Schedule of Potential Main Modifications

Ended on the 11 November 2021

Chapter 1


(138) MM1

Page Number 18, Paragraph 1.39


Insert new paragraphs after 1.39 to read:

Strategic and Non-strategic Policies

Chapter 3 sets out the borough priorities emanating from the Council's Corporate Plan as well as a number of supporting studies, spatial challenges and opportunities which formed key considerations and drivers in deriving the borough's spatial development strategy. The borough's priorities are consolidated into four strategic objectives. Figure 1.1 - Document Structure, illustrates how the policies relate to each of the strategic objectives to help Brentwood address its strategic priorities and meet these objectives.

Appendix 2 lists all policies and highlights those that are strategic as well as how they relate to the strategic objectives.

Chapters 4 to 8 set out the Local Plan policies under five thematic topics (Managing Growth, Resilient Built Environment, Housing Provision, Prosperous Communities, and Natural Environment). Each of these chapters is sub-divided into sub-themes and each sub-section begins with the strategic policies with the prefix 'Strategic'. Non-strategic policies follow these and provide more details on various development management matters.

There are currently three Neighbourhood Plans under development. Further information about these can be found on the Council webpages1. These are required to be consistent with, and help support the delivery of strategic policies set out in this Local Plan.

Footnote 1.


To make the Plan effective and consistent with national policy

Now makes it explicit where the plan's strategic policies can be found



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