Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Chapter 7
Page Number 172 , Policy PC01, Paragraph 7.6-7.12
Delete Policy PC01 and transfer its content to the supporting text
Delete paragraph 7.6-7.12.
To make the plan effective. Policy PC01 previously set out a list of objectives with no policy specific requirements.
(3) MM57
Page Number 174-176 , Policy PC02, Paragraph 7.12, Figure 7.4, Figure 7.5, Paragraph 7.20
Delete Policy PC02 as this is proposed to merge with Policy SP02 (now MG01). Move paragraph 7.12 to support Policy MG01
Retain the remaining supporting text and amend as below.
Amend Figure 7.4 as follows:
Employment Land (ha) | ||||
Uses | Scenario A: Experian | Scenario B: EEFM | Scenario C: OAN (380) | Scenario D: Past rates |
Offices |
9.4 | 7.7 | 5.6 | 0.4 |
Manufacturing (coming within classes E and |
4.4 | 0.1 | 3.1 | 3.5 |
Warehousing (B8) | 6.5 | 0.7 | 4.4 | 4.2 |
Total | 20.3 | 8.5 | 13.1 | 8.1 |
Amend Figure 7.5 as follows:
New Requirements |
(ha) |
Forecast requirement for employment land for the specified employment uses above |
+ 8.1 ha to 20.3 ha |
Forecast loss of employment land by re-allocations for other uses |
+ 21.01 ha |
Forecast loss of existing employment allocations through structural change, changes in allocation threshold and permitted development |
+ 4.65 ha |
Combined Requirement |
33.76 ha to 45.96 ha |
Amend paragraph 7.20 to read:
Overall a total of circa 47.39 46.64 ha of new employment land is proposed to be allocated, in addition to existing commitments. It should be noted that suggested employment allocations exceed requirements. At a high level, the amount of employment land allocations is broadly sufficient to ensure that the Council meets its overall forecast employment land needs (forecast new needs and losses from allocations and structural change) up to 2033. It is also recognised that the future restructuring of employment sites and businesses may change floorspace requirements.
To make the plan effective. Reflects Use Class Order changes and latest figures from detailed survey
(3) MM58
Page Number 177-182 , Policy PC03, Supporting text, Figure 7.6, Paragraph 7.22b, Paragraph 7.24, Paragraph 7.27
Amend Policy PC03 to read:
A. In order to maintain sufficient employment land supply to meet identified needs, wWithin those areas allocated designated for general employment and office development, set out in Figure 7.6 and as shown on the Brentwood Policies Map, the Council will seek to achieve and retain a wide range of employment opportunities. only approve Rredevelopment proposals or change of use of business, office, general industry and distribution for non B-class uses will only be permitted where from offices, light industrial, research and development (within Class E), B2, B8 or sui generis employment uses to non-employment uses where one or more of the following criteria apply:
a. the proposal is for employment generating sui generis uses or other ancillary non-residential uses that provide significant employment withno reasonable prospect of locating elsewhere in the borough, and there is no identified need for the site or buildings for B-class uses reasonable prospect for the site to be used for the above purposes; or
b. b. the proposal is wholly for affordable housing, the site is vacant, and development would not prejudice continuation of adjacent employment uses;
c. b. the proposal is for any other use and the application is supported by reliable evidence a statement of reasonable efforts made to secure re-use for class B1-B8 or similar for all of the above uses and other including ancillary non-residential uses that provides employment and, which evidence demonstrates there is no realistic prospect of the site or buildings being used or re-used for these purposes in their own right or, including through refurbishment, adaptation, subdivision. or redevelopment, for these purposes; or
d. the site or buildings would be physically unsuitable for re-use for class B1-B8 or similar use, even after adaptation (including sub-division into smaller units), refurbishment or redevelopment, in terms of siting, design, access, layout and relationship to neighbouring buildings and uses.
B. Development proposals (including the redevelopment of existing developed areas) on designated employment land within the Green Belt will be considered in line with national and local green belt policy.
Add the following supporting paragraphs immediately after Policy PC01:
A thriving and entrepreneurial business community is vital for the success of the Borough's economy. Therefore, in areas allocated for general employment and office development, identified on the Policies Map and Appendix 2, the presumption is that employment uses and 'sui generis' uses of a similar employment nature will be retained, and that proposals entailing loss of employment premises and sites without replacement will be resisted.
To enable flexibility for business operation, it is recognised that complementary and ancillary uses to support employment uses can be appropriate where they provide employment, adding to the character, mix and vitality of the area. As offices, research and development and light industrial uses are now falling under use class E together with retail and other main town centre uses, this may result in unintended consequence where they can either individually, or collectively, harm other policy objectives of the Local Plan including the objective to protect the retail function of Brentwood Town Centre and other designated centres. A proliferation of retail uses therefore will be resisted, with the exception of small scale proposals (in terms of floorspace) and it being ancillary in nature by supplementing the predominant employment offering within the employment area. It may be necessary to impose planning conditions to restrict movement within use class E as necessary, a judgement will be made on a case by case basis. The scale of new employment allocations and acceptable uses are set out in the relevant site allocation policies.
Delete the table in Figure 7.6 and replace with the following:
Site Ref |
Site Name |
Indicative employment area (ha) |
111 |
Upminster Trading Park |
2.6 |
228 |
Peri Site, Warley Street, Great Warley |
5.36 |
E02 |
Brook Street Employment Area |
1.25 |
E03 |
BT Offices, London Road, Brentwood |
3.5 |
E04 |
Hubert Road Industrial Estate |
3.78 |
E05 |
Warley Hill Business Park (excl. Regus) |
2.5 |
E06 |
OCE offices, Chatham Way, Brentwood |
0.45 |
E07 |
Hutton Industrial Estate |
10.48 |
E08 |
Land adjacent to Ingatestone by-pass (part bounded by Roman Road) |
1.6 |
E09 |
Hallsford Bridge Industrial Estate |
3.41 |
E10 |
Land at Codham Hall |
9.62 |
E11 |
Brentwood Enterprise Park (M25 Junction 29 works) |
25.85 |
E12 |
Childerditch Industrial Estate |
20.54 |
E13 |
Land at East Horndon Hall |
5.5 |
Part of R01 |
Dunton Hills Garden Village Strategic Allocation |
5.5 |
Part of R02 |
West Horndon Industrial Estate |
2.0 |
Part of R03 |
North of A1023 |
2.0 |
Part of R05 |
Ford Offices and Council Depot |
2.0 |
Total: |
107.94 |
Figure 7.6: Designated Employment Site Allocations Land and Indicative Site Areas
Amend paragraph 7.22 b. to read:
b. period during which it has been actively marketed for such purposes, which includes the possibility of redevelopment and provides evidence (not normally less than 24 months). Evidence should show where the property has been publicly marketed including publications and property journals as well as clear advertisement on site;
Amend paragraph 7.24 to read:
The proposed land at Brentwood Enterprise Park and land south of East Horndon Hall will accommodate mixed office, light industrial and research and development and B-uses. The excellent access onto the strategic highway network, makes them a very desirable place for certain businesses. In addition, the size of Brentwood Enterprise Park provides benefits by way of supplying for a large amount of employment need while bringing along new infrastructure and supporting services. Brentwood Enterprise Park will provide an opportunity for high-end modern premises at a key gateway to the borough and into Essex. Appropriate accompanying uses will be considered appropriate where these meet local needs, such as hotel and associated restaurant options. Retail will not be considered appropriate, in line with the retail strategy and sequential approach. Specific site policies for the Enterprise Park are within Policy E11, in Chapter 9.
Amend paragraph 7.26 to read:
The potential relocation of industrial activities from London could create additional demand for offices, light industrial, research and development, and B1C/ B2 and B8 premises in wider South East local authorities. Brentwood is well located to take advantage if firms do relocate outside of London. New B1C/B2 and B8 premises would be required to take advantageof relocation, given the borough's existing small stock. Delivery of the Brentwood Enterprise Park could provide a significant area of the floorspace that meets the needs of relocating businesses4.
Amend paragraph 7.27 to read:
The Economic Futures report (2018) indicates that in terms of other 'B uses' for example - manufacturing (B1C/B2) and warehousing / logistics uses, (B8) the portfolio of sites put forward is likely to be attractive to the market and provide a sufficient range and high-quality offer.
To ensure the policy is effective, justified and consistent with national policy
Page Number 181, Policy PC04, Paragraph 7.32
Delete Policy PC04 and supporting text.
To remove repetition and make the plan effective.
Page Number 182 - 184, Policy PC05, Paragraph 7.34 - 7.35
Delete Policy PC05 and supporting text.
To remove repetition and make the plan effective.
Page Number 183-184, Policy PC06, Paragraph 7.38 -7.41
Amend Policy PC06 to read:
The Council will promote a sustainable rural economy by supporting appropriate, small scale rural enterprise. The Council will seek to retain Class B uses or other 'sui generis' uses of a similar employment nature. Proposals to diversify the range of economic activities on a farm or in a rural area will be supported where proposals: do not comprise retail uses unless they are of a limited nature, small-scale and intended to support the farming enterprise. This is subject to compliance with green belt policy where relevant.
Delete criteria a-h
Amend second sentence of paragraph 7.37 to read:
These might include converting redundant barns for B1 business office use or workshops, storage, farm shops, bed and breakfast, energy crops, or acceptable sport and leisure uses like campsites.
Delete paragraphs 7.38, 7.39, 7.40, 7.41.
To make the policy consistent with national policy, justified and effective.
To reflect Use Class Order changes
(1) MM62
Page Number 185 - 186, Policy PC07, Paragraph 7.47, Paragraph 7.48, Paragraph 7.50 - 7.53
Amend Policy PC07 to read:
STRATEGIC Policy PC0307: Retail and Commercial Leisure Growth
Provision is made for 4,844 square metres (net) of comparison retail floorspace and 3,833 square metres (net) of convenience floorspace to be provided in the borough over the plan period.
In order to meet identified retail floorspace needs as set out in Policy MG01, retail floorspace will be provided on the following sites as part of mixed-use development:
a. Dunton Hills Garden Village (R01);
b. Land at West Horndon Industrial Estate (R02);
c. William Hunter Way Car Park (R14);
d. Wates Way Industrial Estate (R15).
Amend paragraph 7.47 to read:
The principles Paragraph 86 of the NPPF states that the Council's policy approach should aim to at least fully meet retail needs in meeting anticipated needs for retail, leisure, office and other main town centre uses, planning polices should look at least ten years ahead, so that the local economy is not constrained, and potential investment is not diverted elsewhere or lost.
Amend paragraph 7.48 to read:
The Council is required to positively promote competitive town centre environments and manage their growth. It is important to provide for Retail, Commercial and Leisure uses that are appropriate and realistic to the role of centres in the borough's settlement hierarchy, set out in Policy SP02 Managing Growth Figure 2.3, and the retail hierarchy, set out in STRATGIC Policy PC08 PC04 Retail Hierarchy of Designated Centres. These should be based on the current state of centres and opportunities to meet development needs in full. In this regard, meeting retail needs and planning for the future of town and district centres are intrinsically linked.
Amend paragraph 7.50 to read:
Short to medium Medium term capacity figures up to 2020 2028 suggest a surplus of available convenience goods expenditure could support an additional 4,061 2,151sqm net (5,801 3,074sqm gross), primarily concentrated in Brentwood Town Centre and in new centres proposed at West Horndon and Dunton Hills. In the long term, surplus expenditure at 2033 could support 4,438 3,833sqm net (6,339 5,475sqm gross) in the borough as a whole.
Amend paragraph 7.51 to read:
For comparison goods, the surplus expenditure could support an additional 972 1,193sqm net (1,296 1,591sqm gross) by 2028 across the borough. The surplus expenditure at 2033 could support 1,604 4,844sqm net (2,139 6,458sqm gross). The vast majority of this surplus is for Brentwood Town Centre and new centres proposed at West Horndon and Dunton Hills, with very limited amount identified for the rest of the borough.
Amend paragraph 7.52 to read:
There is also requirement for 2,286 2,954 sqm gross of food and drink (pubs, bars, restaurants and takeaway) (A3-A5) floorspace and 1,196 1,654 sqm gross of other non-retail (including commercial leisure) class A1 services up to 2030 2033 primarily concentrated in Brentwood Town Centre and in new centres proposed at West Horndon and Dunton Hills. No specific provision is made for these uses as these needs can be met through the planning application process in line with other policies in the Plan.
Amend paragraph 7.53 to read:
As available sites in Brentwood cannot accommodate full The identified retail floorspace needs, the remaining amount of retail floorspace would need to be allocated in smaller would be met via windfall development in the Designated Centres or strategic residential allocations as well as provision of retail floorspace as part of development proposals on the following sites:
a. Site R01: Dunton Hills Garden Village
b. Site R02: West Horndon Industrial Estate
c. Site R14: William Hunter Way Car Park
d. Site R15: Wates Way Industrial Estate
Residential-led allocations creating new and improved village centres at Dunton Hills and West Horndon will contribute to the borough's remaining local retail needs.New retail floorspace will serve the local community and Residential-led mixed use development at West Horndon will provide the opportunity to create an improved village centre near to the railway station. This will include new retail floorspace to serve the village and local area. This will need tocomplement rather than compete directly with the existing local shops.
To make the policy consistent with national policy and effective by clarifying which sites would accommodate retail needs
Retail floorspace requirements are moved to the new Policy SP02 (now MG01)
To update the retail need figures in accordance with the Retail Study Update Addendum (F7B)
(2) MM63
Page Number 187-189, Policy PC08, Figure 7.7, Footnote 10, Footnote 11
Amend policy name to read:
Amend part A and part F of Policy PC08 (now Policy PC04) to read:
A. The Council will promote the continued roles and functions of the Designated Centres to positively contribute towards their viability, vitality, character and structure. The following Designated centres and their associated Primary Shopping Area, as are detailed in Figure 7.7 and shown on the Brentwood Policies Map, are designated for retail, leisure and other main town centres uses.
Designated Centres |
Primary Shopping Area |
Town Centre The principal market town of Brentwood Borough that provides a wide range of social, cultural and economic facilities and services for local residents as well as visitors. The Town Centre must have good access to major roads and public transport links and benefits from a high quality retail environment. |
Brentwood Town Centre |
Brentwood High Street |
District Shopping Centres Groups of shops often containing at least one supermarket or superstore, and a range of non-retail services, such as banks, building societies, and restaurants, as well as local public facilities such as a library. |
Shenfield Hutton Road |
Hutton Road |
Warley Hill |
n/a |
Ingatestone High Street |
Ingatestone High Street |
The main service centre of Dunton Hills Garden Village (DHGV)10 |
to be considered by the future Local Plan review 10 |
Local Centres A range of small shops of a local nature, serving a small catchment. Typically, Local Centres might include, amongst others, shops, a small supermarket, a newsagent, a sub-post office and a pharmacy. Other facilities could include a hot food takeaway and a laundrette. |
West Horndon Village Centre Blackmore Village Centre 245-267 Ongar Road Brook Street Post Office Church Lane Doddinghurst Post Office, Doddinghurst Road Herongate Post Office, Brentwood Road 1-23 Eastham Crescent 200-216 Rayleigh Road 60-74 Woodland Avenue Hanging Hill Lane Post Office, Hanging Hill Lane Blackmore Road Kelvedon Common Post Office, Church Road Danes Way/Hatch Road 2-8 Harewood Road 245-267 Ongar Road Stondon Post Office, Ongar Road The Keys, Eagle Way The two neighbourhood hubs at Dunton Hills Garden village 10 |
n/a |
Amend part F of Policy PC08 to read:
F. Any retail and leisure developments proposed outside these centres must be subject to a retail impact assessment, where the proposed gross floorspace is greater than 2,500 sqm. A retail impact assessment may be required below this threshold where a proposal could have a cumulative impact or an impact on the role or health vitality of nearby centres within the catchment of the proposal:
Amend footnote 10 to read:
The boundary designation of DHGV service centre(s) as a District Shopping Centre and/or two Local Centre(s) and any subsequent Primary Shopping Area within its District Shopping Centre will be informed by the South Brentwood Masterplan and further retail evidence. considered as part of the future Local Plan review.
Delete footnote 11 which reads:
Please note the retail hierarchy could be updated as development come forward and as part of future Local Plan review.
Delete Figure 7.7.
To make the policy effective.
(2) MM64
Page Number 191, Policy PC09, Paragraph 7.60
Amend Policy to read:
Policy PC09PC05: Brentwood Town Centre
A. The Council will require development to conserve the positive qualities of Brentwood Town Centre while enhancing and improving negative aspects of function and appearance where relevant.
B. Development in the Town Centre should contribute to the Council's aim of improving the capacity and quality of the public realm throughout Brentwood Town Centre, contribute to a vibrant High Street and the surrounding Conservation Area in line with the Town Centre Design Guide SPD.
C. B. Shopfronts and signage have significant impacts on its surroundings therefore proposals are required to incorporate high quality, attractive shopfronts that enhance the street scene, in line with the Council's adopted Town Centre Shopfront Guidance SPD.
D. Where necessary, design must incorporate technology and property management, parking and traffic movement mitigations to reduce congestion.
C. Chapel Ruins, Baytree Centre and South Street areas:E.This area provides a link to strategic sites on the High Street therefore improving its permeability and integration into the wider public realm network will create a more welcoming and flexible space at the heart of the Town Centre, enable its historical settings to be celebrated. Proposals shoulddemonstrate how they:
a. contribute to the enhancement of public realm around Chapel Ruins and the Conservation Area, retain and enhance their significance and character;
b. complement the retail function and maintain or add to the vitality, viability and diversity of the Town Centre, by means such as mixed-use schemes that include retail, leisure and residential;
c. facilitate safe and pleasant pedestrian movement through improved alleyways, lighting, wayfinding and landscaping; and
d. assist in uplifting and transforming the Baytree Centre and integrate it with the other parts of the Town Centre.
D. William Hunter Way, Chatham Way Car Park and Crown Street: F. The Council will work with developers and partners to improve the public realm links in these areas, and through the redevelopment of the car parks, create a mixed-use scheme to provide new residential, retail, flexible working space and commercial floorspace. G. Proposals in these areas should demonstrate how they:
a. contribute to the improvements to frontages and public realm through landscaping and redevelopment;
b. provide additional shopfronts and double fronted shops, if development involves the rear of premises on the north side of the High Street;
c. facilitate safe and pleasant pedestrian movement through improved alleyways lighting, wayfinding and landscaping; and
d. re-provide an appropriate quantum of parking, ensure that parking is well designed and integrated into the public realm.
E. Linkages to Brentwood station: H. Improvements to the rail service to London will increase Brentwood Town Centre's regional public transport accessibility. The Council will seek to enhance public realm and way finding around Brentwood station, foster a stronger sense of place and sense of arrival, improve the linkages from the Town Centre to the station, with Kings Road being the primary focus. I. Proposals should demonstrate how they:
a. contribute to the enhancement of public realm around Brentwood station, Kings Road and Kings Road junction through design, landscaping and redevelopment;
b. facilitate safe and convenient traffic movement with priority given to passenger transport, pedestrians and cyclists, by means such as improved junctions, cycle paths, lighting and wayfinding;
c. add to the vitality and vibrancy of the Town Centre by providing an appropriate mix and balance of uses including residential, employment, commercial and amenity spaces; and
d. provide an appropriate quantum of parking, whilst ensure that parking is well designed and integrated into the public realm.
To make the policy effective and remove duplications
Covered by site-specific policies and BE17 Parking Standards
Covered by site-specific policies and BE17 Parking Standards
Page Number 195-196, Policy PC10, Paragraph 7.72, Paragraph 7.73, Paragraph 7.75
Amend Policy to read:
Within the boundary of Designated Centres as set out in Policy PC0408 Retail Hierarchy of Designated Centres and defined on the Brentwood Policies Map:
A. Mixed use development will be supported if it:
a. is in proportion to the scale and function of the centre;
b. contains an appropriate mix of ground floor uses; and
c. makes efficient use of the site and is considered to be of sufficient density.
B. Proposals resulting in the loss of main town centre uses at ground floor level to non-centre uses, as defined in Figure 7.8, which results in an unacceptable mix of uses will not be permitted. Proposals resulting in the loss of main town centre uses at ground floor must demonstrate that:
a. the use is no longer viable, by evidence of active marketing to the public for at least 12 months, showing that the premises are not reasonably capable of being used or redeveloped for a main town centre use; and
b. development would not result in 3 or more adjacent non-centre use units.
C. Non-retail development that are classed as main town centre uses, as defined in Figure 7.8, should:
a. complement the retail and service function and maintain or add to the vitality, viability and diversity of the centre;
b. provide provision is made for an active frontage, such as a window display, which is in keeping with the character of the shopping area;
c. would not give rise to a detrimental effect, individually or cumulatively, on the character or amenity of the area through smell, litter, noise or traffic problems; and
d. proposals for new hot food takeaways (use class A5) within 400m walking distance from the entrance points of primary or secondary schools will be restricted in order to promote the health and well-being of school pupils. Exceptions will apply to Primary Shopping Areas within this 400m buffer zone. Hours of opening will be limited to after 5pm on school days and lunch time opening will only be permitted where schools within 400m do not allow pupils to freely leave school premises during lunch breaks.
D. Changes of use from retail class E to another main town centre use as set out in Figure 7.8 will only be permitted where the development would satisfy the above criteria and retain an appropriate mix and balance of uses which will provide for the needs of local residents.
E. Proposals for separate units of retail, offices, leisure, cultural, community facilities and residential on upper floors are supported provided that the use would have a safe and convenient access, a separate refuse and recycling store, and would not inhibit the functioning of the ground floor use. Main town cCentre uses and employment uses should be given priority over residential uses unless it can be demonstrated that this would lead to an imbalance of uses.
Amend paragraph 7.72 to read:
Too great a concentration of non-retail centre uses can undermine the primary role of the Designated Centres for as the main locations for retailing retail, leisure and business uses, leading to a reduction in the range and choice of goods available and potentially isolating some retailers from the main shopper/pedestrian flows upon which they depend. It is therefore important to consider their location and siting and ensure incorporation of window displays to overcome potential problems associated with the creation of 'dead frontages'.
Amend paragraph 7.73 to read:
Policy PC10 PC06 is written in the context of the need to retain retail a mix of appropriate uses for the benefit of a centre, but it is also recognised that the transition to online shopping and a high number of vacant units are damaging their vitality. For this reason, changes in shopping trends and technology need to be taken into account as part of future development assessment.
Delete paragraph 7.75
To make the policy effective and justified.
The hot food takeaways restriction is not justified or effective
To reflect Use Class Order changes
Page Number 197, Policy PC11
Amend Policy to read:
A. Retail use should remain the predominant use in Primary Shopping Areas as set out in Policy PC0408 Retail Hierarchy of Designated Centres, and defined on the Brentwood Policies Map.B.Proposed retail development should will be supported if they:
a. contribute to the area's attractiveness, accessibility and vibrancy by adding to or providing a range of shops to meet local needs, including opportunities for small, independent shops;
b. would not result in subdivision of an existing large retail unit;
c. be fully integrated with the existing shopping area; and
d. facilitate safe, convenient and pleasant pedestrian movement through improved lighting and landscaping.
C. Proposals resulting in the loss of retail uses at ground floor must demonstrate that:
a. the use is no longer viable, by evidence of active marketing to the public for at least 12 months, showing that the premises are not reasonably capable of being used or redeveloped for a retail use; and
b. development would not result in 3 or more non-retail use units in adjoining premises.
D. Proposals for retail and commercial leisure development outside the borough's Primary Shopping Areas over 2,500 square metres will only be permitted provided an accompanying impact assessment can satisfactorily demonstrate that:
a. associated travel demand can be satisfactorily accommodated by the transport network with appropriate mitigation;
b. the proposal does not give rise to any detrimental impact on amenities in the surrounding area; and
c. travel by more sustainable forms of transport than the private car will be achieved
To make the policy consistent with national policy and effective
To reflect Use Class Order changes
This duplicates part F of Policy PC08
(1) MM67
Page Number 199, Policy PC12, Figure 7.8
Amend Policy to read:
Proposals for non-centre uses in the Designated Centres will only be permitted if should demonstrate how they:
a. complement the retail and service function and makes a positive contribution to the vitality, viability and diversity of the Designated Centre it is located within;
b. would not create an over-concentration of non-centre uses which are harmful to the function of the centre;
c. provide provision is made for an active frontage in keeping with the character of the Designated Centre shopping area;
d. would not give rise, either alone or cumulatively, to a detrimental effect on the character or amenity of the area through smell, litter, noise or traffic problems. Demonstrates any potential related problems can be overcome satisfactorily to protect amenities of surrounding residents. Details of extraction, filtration, refrigeration or air conditioning units should be submitted with any application; and
e. for proposals creating more than two residential flats above ground floor level, the development would not result in the loss of ancillary storage space or other beneficial use to the extent that it would make a ground floor unit unviable, and the development would not prevent off street servicing of any ground floor unit.
Amend figure 7.8 as follows:
Main town centre uses (uses suitable at ground floor level in the Designated Centres and Primary Shopping Areas) |
Non-centre uses (uses not suitable at ground floor level in the Designated Centres and Primary Shopping Areas) |
To make the policy consistent with national policy and effective.
To reflect updated Use Class Order
Page Number 200, Policy PC13, Paragraph 7.82
Amend Policy to read:
After-hours Development proposals for cultural, entertainment and leisure uses in Designated Centres will be encouraged as part of mixed use development. After-hours leisure should where appropriate, contribute to the diversity raise standards and broaden the appeal of the evening and night-time economy. Proposals should are required to:
a. be safe and welcoming;
b. allow people to walk and cycle around the centre with ease;
c. offer a vibrant choice of leisure and entertainment for a diversity of ages, lifestyles and cultures, including families and older people;
d. provide a mix of activities that reinforce local character and identity;
e. a. would not give rise, either alone or cumulatively, to a detrimental effect on the character or amenity of the surrounding residential area through smell, litter, noise or traffic problems. Proposals should are required to demonstrate any potential related problems can be overcome satisfactorily to protect amenities of surrounding residents; and
f. b. provide evidence of responsible management and stewardship arrangements to ensure there is no disturbance to surrounding properties and residents or harm to surrounding area amenity.
Amend paragraph 7.82 as follows:
'Main town centre uses' as defined in the NPPF include those that are part of the evening and night time economy (ENTE). ENTE is recognised to allow town centres to diversify and is an opportunity for economic and social development. This policy therefore seeks to strike the right balance between supporting the evening economy and protecting the living conditions of residents and nearby uses in terms of anti-social behaviour, noise pollution, health and wellbeing and other issues. This policy aims to positively manage the night-time experience to overcome negative public perceptions by creating a high-quality environment that is safe, convenient and enjoyable for all.
To make the policy effective.
(3) MM69
Page Number 201-203, Policy PC14, Paragraphs 7.83 - 7.92
Amend Policy to read:
A. The Council recognises the importance of community facilities assets, including those registered as Assets of Community Value (ACV), as part of social infrastructure and seeks to ensure that:
a. existing community assets will be protected from inappropriate changes of use or redevelopment;
b. new facilities should be easily accessible by public transport, cycling and walking and will be prioritised in Designated Centres;
c. development proposals that provide high quality, inclusive community assets that addresses a local or strategic need and supports service delivery strategies will be supported;
d. development proposals should that seek to make best use of land, including, where possible, the co-location of different forms of community facilities assets and the rationalisation or sharing of facilities, will be encouraged and supported;
e. development proposals that would result in the unnecessary a loss of community assets facilities will not be discouraged permitted unless it can be demonstrated that:
i. there are realistic proposals for re-provision that they will be replaced by alternative and well located facilities that will continue to serve the similar needs of the neighbourhood and wider community; or
ii. the loss is part of a wider public service transformation plan which requires investment in modern, fit for purpose infrastructure and facilities to meet a consequence of the genuine need to rationalise existing facilities in an area in order to provide for existing and future population community needs or to sustain and improve services.
f. The development or change of use of redundant community facilities assets should be considered only after it is established that there is no reasonable prospect of them being put to alternative community uses for full or partial use as other forms of social infrastructure before alternative developments are considered.
Amend paragraphs 7.83 to 7.92 to read:
7.83 Community assets facilities and services can include any provision that provides social, recreational and cultural facilities to meet the day-to-day needs of the community. can cover a wide spectrum and include land, services and facilities It can include facilities such as village halls, community centres, libraries, parks, green spaces, and buildings for sports, leisure, healthcare, education, social, and arts venues, amongst others. Applicants should take into account the Council's Built Facilities Strategy and Leisure Strategy when considering indoor sports and leisure facilities. While recreational facilities can include those outdoors in parks and open spaces, Policy PC14 applies to facilities and services related to buildings only; it excludes any outdoor sport or recreation facilities, which is covered by Policy BE22 Open Space and Recreation Facilities. and cultural activities. However, not all land and buildings are community assets. Locality, the nationwide network for community-led organisations, suggests that land and buildings are only community assets if they are capable of generating a profit that can be reinvested into activities that benefit the community1.
7.84 Community assets facilities are a part of social infrastructure and play an important role in improving providing a good quality of life, stimulating and supporting social cohesion and interaction, as well as developing strong and inclusive communities. They provide opportunities to bring different groups of people together, contributing to social integration and the desirability of a place.
7.85 For example, the provision of childcare facilities including nurseries, integrated nursery centres, playgroups, crèches and child-minding networks, is are important to increase economic activity rates, to improve the quality of life of parents and children and to reduce social exclusion. Good quality leisure and sport facilities support and encourage people to lead healthy lifestyles, raising the quality of life for local residents. Leisure, cultural and entertainment facilities help attract people to the borough as a place to work, visit and live. 7.86 It is therefore important that new and replacement facilities support new and existing communities, respectively. These should also facilitate the growth of the borough by providing sufficient capacity to accommodate community need and demand.
7.87 The Council will work collaboratively with service providers, developers and relevant stakeholders, including the local community, to fully understand existing and future social infrastructure needs and plan appropriately for these, including through the Community Infrastructure Levy.
7.88 The loss of social infrastructure can have a detrimental effect on a community. The Council seeks to protect its existing community facilities assets through other relevant Local Plan policies. Where a development proposal leads to the loss of a facility, a replacement that continues to meet the needs of the neighbourhood it serves will be required.
7.90 Proposals for new and replacement facilities will be supported where there is a local need. This need will be demonstrated through a local need assessment. This is particularly important where existing deficits in community or leisure provision have already been identified in line with the Council's Leisure Strategy and Built Facilities Strategy.
7.91 When new developments generate the need for new community facilities, the need should be met by on and off-site provision, in line with Policy SP04 MG05 Developer Contributions.
Assets of Community Value
7.89 It should be noted that Assets of Community Value (ACV) are subject to additional protection from development as designated under the Localism Act 2011 will be a material consideration in any proposal for redevelopment. The Localism Act 2011 introduced the Community Right to Bid which provides a new right for residents to nominate certain local public or privately-owned buildings or land as being an Asset of Community Value. The Council is obliged to consider all nominations received and include the building or land on the ACV list, if the current use or a recent past use of the asset has furthered the social well-being or social interests of the community and can continue to do so. Once an asset is included in the ACV list it will remain on that list for five years, after that, re-application will be necessary. During this time, the owner cannot dispose of the asset it other than to a without giving the community interest group the opportunity to bid for it. The without the community having are then given six months to put together a bid to buy the asset. The Brentwood most up to date ACV list and how to nominate an asset are available to view in the Council's information database, DataShare2.
7.92 This policy should be read in conjunction with Policy SP04 MG05 Developer Contributions, Policy HP12 BE15 Planning for Inclusive Communities, Policy PC15 Education Facilities., and Policy PC16 Buildings for Institutional Purposes.
To make the policy consistent with national policy, effective and justified
(6) MM70
Page number 203-205, Policy PC15, Paragraph 7.93, Paragraph 7.94, Paragraph 7.95, Paragraph 7.97
Amend Policy to read:
A. The change of use or re-development of existing or proposed educational establishments and/or their grounds for alternative purposes will not be permitted unless:
a. it can be clearly demonstrated that the use of the site is genuinely redundant for educational purposes and no other alternative educational or community use can be found for the site in question; or
b. satisfactory alternative and improved facilities will be provided; or
c. in the case of playing fields or open space associated with educational establishments, any proposals that involve their loss or change in use will be subject to Policy NE05 the area of the site to be redeveloped is genuinely in excess of government guidelines for playing field provision, taking into account future educational projections.
B. Where there is a demonstrable need for new educational facilities, planning permission will be granted for appropriate and well-designed proposals which broadly meet the criteria for new education facilities set out in the ECC's Developers' Guide to Infrastructure Contributions.
C. The Council recognises the differences in location and design requirements between rural and urban based new education proposals in the borough and will assess applications accordingly.
D. Where necessary, the Council will utilise planning obligations or CIL to help mitigate any adverse impacts on an educational facility and assist in delivering development that has a positive impact on the community.
E. C. Developers should engage with the Local Education Authority at the earliest opportunity and work cooperatively to ensure the phasing of residential development and appropriate mitigation, Developments that generate a need for additional education facilities should make appropriate provision for their timely delivery as part of the development or through financial contributions if appropriate and in line accordance with ECC's Developers' Guide to Infrastructure Contributions, is identified in a timely manner to ensure appropriate education provision can be secured.
F. Proposals for educational facilities in the Green Belt will be looked into positively where a requirement for a Green Belt location is demonstrated and with regard to Green Belt policies, including Policy NE09 Green Belt, and NE10 New Development, Extension and Replacement of Buildings in the Green Belt.
D. New educational establishments should plan and design their playing fields and sports facilities to be used for community use when not required for their own use, provided always that any such use must not detract from the safety of pupils or their learning environment.
Amend paragraph 7.93 to read:
7.93 Further information regarding requirements for educational facilities over the Plan period is detailed in the Council's Infrastructure Delivery Plan. This policy should be read in conjunction with Policy SP04 MG05 Developer Contributions, and Policy NE05 Open Space and Recreational Facilities Policy PC14 Protecting and Enhancing Community Assets, as well as infrastructure requirements set out under site-specific policies in Chapter 9. Applicants should engage with the Local Education Authority at the earliest opportunity and work cooperatively to ensure educational requirements are identified early on and are delivered at the appropriate time in line with the phasing of development.
Retain paragraph 7.94 and amend to read:
Education in this section relates to early years and childcare, primary, secondary and further education provision for all children and young people, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, and where residential elements may form part of the provision. Higher education and other types of education such as language schools are not included in this policy.
Amend paragraph 7.95 to read:
7.95 New and Eestablished schools and their related educational facilities including playing field and sports facilities, make a major contribution to community use and provide essential support to increased housing growth. Education providers and institutional users will be encouraged to improve facilities and make efficient use of their assets and landholdings. Where feasible, providers will be encouraged to share their assets with the wider community to improve health and social well-being, subject to site specific context and wider impacts.
Retain paragraphs 7.96 to 7.103
Amend paragraph 7.97 to read:
Essex County Council (ECC) as the Local Education Authority has the responsibility for early years and childcare and school place planning. Through this process, ECC identifies the need for school places and identifies surpluses or deficits through a 10 Year Plan for School Places currently covering the period 2019-2028. Whether the change of use or redevelopment of independent schools would be considered surplus to educational requirements will be considered on a case by case basis.
To make the policy effective
Page Number 206, Policy PC16, Paragraph 7.104-7.105
Delete Policy PC16 and supporting text paragraphs 7.104 to 7.105.
To make the Plan effective, as this is already covered by other policies within the Plan.