around 100 200 homes, anticipated to be delivered between 2029/30 and 2032/33.

Delete paragraph 9.133


To make policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 282 - 283, Policy R11, Paragraph 9.137, Paragraph 9.139, Paragraph 9.140


Amend Policy R11 to read:

Land off Westbury Road, Brentwood, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for housing development. around 45 new homes. Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  Amount and Type of Development

a.  provision for around 45 new homes of mixed size and type, including affordable housing

B.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  provide vehicular access via Westbury Road;

b.  site is identified as a key opportunity area within the Town Centre Design Plan and development should reflect this in terms of design quality; be designed to a high standard to meet the objectives of the Town Centre Design Plan as part of a key opportunity area;

c.  provision provide for good pedestrian and cycle connections to routes identified within the Brentwood Cycle Action Plan or other relevant evidence;

d.  preserve and where appropriate enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area which adjoins the site; any future development at R11 should sustain and where possible enhance the significance of the Brentwood Town Centre Conservation Area and the Grade II listed building at 120 High Street and their settings;

e.  preserve the setting of nearby listed buildings

f.  e.  be accompanied by a heritage assessment taking account of archaeological potential for the historic core of Brentwood; and

g.  f.  development proposals should consider wider Town Centre parking needs in collaboration with other development sites where there is existing parking on site, in order to ensure that the current level of Town Centre public parking spaces is maintained. the retention of public parking spaces to be reconfigured and integrated with the new development, provided that the number of spaces to be included is sufficient to meet overall town centre public parking needs in combination with other public parking provision within the town centre.

C.  2.  Infrastructure Requirements Drainage

a.  As the site is located within a Critical Drainage Area.This developmentmay have the potential to impact on the Critical Drainage Area in respect of surface water flooding. As a result of this, the site is likely to require an individually designed mitigation scheme to address this issue should minimise and mitigate surface water runoff in line with Policy BE05 Sustainable Drainage.

3.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

b.  'quietway' cycle routes connecting transfer hubs to schools in Brentwood Town Centre.

Amend third sentence of paragraph 9.137 to read:

The site will provide for around 45 homes, anticipated to be delivered between 2020/21 and 2021/22 in 2023/24.

Delete paragraph 9.139

Amend paragraph 9.140 of supporting text to read:

The site is situated in an important central location in within Brentwood Town Centre. Development of this site will need to sustain and, where opportunities arise, enhance the Grade II listed building at 120 High Street, and the Brentwood Town Centre Conservation Area and their settings. Appropriate consideration therefore needs to be given to preservation and where appropriate enhancing the nearby Conservation Area and setting of Listed Buildings.


To make the policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 283 - 284, Policy R12, Paragraph 9.142, Paragraph 9.144


Amend Policy R12 to read:

Land at Hunter House, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for housing development around 48 new homes. Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  Amount and Type of Development

a.  provision for around 48 new homes of mixed size and type, including affordable housing

B.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  provide vehicular access via Western Road;

b.  provision provide for good pedestrian and cycle connections to routes identified within the Brentwood Cycle Action Plan or other relevant evidence;

c.  any future development at R12 should sustain and where possible enhance the significance of the Brentwood Town Centre Conservation Area and its setting; and

c.  d.  be accompanied by a heritage assessment taking account of archaeological potential for the historic core of Brentwood.

C.  2.  Infrastructure Requirements Drainage

a.  As the site is located within a Critical Drainage Area.This developmentmay have the potential to impact on the Critical Drainage Area in respect of surface water flooding. As a result of this, the site is likely to require an individually designed mitigation scheme to address this issue should minimise and mitigate surface water runoff in line with Policy BE05 Sustainable Drainage.

3.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

b.  'quietway' cycle routes connecting transfer hubs to schools in Brentwood Town Centre.

Amend third sentence of paragraph 9.142 to read:

The site will provide for around 48 homes, anticipated to be delivered between 2024/25 2025/26 and 2026/27.

Delete paragraph 9.144

Additional supporting text to be inserted after paragraph 9.144 to read:

Development of this site will need to sustain and, where opportunities arise, enhance the Brentwood Town Centre Conservation Area and its setting. This development should be of high quality design.


To make the policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 285 - 286, Policy R13, Paragraph 9.146, Paragraph 9.148


Amend Policy R13 to read:

Chatham Way car park, Brentwood, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for housing development around 31 new homes. Development proposals should consider the following:

Amount and Type of Development

provision for around 31 new homes of mixed size and type, including affordable housing.

B.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  provide vehicular access via Chatham Way;

b.  provision provide for good pedestrian and cycle connections;

c.  possible retention retain of as much public car parking as possible along with Westbury Road and William Hunter Way Housing sites;

d.  preserve and where appropriate enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area which the site is situated within any future development should sustain and where possible enhance the Brentwood Town Centre Conservation Area and its setting;

e.  be accompanied by a heritage assessment taking account of archaeological potential for the historic core of Brentwood.; and

f.  development proposals should consider wider Town Centre parking needs in collaboration with other development sites where there is existing parking on site, in order to ensure that the current level of Town Centre public parking spaces is maintained. the retention of public parking spaces to be reconfigured and integrated with the new development, provided that the number of spaces to be included is sufficient to meet overall town centre public parking needs in combination with other public parking provision within the town centre.

C.  2.  Infrastructure Requirements Drainage

a.  As the site is located within a Critical Drainage Area.This developmentmay have the potential to impact on the Critical Drainage Area in respect of surface water flooding. As a result of this, the site is likely to require an individually designed mitigation scheme to address this issue should minimise and mitigate surface water runoff in line with Policy BE05 Sustainable Drainage.


3.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

b.  'quietway' cycle routes connecting transfer hubs to schools in Brentwood Town Centre.

Amend third sentence of paragraph 9.146 to read:

The site will provide for around 31 homes, anticipated to be delivered between 2020/21 and 2021/22 in 2026/27.

Delete paragraph 9.148

Additional supporting text to be inserted after paragraph 9.148 to read:

Development of this site will need to sustain and, where opportunities arise, enhance the Brentwood Town Centre Conservation Area and its setting. This development should be of high quality design.


To make the policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 286 - 287, Policy R14, Paragraph 9.150, Paragraph 9.152


Amend Policy R14 to read:

William Hunter Way car park, Brentwood, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for housing and retail residential-led mixed use development. Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  1.  Amount and Type of Development

Development should provide:

a.  provision for around 300 new homes of mixed size and type, including affordable housing; and

b.  provision for retail use, commercial and leisure floorspace sufficient to meet the needs of the new community;

B.  2.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  provide vehicular access via William Hunter Way;

b.  site is identified as a key opportunity area within the Town Centre Design Plan and development should reflect this in terms of design quality; be designed to a high standard to meet the objectives of the Town Centre Design Plan as part of a key opportunity area;

c.  be the subject of a comprehensive masterplan to be developed to inform detailed proposals as they come forward, to include with full consideration of the sensitive site edges;

d.  provision provide for good pedestrian and cycle connections to routes identified in the Brentwood Cycle Action Plan or other relevant evidence;

e.  preserve and where appropriate enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area which adjoins the site any future development should sustain and where possible enhance the Brentwood Town Centre Conservation Area and its setting;

f.  be accompanied by a heritage assessment taking account of archaeological potential for the historic core of Brentwood.; and

g.  development proposals should consider wider Town Centre parking needs in collaboration with other development sites where there is existing parking on site, in order to ensure that the current level of Town Centre public parking spaces is maintained the retention of public parking spaces to be reconfigured and integrated with the new development, provided that the number of spaces to be included is sufficient to meet overall town centre public parking needs in combination with other public parking provision within the town centre.

C.  3.  Infrastructure Requirements Drainage

a.  As the site is located within a Critical Drainage Area.This developmentmay have the potential to impact on the Critical Drainage Area in respect of surface water flooding. As a result of this, the site is likely to require an individually designed mitigation scheme to address this issue should minimise and mitigate surface water runoff in line with Policy BE05 Sustainable Drainage.

4.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

b.  'quietway' cycle routes connecting transfer hubs to schools in Brentwood Town Centre.

Amend third sentence of paragraph 9.150 to read:

The site will provide for around 300 homes, anticipated to be delivered between 2022/23 and 2028/29 in 2026/27.

Delete paragraph 9.152

Additional supporting text to be inserted after paragraph 9.152 to read:

Development of this site will need to sustain and, where opportunities arise, enhance the Brentwood Town Centre Conservation Area and its setting. This development should be of high quality design.


To make the policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 288 - 289, Policy R15, Paragraph 9.154, Paragraph 9.156, Paragraph 9.158


Amend Policy R15 to read:

Wates Way Industrial Estate, Brentwood, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for housing and retail residential-led mixed use development. Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  1.  Amount and Type of Development

Development should provide:

a.  provision for around 80 46 new homes of mixed size and type, including affordable housing; and

b.  provision for retail use, commercial and leisure floorspace sufficient to meet the needs of the new community;

B.  2.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  provide vehicular access via Ongar Road;

b.  provision provide for public open space as required by policy NE05;

c.  provision provide for good pedestrian and cycle connections to routes identified in the Brentwood Cycle Action Plan or other relevant evidence; and

d.  consideration of historic context for the area.

C.  3.  Infrastructure Requirements Drainage

a.  As the site is located within a Critical Drainage Area.This developmentmay have the potential to impact on the Critical Drainage Area in respect of surface water flooding. As a result of this, the site is likely to require an individually designed mitigation scheme to address this issue should minimise and mitigate surface water runoff in line with Policy BE05 Sustainable Drainage.

4.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

b.  'quietway' cycle routes connecting transfer hubs to schools in Brentwood Town Centre.

Amend third sentence of paragraph 9.154 to read:

The site will provide for around 80 46 homes, anticipated to be delivered between 2022/23 and 2025/26 2023/24.

Delete paragraph 9.156

Delete paragraph 9.158


To make the policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 289 - 290, Policy R16 and R17, Paragraph 9.160, Paragraph 9.162


Amend Policy R16 and R17 to read:

Policy R16 & R17: Land off Doddinghurst Road

Land off Doddinghurst Road, Pilgrims Hatch and Brentwood as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for around 200 new homes. residential development. Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  Amount and Type of Development

a.  provision for around 200 new homes of mixed size and type, including affordable housing.

B.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  provide vehicular access via Doddinghurst Road;

b.  provision provide for public open space as required by policy NE05;

c.  provision provide for good pedestrian and cycle connections to routes identified in the Brentwood Cycle Action Plan or other relevant evidence; and

d.  provide for appropriate landscaping and buffers along sensitive boundary adjoining the A12; and

e.  provide improved bus service.

C.  2.  Infrastructure Requirements Drainage

a.  provide improved bus service;

As the site is located within a Critical Drainage Area.This developmentmay have the potential to impact on the Critical Drainage Area in respect of surface water flooding. As a result of this, the site is likely to require an individually designed mitigation scheme to address this issue should minimise and mitigate surface water runoff in line with Policy BE05 Sustainable Drainage.

3.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

b.  'quietway' cycle routes connecting transfer hubs to schools in Brentwood Town Centre.

Amend fourth sentence of paragraph 9.160 to read:

The site will provide for around 200 homes, anticipated to be delivered between 2023/24 and 2026/27 2022/23 and 2025/26.

Delete paragraph 9.162


To make the policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 290 - 291 , Policy R18, Paragraphs 9.165 - 9.170


Delete Policy R18 and paragraphs 9.165 to 9.170


As the site has secured planning permission ref: 19/00937/FUL therefore allocation no longer required




Page Number 292-293 , Policy R19, Paragraph 9.171, Paragraph 9.174, Paragraph 9.175


Amend Policy R19 to read:

Land at Priests Lane, Shenfield, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for around 75 new homes residential development. Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  Amount and Type of Development

a.  provision for around 45 new homes of mixed size and type, including affordable housing; and

b.  potential for the provision of a care home (around 40 bed scheme as part of the overall allocation).

B.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  provide vehicular access points via Priests Lane;

b.  provision provide for public open space as required by policy NE05 or a financial contribution towards other open space improvements within the borough;

c.  provision provide for good pedestrian and cycle connections to routes identified in the Brentwood Cycle Action Plan or other relevant evidence.; and

d.  provision provide land for Endeavour School expansion; and

e.  provide replacement playing field provision in the form of an appropriate financial contribution being made towards new or enhanced playing field projects within the Borough.

C.  2.  Infrastructure Requirements Drainage

a.  As the site is located within a Critical Drainage Area.This developmentmay have the potential to impact on the Critical Drainage Area in respect of surface water flooding. As a result of this, the site is likely to require an individually designed mitigation scheme to address this issue should minimise and mitigate surface water runoff in line with Policy BE05 Sustainable Drainage.

3.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

b.  'quietway' cycle routes connecting transfer hubs to schools in Brentwood Town Centre.

Amend paragraph 9.171 to read:

This site is located to the south of Shenfield on land off Priests Lane. The site adjoins the railway line on the south eastern boundary and residential dwellings on the north, east and southern boundaries. The site will provide for around 45 75 homes, anticipated to be delivered between 2021/22 and 2022/23 2022/23 and 2023/24. It will provide a mix of size and type of homes including affordable and older persons housing in accordance with the Council's policy requirements.

Delete paragraph 9.174

Amend paragraph 9.175 to read:

The Endeavour School (a Special Educational Needs school), which adjoins the site to the south, is seeking to expand to accommodate a 6th form. Essex County Council welcomes this proposal and intends to commission some of the places for local children with an Education Health and Care Plan. The 6th form provision will enable local children to continue their education within their community and reduce travel time to specialist establishments elsewhere. The school does not currently have the available land to expand. Land adjoining the school within the development site should be utilised to accommodate the expansion.

Add new paragraph to follow para 9.175 to read:

The development of the site will result in the loss of land last used as Brentwood Ursuline School's detached playing fields and was also used by local football clubs. The Councils' Playing Pitch Strategy identifies deficiencies in playing pitch provision and recommends that the loss of this site be mitigated through the development of replacement facilities elsewhere in the Borough. Development of this site will therefore be expected to mitigate the loss of the playing fields through an appropriate financial contribution being secured towards the delivery of off-site playing field


To make the policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 293, Policy R20, Paragraphs 9.177 - 9.180


Delete Policy R20 and paragraphs 9.177 to 9.180


The site has secured planning permission ref: 19/00268/FUL therefore allocation no longer required




Page Number 294 - 295, Policy R21, Paragraph 9.181, Paragraph 9.184


Amend Policy R21 to read:

Land south of Ingatestone, comprising former garden centre and A12 works site, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for around 161 new homes. housing development. Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  Amount and Type of Development

a.  provision for around 161 new homes of mixed size and type.

B.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  provide vehicular access via Roman Road;

b.  provision provide for public open space as required by policy NE05;

c.  provision provide for good pedestrian and cycle connections to routes identified in the Brentwood Cycle Action Plan or other relevant evidence;

d.  provide for appropriate landscaping and buffers along sensitive boundary adjoining the A12 and railway line; and heritage assessment taking account of archaeological potential for the proximity to Roman Road

e.  be accompanied by a heritage assessment taking account of archaeological potential for the proximity to Roman Road.

C.  2.  Infrastructure Requirements Drainage

a.  As the site is located within a Critical Drainage Area.This developmentmay have the potential to impact on the Critical Drainage Area in respect of surface water flooding. As a result of this, the site is likely to require an individually designed mitigation scheme to address this issue should minimise and mitigate surface water runoff in line with Policy BE05 Sustainable Drainage.

3. Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

Amend third sentence of paragraph 9.181 to read:

The site will provide for around 161 homes, anticipated to be delivered between 2021/22 and 2023/24 2022/23 and 2024/25.

Delete paragraph 9.184

Additional supporting text to be inserted after paragraph 9.184 to read:

The site lies within close proximity to a Roman Road so there is potential for archaeological remains to be present. A heritage assessment should be undertaken in accordance with Policy BE17 Archaeological Remains.


To make the policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 295 - 296, Policy R22, Paragraph 9.186, Paragraph 9.189


Amend Policy R22 to read:

Land adjacent to the A12, Ingatestone, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for around 57 new homes. housing development. Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  Amount and Type of Development

a.  provision for around 57 new homes of mixed size and type.


B.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  provide vehicular access via Roman Road;

b.  provision provide for public open space as required by policy NE05; and

c.  provide for appropriate landscaping and buffers along sensitive boundary adjoining the A12; and

d.  be accompanied by a heritage assessment taking account of archaeological potential for the proximity to Roman Road.

C.  2.  Infrastructure Requirements Drainage

a.  As the site is located within a Critical Drainage Area.This developmentmay have the potential to impact on the Critical Drainage Area in respect of surface water flooding. As a result of this, the site is likely to require an individually designed mitigation scheme to address this issue should minimise and mitigate surface water runoff in line with Policy BE05 Sustainable Drainage.

3.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

Amend third sentence of paragraph 9.186 to read:

The site will provide for around 57 homes, anticipated to be delivered between 2021/22 2022/23 and 2023/24.

Delete paragraph 9.189

Additional supporting text to be inserted after paragraph 9.189 to read:

The site lies within close proximity to a Roman Road so there is potential for archaeological remains to be present. A heritage assessment should be undertaken in accordance with Policy BE17 Archaeological Remains.


To make the policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 297, Policy R23, Paragraph 9.191, Paragraph 9.193


Amend Policy R23 to read:

Brizes Corner Field, Kelvedon Hatch, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for around 23 new homes. housing development. Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  Amount and Type of Development

a.  provision for around 23 new homes of mixed size and type.

B.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  provide vehicular access via Blackmore Road; and

b.  provide provision for public open space as required by policy NE05.

3.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

Amend third sentence of paragraph 9.191 to read:

The site will provide for around 23 homes, anticipated to be delivered between 2021/22 and 2022/23 2022/23 and 2023/24.

Delete paragraph 9.193


To make the policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 298, Policy R24, Paragraph 9.194, Paragraph 9.196


Amend Policy R24 to read:

Land off Stocks Lane, Kelvedon Hatch, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for around 30 40 new homes. Housing development. Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  Amount and Type of Development

a.  provision for around 30 new homes of mixed size and type.

B.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  provide vehicular access via Blackmore Road; and

b.  provide provision for public open space as required by policy NE05.

3.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

Amend third sentence of paragraph 9.194 to read:

The site will provide for around 30 40 homes, anticipated to be delivered between 2021/22 and 2022/23 2022/23 and 2023/24.

Delete paragraph 9.196


To make policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 299 - 300, Policy R25, Paragraph 9.197, Paragraph 9.199, Paragraph 9.200


Amend Policy R25 to read:

Land north of Blackmore, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for around 30 40 new homes. housing development. Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  Amount and Type of Development

a.  provision for around 30 new homes of mixed size and type;

b.  a minimum of 25% of the proposed dwellings to be reserved for people with a strong and demonstrable local connection or those over 50 years of age. These dwellings should comprise affordable housing. A person with a strong local connection should meet one of the following criteria:

i.  existing local residents requiring separate accommodation; or

ii.  close relatives of existing local residents who have a demonstrable need to either support or be supported by them; or

iii.  people whose work provides an important and necessary local service.
In the context of this policy "local" means a parish or ward, or in exceptional circumstances, adjacent parishes or wards.

B.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  provide vehicular access via Redrose Lane or Nine Ashes Road;

b.  provision provide forgood pedestrian and cycle connections to routes identified in the Brentwood Cycle Action Plan or other relevant evidence;

c.  provision provide for public open space as required by policy NE05; and

d.  be accompanied by a heritage assessment taking account of archaeological potential for the historic settlement of Blackmore.

C.  2.  Infrastructure Requirements Drainage

a.  As the site is located within a Critical Drainage Area.This developmentmay have the potential to impact on the Critical Drainage Area in respect of surface water flooding. As a result of this, the site is likely to require an individually designed mitigation scheme to address this issue should minimise and mitigate surface water runoff in line with Policy BE05 Sustainable Drainage.

3.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

Amend paragraph 9.197 to read:

The site is located to the north of Blackmore on land off Redrose Lane and Woollard Way. Residential properties adjoin the site on the southern boundary. The site will provide for around 3040 homes anticipated to be delivered between 2023/24 and 2024/25 2022/23 and 2023/24. It will provide a mix of size and type of homes including affordable in accordance with the Council's policy requirements.

Amend paragraph 9.199 to read:

The development will consider an appropriate main vehicular access via Redrose Lane or Nine Ashes Road.

Delete paragraph 9.200

Additional supporting text to be inserted after paragraph 9.200 to read:

The site lies within close proximity to the historic settlement of Blackmore so there is potential for archaeological remains to be present. A heritage assessment should be undertaken in accordance with Policy BE17 Archaeological Remains.


To make policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 300 - 301, Policy R26, Paragraphs 9.201, Paragraphs 9.203, Paragraphs 9.204


Amend Policy R26 to read:

Land north of Orchard Piece, Blackmore, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for around 20 30 new homes. housing development. Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  Amount and Type of Development

a.  provision for around 20 new homes of mixed size and type;

b.  a minimum of 25% of the proposed dwellings to be reserved for people with a strong and demonstrable local connection or those over 50 years of age. These dwellings should comprise affordable housing. A person with a strong local connection should meet one of the following criteria:

i.  existing local residents requiring separate accommodation; or

ii.  close relatives of existing local residents who have a demonstrable need to either support or be supported by them; or

iii.  people whose work provides an important and necessary local service.
In the context of this policy "local" means a parish or ward, or in exceptional circumstances, adjacent parishes or wards.

B.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  provide vehicular access via Redrose Lane, Orchard Piece or Fingrith Hall Lane;

b.  provisionprovide for good pedestrian and cycle connections to routes identified in the Brentwood Cycle Action Plan or other relevant evidence;

c.  provision provide for public open space as required in policy NE05; and

d.  be accompanied by a heritage assessment taking account of archaeological potential for the historic settlement of Blackmore.

C.  2.  Infrastructure Requirements Drainage

a.  As the site is located within a Critical Drainage Area.This developmentmay have the potential to impact on the Critical Drainage Area in respect of surface water flooding. As a result of this, the site is likely to require an individually designed mitigation scheme to address this issue should minimise and mitigate surface water runoff in line with Policy BE05 Sustainable Drainage.

3.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

Amend paragraph 9.201 to read:

The site is located to the north of Blackmore on land off Redrose Lane and Woollard Way. Residential properties adjoin the site on the southern boundary. The site will provide for around 20 30 homes anticipated to be delivered between 2021/22 and 2022/23 2022/23 and 2023/24. It will provide a mix of size and type of homes including affordable in accordance with the Council's policy requirements.

Amend paragraph 9.203 to read:

The development will take its consider an appropriate main vehicular access from via Redrose Lane, Orchard Piece or Fingrith Hall Lane. It will be expected to adequately mitigate its likely impacts on the performance of the local and strategic road network.

Delete paragraph 9.204

Additional supporting text to be inserted after paragraph 9.204 to read:

The site lies within close proximity to the historic settlement of Blackmore so there is potential for archaeological remains to be present. A heritage assessment should be undertaken in accordance with Policy BE17 Archaeological Remains.


To make policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 302 -303, Policy E11, Paragraph 9.206, Paragraph 9.210


Amend Policy E11 to read:

Land south east of M25 Junction 29, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for to provide high quality employment development and significant number of jobs. Development proposals should consider the following: at least around 25.85 ha of land for employment use development (principally for offices, light industrial and research and development, B2 and B8 and other sui generis employment uses). Other ancillary supporting development within classes C1, E and F1 or other sui generis ancillary supporting development may be permitted as a means of supporting these principal employment uses.

A.  Amount and Type of Development

a.  at least 25.85 ha of land for employment use (principally use classes B1, B2, B8 and any associated employment generating sui generis uses) taking account of market needs along with ancillary and supporting uses.

B  Supporting On-site Development

a.  ancillary uses, for example:

i.  use class C1 hotel;

ii.  use classes A1 to A4 including small shops and eateries; and/or

iii.  use class D1 including day nurseries, creches and health services.

C.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  landscaping and earthworks within the gross site area and in particular in the southern part of the allocated area, will enable the formation of a developable site and be accompanied by a high quality landscaping scheme (including a scheme of maintenance) for the site as a whole with the objective also to provide improved visual amenity between the site and surrounding land. Landscaping provided is to be retained thereafter adjoining Green Belt;

b.  site is identified as a key gateway location and development should reflect this in terms of design quality be of a high quality in terms of its design and layout to reflect its status as a key gateway site;

c.  protectand where appropriate possible enhance the adjoining Local Wildlife Site (Hobbs Hole); and

d.  preserve and where appropriate possible enhance the Public Right of Way through the site;

D.  2.  Infrastructure Requirements

Proposals should provide:

a.  land (circa 0.13 hectares each) for two stand-alone early years and childcare nurseries (Use Class D1)proportionate contributions towards relevant early years and childcare nurseries facilities (within class E), including land provision on site where it is necessary;

b.  highway works including potential access points access via M25 Junction 29 and/or Warley Street (B186) and associated slip roads;

c.  well-connected internal road layouts which allows good accessibility for bus services;

d.  provision for new public transport or Demand Responsive Travel links with the surrounding area;

e.  provision for good walking and cycling connections within the site and to the surrounding area; and

4.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways (M25, J28 and J29) and Essex County Council (A127 and B186) in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes) unless, in the case of the Junction 29 mitigation and A127/B186 works, the applicant enters into a s.278 Agreement for its timely construction, if more appropriate;

b.  phased improvements to West Horndon Station in accordance with policy BE08 to increase its capacity and utility in line with anticipated demand generated by each of phase the development.

Amend paragraph 9.206 as follows:

The site is located on land to the south of the A127 and east of the M25. Warley Street runs along the eastern boundary. Existing residential properties are situated to the east. The site will provide for at least 25.85 ha of land for employment use (principally use classes B1, B2, B8 and any associated employment generating sui generis uses). This employment allocation will make a considerable contribution towards the overall employment needs for the Borough. It is envisaged that due to the location of the site next to one of the Borough's key gateway, development on site should create a positive impression through high quality design and layout.

Delete paragraph 9.210


To make policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 304 - 305, Policy E12, Paragraph 9.211, Paragraph 9.214


Amend Policy E12 to read:

Land at Childerditch Industrial Estate, as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for around 20.64 ha of land for employment use. development proposals should consider the following: which may comprise offices, light industrial, research and development (within Class E), B2, B8 or sui generis employment uses. Other ancillary supporting development may be permitted as a means of supporting these principal employment uses.

A.  Amount and Type of Development

a.  20.64 ha of employment land (principally use classes B1, B2, B8 and any associated employment generating sui generis uses), including elements of landscaping to improve visual amenity.

B.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals for development (including the redevelopment of existing developed areas) should:

a.  include appropriate landscaping treatment to improve visual amenity on site, and safeguard and where possible and appropriate, enhance the visual amenity of the adjoining green belt;

a.  b.  provide access to the site via the eastbound A127;

b.  c.  make provision for improved walking and cycling links within the site and to the surrounding area;

c.  d.  consideration for improvements to A127 junction; and provide new public transport or Demand Responsive Travel links with the surrounding area; and

d.  provides opportunity to expand an existing employment site and improve site layout. 

e.  any future development should sustain and where possible enhance the significance of the Grade II* listed Registered Park and Garden of Thorndon Hall, and the Thorndon Park Conservation Area and their settings.

2.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be necessary and reasonably required by National Highways (M25, J28 and J29) and Essex County Council (A127 and B186) in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

b.  phased improvements to West Horndon Station in accordance with policy BE08 to increase its capacity and utility in line with anticipated demand generated by each of phase the development.

Amend paragraph 9.211 to read:

The site is located on land to the north of the A127 on land off Childerditch Hall Drive. A number of residential dwellings lie to the west of the site. The site will provide for 20.64 20.54 ha of land for employment use (principally use classes B1, B2, B8 and any associated employment generating sui generis uses).

Delete paragraph 9.214

Add a new paragraph following paragraph 9.214 to read:

Development of this site will need to sustain and, where opportunities arise, enhance the Grade II* listed Registered Park and Garden of Thorndon Hall, and the Thorndon Park Conservation Area and their settings. This development should be of high quality design.

Add a new paragraph following paragraph 9.214 to read:

The proposed development area is at potential risk of flooding from surface water as shown on the Environment Agency Risk of Flooding from Surface Water Maps. Any development within this area should be directed away from areas of existing flooding and, where possible, should try to have a positive impact on existing areas of flood risk downstream of the development. It should however be ensured that any development within this area complies with flood risk mitigation measures outlined in the Essex SuDS guide.


To make the policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 305 - 306, Policy E10, Paragraph 9.219


Amend Policy E10 to read:

Land at Codham Hall Farm, north east of M25 Junction 29 as shown in Appendix 2, is allocated for around 9.6ha of land for employment use. Ddevelopment which may comprise offices, light industrial, research and development (within Class E), B2, B8 or sui generis employment uses. Other ancillary supporting development may be permitted as a means of supporting these principal employment uses. Development proposals should consider the following:

A.  Amount and Type of Development

a.  9.6 ha of employment land (principally use classes B1, B2, B8 and any associated employment generating sui generis uses); and

b.  8.0 ha of land to provide for landscaping, amenity, access and ancillary uses to support the sustainability of the site.

B.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals for development (including the redevelopment of existing developed areas) should:

a.  provide access via M25 Junction 29 and Warley Street (B186);

b.  protect and where appropriate possible enhance the adjoining Local Wildlife Site (Codham Hall Wood);

c.  preserve and where appropriate possible enhance the Public Right of Way through the site; and

d.  provision of provide improved good walking and cycling connections within the site and to the wider surrounding area.

e.  be accompanied by an appropriate landscaping treatment scheme for the site as a whole to improve visual amenity on site, and safeguard and where possible and appropriate, enhance the visual amenity of the adjoining green belt.

2.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  necessary off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways (M25, J28 and J29) and Essex County Council (A127 and B186) in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes) unless, in the case of the A127/B186 works, the applicant enters into a s.278 Agreement for its timely construction, if more appropriate;

b.  phased improvements to West Horndon Station in accordance with policy BE08 to increase its capacity and utility in line with anticipated demand generated by each of phase the development.

Delete paragraph 9.219

Add new paragraph following paragraph 9.219 to read:

The proposed development area is at potential risk of flooding from surface water as shown on the Environment Agency Risk of Flooding from Surface Water Maps. Any development within this area should be directed away from areas of existing flooding and, where possible, should try to have a positive impact on existing areas of flood risk downstream of the development. It should however be ensured that any development within this area complies with flood risk mitigation measures outlined in the Essex SuDS guide.


To make policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 306 - 307, Policy E13, Paragraph 9.224


Amend Policy E13 to read:

Land at East Horndon Hall is allocated for around 5.5 ha of land for employment use. Ddevelopment proposals should consider the following: which may comprise offices, light industrial, research and development (within Class E), B2, B8 or sui generis employment uses. Other ancillary supporting development may be permitted as a means of supporting these principal employment uses.

A.  Amount and Type of Development

a.  5.5 ha of employment land (principally use classes B1, B2, B8 and any associated employment generating sui generis uses), including elements of landscaping to improve visual amenity.

B.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  improved sustainable links to Dunton Hills Garden Village and West
Horndon station;

b.  a.  provide access via Old Tilbury Road; 

c.  b.  provision  provide for improved good walking and cycling connections within the site and tothe wider surrounding area;

d.  d.  preserve the setting of nearby listed buildings, East Horndon Hall and All Saints Church; any future development should sustain and where possible enhance the significance of East Horndon Hall and All Saints Church and their settings.

2.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  necessary off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways (M25, J28 and J29) and Essex County Council (A127 and B186) in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

b.  phased improvements to West Horndon Station in accordance with policy BE08 to increase its capacity and utility in line with anticipated demand generated by each of phase the development.

Delete paragraph 9.224

Additional supporting text to be inserted after paragraph 9.224 to read:

Development of this site will need to sustain and, where opportunities arise, enhance the Grade II listed East Horndon Hall and All Saints Church and their settings. This development should be of high quality design.

Add a new paragraph following paragraph 9.224 to read: 

The proposed development area is at potential risk of flooding from surface water as shown on the Environment Agency surface water flooding maps. Any development within this area should be directed away from areas of existing flooding and, where possible, should have a positive impact on existing areas of flood risk downstream of the development. It should be ensured that any development within this area complies with flood risk mitigation measures outlined in the Essex SuDS guide. 


To make policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective




Page Number 307, Policy E08, Paragraph 9.227, Paragraph 9.229


Amend Policy E08 to read:

Land adjacent to A12 and slip road, Ingatestone is allocated for around 2.06 ha of land for employment use. Ddevelopment proposals should consider the following: which may comprise offices, light industrial, and research and development (within Class E), B2, B8 or sui generis employment uses. Other ancillary supporting development may be permitted as a means of supporting these principal employment uses.

A.  Amount and Type of Development

a.  2.06 ha of employment land (principally use classes B1, B2, B8 and any associated employment generating sui generis uses).

B.  1.  Development Principles

Proposals should:

a.  provide access via Roman Road (B1002) with potential highway improvements;

b.  provision provide for improvedgood walking and cyclingconnectionswithin the site and the surrounding area.; and

c.  full traffic assessment and Travel Plan to accompany an application.

2.  Infrastructure Contributions

Applicants will also be required to make necessary financial contributions via planning obligations towards:

a.  necessary off-site highway infrastructure improvements as may be reasonably required by National Highways (M25, J28 and J29) and Essex County Council in accordance with policies MG05 and BE08 (the planning obligation will determine the level and timing of payments for these purposes);

Amend paragraph 9.227 to read:

The development should achieve safe and suitable access(es), for all highway users, including pedestrians and cyclists. This will need to be undertaken in consultation with Essex County Council as the Highway Authority, and National Highways who control the A12 and its slip roads. The development will take its main vehicular access from Roman Road (B1002). It will be expected to adequately mitigate its likely impacts on the performance of the local and strategic road network.

Delete paragraph 9.229

Add a new paragraph following paragraph 9.229 to read:

The site falls within the Mountnessing CDA. Any development within this area should where possible try to have a positive impact on existing areas of flood risk downstream of the development. Early engagement with the LLFA in this area is critical to ensure that existing and potential flood risk is properly managed.



To provide clarity and make the policy effective

To reflect the new Use Classes Order



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