Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
(2) Annexe 3 – MM117 Appendix 3 – Monitoring Framework
Plan Policy |
Policy Name |
Indicator |
Delivery Mechanism |
Target |
Trigger for action |
Action |
Chapter 4: Managing Growth |
MG01 |
Managing Growth |
7,752 new homes over the Plan period as a running total
Planning permissions |
Achieve 7,752 new residential dwellings (net) over the Plan period 2016-2033. Target to also include the number of housing expected to be developed on an annual basis from the Housing Trajectory. |
80% or less of the running total of the Housing Trajectory is achieved over a three-year period. |
Review the housing trajectory and assess reasons why developments are not coming forward as expected. If the five-year housing supply is not being achieved, then consider whether the policy requirements need to be reviewed as part of a full or focused review and, if necessary, consider undertaking a call for sites to include additional sites to help improve delivery of new homes. |
13 new gypsy and traveller pitches to be delivered over the plan period |
13 new pitches to be delivered at the following sites (as identified in HP08): Oaktree Farm (7 pitches) Hunters Green (1 pitch) DHGV (5 pitches) |
Failure to meet 13 new pitches over the Local Plan period. |
Refresh the HELAA and/or SHLAA to identify new gypsy and traveller pitches to meet the borough’s needs.
Consider whether the policy requirements need to be reviewed as part of a full or focused review. |
46.64 ha of employment land over the Plan period |
A minimum of 33.76 ha (or 2.81 ha per year) (net) of employment land provision over the remaining Plan period 2021-2033 (Based on the identified needs range of 33.76 - 45.96 ha) |
80% or less over a five year period of the minimum employment land need ( 2.81 ha per year) |
Assess the reasons why employment land provision is not being achieved. Consider a refresh the HELAA to identify additional employment sites to meet job growth.
Consider whether the policy requirements need to be reviewed as part of a full or focused review. |
1,604 sqm (net) of comparison retail floorspace
4,438 sqm (net) of convenience floorspace |
1,604 sqm (or approximately 94sqm per year) (net) of comparison retail floorspace over the Plan period
4,438 sqm (or approximately 261 sqm per year) (net) of convenience floorspace over the Plan period |
80% or less over a three year period of the average annual net comparison retail floorspace
80% of less over a three year period of the average annual net convenience floorspace |
Assess the reasons why net comparison retail floorspace and/or net convenience floorspace is not being achieved.
Consider a refresh of the Retail Needs Assessment.
Consider whether the policy requirements need to be reviewed as part of a full or focused review. |
MG05 |
Developers Contribution |
Strategic Transport Infrastructure requirements as identified in the individual site allocation policies and the most up to date IDP Part B. |
Planning permission |
Appropriate level of funding collected based on the requirements set out in the most up to date IDP Part B for providing the required strategic transport infrastructure. |
Failure to deliver a project that then results in a delay to the delivery of development sites allocated in the plan |
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs. |
Chapter 5: Resilient Built Environment |
BE08 |
Strategic Transport Infrastructure |
Strategic Transport Infrastructure requirements as identified in the individual site allocation policies and the most up to date IDP Part B. |
Planning permission |
Appropriate level of funding collected based on the requirements set out in the most up to date IDP Part B for providing the required strategic transport infrastructure. |
Failure to deliver a project that then results in a delay to the delivery of development sites allocated in the plan |
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs. |
BE09 |
Sustainable Means of Travel and Walkable Streets |
Develops provide an appropriate level of sustainable transport infrastructure as required by the policy |
Planning permission |
Developments provide access to appropriate sustainable travel infrastructure including:
No net loss of existing pedestrian and cycle paths
Where appropriate access to car pools, car sharing, community buses and cycle schemes |
Developments do not provide appropriate walking and cycle paths and access to public transport. A loss to the existing pedestrian and cycle paths as a result of development. |
Assess why pedestrian and/or cycle paths are not included within developments or why there is a net loss of pedestrian / cycle paths. Consider whether the policy should be reviewed. |
BE11 |
Electric and Low-Emission Vehicles |
Provide sufficient occupier and visitor access to electric vehicle changing points |
Planning Permission |
All development include electric charging points wherever possible |
80% of all new developments do not provide access to electric vehicle charging points in line with the most up to date Government guidance and/or Council strategy, whichever is greater. |
Assess why electric vehicle charging points are not being included in developments. Consider whether the policy should be reviewed to set minimum standards for electric vehicle charging points to ensure uptake. |
BE13 |
Parking Standards |
Provide the required amount of parking as determined by the most up to date Essex Parking Standards |
Planning Permission |
All developments adhere to the Essex Parking Standards as required by the most up to date parking standards Design and Good Practice document. |
Not all developments provide the minimum level of parking spaces as required by the most up to date Essex Parking Standards guidance |
Assess why not all developments meet the most up to date Essex Parking Standards Design and Good Practice requirements. Consider if a further review of the policy is required. |
No net loss of parking spaces for the Brentwood Town Centre development sites: R11: 97 R12: 48 R13: 122 R14: 371
Total current parking spaces totaling: 638 |
Planning Permission |
No net loss of Town Centre car parking places. |
R10, R11, R12, R13, and R14 total parking places are less than 80% of the original available parking spaces. |
Assess why there was a net loss of parking within Brentwood Town Centre. Consider if a further review of the policy is required. |
BE16 |
Conservation and Enhancement of Historic Environment |
National Heritage Risk Register |
Planning permission |
Sites R01, R02, R06, R22, E12, and E13 to provide a Heritage Statements as required by the site specific policy requirements.
Reduction in the number of heritage assets on the Historic England’s ‘At Risk’ register. Reduction in the number of heritage assets considered to be ‘at risk’ on the local list of heritage assets once established. |
Heritage Statements are not provided for all development sites required to do so as stated within the individual site policies.
Identification of a heritage asset newly listed on the ‘at risk’ register. Periodic increase in the number of heritage assets on the ‘at risk’ register in the borough. Identification of a locally listed heritage asset that could be at risk through periodic review. |
Consider how the Council can contribute to measures to improve the condition of the ‘at risk’ heritage assets. Consider whether the policy is contributing to the neglect of the heritage assets, and if so, consider whether the policy should be reviewed. |
Chapter 6: Housing Provision |
HP01 |
Housing Mix |
Proposals of 10 or more to meet M4(2) or M4(3) Building Regulations
Developments of 60 or more to meet 5% M4(3) Building Regulation
Planning permission |
All developments of 10 or more dwellings meet the minimum requirement of M4(2) Building Regulation standards
5% of M4(3) Building Regulation standards for 80% of developments of 60 or more are not met.
Assess reasons why M4(3) Building Regulations are not being met. If this requirement is not being met due to viability reassess viability. Consider whether the policy requirements need to be reviewed as part of a full or focused review.
Developments of 100 or more to provide 5% Self and Custom Build |
All developments of 100 or more provide 5% Self and Custom Build homes. |
5% Self and Custom Build dwelling are not met for 80% of development of 100 or more are not met |
Assess reasons why 5% Self and Custom Build requirement is not being met. Consider whether the policy requirements need to be reviewed as part of a full or focused review. |
HP04 |
Specialist Accommodation |
Appropriate level of Specialist Accommodation is provided as indicated in the Council’s ‘Specialist Accommodation Report’ |
Planning Permission |
Appropriate level and type of Specialist Accommodation is provided as indicated in the Council’s most up to date Specialist Accommodation Report and other relevant evidence base. |
80% of the required Specialist Accommodation is provided over the plan period. |
Assess why the Specialist Accommodation requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment and review the policy requirements. |
HP05 |
Affordable Housing |
All developments of 10 or more to provide 35% affordable housing |
Planning Permission |
All developments of 10 or more to provide 35% affordable housing as required by the policy |
80% of all developments of 10 or more dwellings to provide 35% affordable housing |
Assess why the affordable housing requirements are not being met. If concerns around viability, update the Viability Assessment and review the policy requirements. |
Tenure split to be 86% Affordable / Social Rent and 14% of other forms of affordable housing. |
Appropriate tenure split as required by the policy. |
80% of all developments 10 or more to provide 86% affordable / social rent and 14% of other forms of affordable housing |
Assess why the tenure split is not being achieved. If concerns around viability, update the viability assessment. If the needs of the borough have changed, then consider updating the housing evidence and updating the policy to reflect the new housing tenure split. |
HP08 |
Safeguarding Permitted Sites |
Gypsy and Traveller pitches listed in criteria B of the policy are granted permanent planning permission |
Planning Permission |
All Gypsy and Traveller sites and associated pitches are granted planning permission over the plan period. |
80% or less of the Gypsy and Traveller sites identified in the policy are granted planning permission |
Consider undertaking a Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment to determine if the needs within the borough have changed. Consider reviewing the policy. |
HP10 |
Proposals for Gypsies, Travellers, ad Travelling Showpeople on Windfall Sites |
New Gypsy and Traveller sites come forward during the plan period on windfall site. |
Planning Permission |
All gypsy and traveller windfall sites come forward in line with the policy requirements. Those that are granted permission on greenbelt sites have clearly demonstrated very special circumstances. |
Gypsy and Traveller sites are granted permission on appeal. |
Assess the justifications for gypsy and traveller sites being granted on appeal. Consider updating the Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment and reviewing policies HP08: Provision for Gypsy and Traveller through to HP11: Proposals for Gypsies, Travellers, ad Travelling Showpeople on Windfall Sites. Amend these policies where needed. |
Chapter 7: Prosperous Communities |
PC03 |
Retail and Commercial Growth |
Retail floorspace requirements met in line with policy MG01.
Retail floorspace to be provided as part of the following mix-use developments
Dunton Hills Gadren Village (R01 Land at West Horndon Industrial Estate (R02) William Hunter Way Car Park (R14) Wates Way Industrial Estate (R15) |
Planning Permission |
Appropriate level of retail floorspace provided as indicated within policy MG01 and site policies R01, R02, R14, and R15 |
80% or less of the policy required retail floorspace is achieved in accordance with the site specific policies. |
Assess the reasons why retail floorspace is not being achieved.
Consider a refresh of the Retail Needs Assessment.
Consider whether the policy requirements need to be reviewed as part of a full or focused review. |
PC10 |
Protecting and Enhancing Community Facilities |
Maintaining the existing level of Community Facilities. |
Planning Permission |
No net loss of existing community facilities, include those registered as Assets of Community Value (ACV). |
The loss of a community facility to an alternative use. |
Assess why the community facility was loss (i.e. there was no longer a need for the facility). Consider updating the Council’s Built Facilities Strategy. Consider reviewing the policy. |
Chapter 8: Natural Environment |
NE01 |
Protecting and Enhancing the Natural Environment |
Biodiversity net gains
Planning permission |
Achieve biodiversity net gains |
New developments are unable to achieve biodiversity net gains. |
Assess why biodiversity net gains are not able to be achieved on site(s). Consider a review of how the policy has been applied, and whether the policy should be reviewed. |
Sites within the RAMS Zone of Influence make appropriate contribution toward mitigation. |
Sites within the RAMS Zone of Influence make appropriate contribution towards mitigation as required by the policy and the most up to date evidence. |
New developments not making appropriate contributions towards mitigations as required by the RAMS Strategy |
Assess reasons why RAMS contributions were not made as required by the RAMS Strategy and the policy. Consider if changes to the policy wording are required. |
No impacts on SSSI’s or Sites of Local Importance |
No impacts from developments, either individually or in combination, on SSSI’s or Sites of Local Importance |
Unacceptable environmental impacts on SSSI’s and/or Sites of Local Importance as a result of an individual development or a combination of developments. |
Assess reasons why unacceptable environmental impacts on SSSI’s and/or Sites of Local Importance have occurred. Consider reviewing the policy wording. |
NE02 |
Green and Blue Infrastructure |
Maximise opportunities for improving Green and Blue Infrastructure (GBI) |
Planning Permission |
Existing Green and Blue Infrastructure are protected and enhanced where possible |
Adverse impact to green and blue infrastructure as a result of development. Lack of appropriate specification and maintenance plans for the proposed green and blue Infrastructure through the life of the development.
Assess the reasons why appropriate protect and/or enhancement to Green and Blue Infrastructure was not achieved. Consider reviewing the policy wording. |
Development adjacent to water course or water body, do not have any adverse on the function or quality of the Blue Infrastructure. |
No adverse impacts on water quality as a result of those developments located near water courses and/or water bodies. |
Adverse impact on water courses and/or water bodies as a result of development. |
Assess reasons why adverse impacts to water courses and water bodies. Consider reviewing the policy wording. |
NE08 |
Air Quality |
Developments do not create an unacceptable risk to Air Quality. All development types listed within the policy, criteria C are required to submit an Air Quality Assessment as part of the planning application process. |
Planning Permission |
All developments required by the policy submit an Air Quality Assessment which clearly demonstrates no risk to air quality. |
Planning permission is granted to developments where:
Assess reason why planning permission was granted to a development which did not meet the requirements of the policy. Consider whether a review of the policy wording is required. |
Chapter 9: Site Allocations *Not all aspects of the site allocations will be monitored. Focus is solely on housing, employment, infrastructure and environment and heritage as it related to the policies listed above. |
R01 |
Dunton Hills Garden Village |
Planning Permission |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs. |
Employment: 5.5 ha of employment land of E use class |
A minimum of 5.5 ha employment land provision over the remaining Plan period 2021-2033
Less than 90% of employment land is provided as identified within the policy. |
Assess the reasons why employment land provision is not being achieved.
Consider a refresh the HELAA to identify additional employment sites to meet job growth. |
Infrastructure: Delivery of at least one secondary school with sufficient capacity to co-locate early years and childcare nursery facilities |
At least one secondary school and co-located early years and childcare nursery facilities |
Secondary school and early years and childcare nursery not provided |
Assess why the Secondary school, early years, and/or childcare facilities have not been provided.
Consider whether a review of the viability assessment is needed.
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs. |
Environment and Heritage:
R02 |
Land at West Horndon Industrial Estate |
Planning Permission |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs. |
Employment: Around 2 ha of employment land with an appropriate mix of retail, commercial, and leisure floorspace |
A minimum of 2 ha employment land provision over the remaining Plan period 2021-2033
Less than 90% of employment needs are provided |
Assess the reasons why employment land provision is not being achieved.
Consider a refresh the HELAA to identify additional employment sites to meet job growth. |
Environment and Heritage: Preparation of a Heritage Statement |
Heritage Statement including in application |
No Heritage Statement included in application |
Consider how the Council can contribute to measures to improve the condition of the "at risk" heritage assets. Consider whether policy BE16 Conservation and Enhancement of Historic Environment is contributing to the neglect of the heritage assets, and if so, consider whether the policy should be reviewed. |
R03 |
Land North of Shenfield |
Planning Permission |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs. |
Employment: 2ha of employment land |
2ha of employment land |
Less than 90% of the required employment land is provided |
Assess the reasons why employment land provision is not being achieved.
Consider a refresh the HELAA to identify additional employment sites to meet job growth.
R04 |
Ford Headquarters and Council Depot |
Planning Permission |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs. |
Employment: 2ha of employment land |
2ha of employment land |
Less than 90% of the employment land is provided |
Assess the reasons why employment land provision is not being achieved.
Consider a refresh the HELAA to identify additional employment sites to meet job growth.
Heritage: Grade II listed Blenheim House and the Chapel of Royal Anglian and Essex Regiments |
No negative impact on the Grade II listed Blenheim House and the Chapel of Royal Anglian and Essex Regiments |
Negative impacts occur on the listed building within the area as a direct result of development. |
Consider how the Council can contribute to measures to improve the condition of the ‘at risk’ heritage assets. Consider whether policy BE16 Conservation and Enhancement of Historic Environment is contributing to the neglect of the heritage assets, and if so, consider whether the policy should be reviewed. |
R06 |
Land off Nags Head Lane |
Planning Permission |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs. |
Infrastructure: Provision for public open space |
Provide multi-functional green infrastructure
Adverse impact to green and blue infrastructure as a result of development. Lack of appropriate specification and maintenance plans for the proposed green and blue Infrastructure through the life of the development.
Assess the reasons why appropriate protect and/or enhancement to Green and Blue Infrastructure was not achieved. Consider reviewing the policy wording for policy NE02 Green and Blue Infrastructure |
Environment and Heritage:
National Risk Register |
Heritage Statement submitted with application |
No Heritage Statement is submitted with the application |
Consider how the Council can contribute to measures to improve the condition of the ‘at risk’ heritage assets. Consider whether policy BE16 Conservation and Enhancement of Historic Environment is contributing to the neglect of the heritage assets, and if so, consider whether the policy should be reviewed. |
R07 |
Sow and Grow Nursery |
Planning Permission |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs. |
Infrastructure: Appropriate developers contribution as set out in the Council’s IDP towards highway infrastructure |
Appropriate developers contribution as set out in the Council’s IDP towards highway infrastructure |
Insufficient developers contribution made as required by policy |
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.
Environment and Heritage: National Risk Register |
No adverse impacts of Grade II listed Park and Garden of South Weald Park |
Adverse impacts on the Grade II listed Park and Garden of South Weald as a result of the development. |
Consider how the Council can contribute to measures to improve the condition of the ‘at risk’ heritage assets. Consider whether policy BE16: Conservation and Enhancement of Historic Environment is contributing to the neglect of the heritage assets, and if so, consider whether the policy should be reviewed. |
R08 |
Land at Mascalls Lane |
Housing: 9 new dwellings |
Planning Permission |
9 new dwellings |
Less than 9 new dwelling |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.
Infrastructure: Appropriate financial contribution as determined by the Council’s IDP |
Appropriate financial contribution |
No financial contribution |
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.
R09 |
Land of Warley Hill |
Planning Permission |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs. |
Environment and Heritage: National Risk Register |
No negative impacts of the Grade II listed Warley Hospital, Tower at Warley Hospital and Lodge to Warley Hospital |
Adverse impacts on the Grade II listed buildings as a result of the development. |
Consider how the Council can contribute to measures to improve the condition of the ‘at risk’ heritage assets. Consider whether policy BE16: Conservation and Enhancement of Historic Environment is contributing to the neglect of the heritage assets, and if so, consider whether the policy should be reviewed. |
R10 |
Brentwood Railway Station |
Planning Permission |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs. |
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.
R11 |
Westbury Road Car Park |
Planning Permission |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs. |
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.
Environment and Heritage: National Risk Register |
Heritage Statement |
No Heritage Statement |
Consider how the Council can contribute to measures to improve the condition of the ‘at risk’ heritage assets. Consider whether policy BE16 Conservation and Enhancement of Historic Environment is contributing to the neglect of the heritage assets, and if so, consider whether the policy should be reviewed. |
R12 |
Land at Hunter House |
Planning Permission |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs |
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.
Environment and Heritage: National Risk Register |
Heritage Statement |
No Heritage Statement |
Consider how the Council can contribute to measures to improve the condition of the ‘at risk’ heritage assets. Consider whether policy BE16 Conservation and Enhancement of Historic Environment is contributing to the neglect of the heritage assets, and if so, consider whether the policy should be reviewed. |
R13 |
Chatham Way Car Park |
Planning Permission |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs |
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.
Environment and Heritage: National Risk Register |
Heritage Statement |
No Heritage Statement |
Consider how the Council can contribute to measures to improve the condition of the ‘at risk’ heritage assets. Consider whether policy BE16: Conservation and Enhancement of Historic Environment is contributing to the neglect of the heritage assets, and if so, consider whether the policy should be reviewed. |
R14 |
William Hunter Way Car Park |
Planning Permission |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs |
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.
Environment and Heritage: National Risk Register |
Heritage Statement |
No Heritage Statement |
Consider how the Council can contribute to measures to improve the condition of the ‘at risk’ heritage assets. Consider whether policy BE16: Conservation and Enhancement of Historic Environment is contributing to the neglect of the heritage assets, and if so, consider whether the policy should be reviewed. |
R15 |
Wates Way Industrial Estate |
Planning Permission |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs |
Infrastructure: Developers contribution to Highway improvements as required by the IDP
Sufficient developers contribution
Insufficient developers contribution
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.
R16 |
Land off Doddinghurst Road |
Planning Permission |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs |
Infrastructure: Developers contribution to Highway improvements as required by the IDP
Sufficient developers contribution
Insufficient developers contribution
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.
R19 |
Land at Priests Lane |
Planning Permission |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs |
Insufficient developers contribution
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.
R21 |
Land South of Ingatestone |
Planning Permission |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs |
Infrastructure: Developers contribution to Highway improvements as required by the IDP
Sufficient developers contribution
Insufficient developers contribution
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.
Environment and Heritage: National Rik Register |
Heritage Statement submitted with application |
No Heritage Statement submitted with application |
Consider how the Council can contribute to measures to improve the condition of the ‘at risk’ heritage assets. Consider whether policy BE16 Conservation and Enhancement of Historic Environment is contributing to the neglect of the heritage assets, and if so, consider whether the policy should be reviewed. |
R22 |
Land adjacent to the A12, Ingatestone |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs |
Infrastructure: Developers contribution to Highway improvements as required by the IDP
Sufficient developers contribution
Insufficient developers contribution
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.
Environment and Heritage: National Rik Register |
Heritage Statement submitted with application |
No Heritage Statement submitted with application |
Consider how the Council can contribute to measures to improve the condition of the ‘at risk’ heritage assets. Consider whether policy BE16 Conservation and Enhancement of Historic Environment is contributing to the neglect of the heritage assets, and if so, consider whether the policy should be reviewed. |
R23 |
Brizes Corner Field |
Planning Permission |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs |
Infrastructure: Developers contribution to Highway improvements as required by the IDP
Sufficient developers contribution
Insufficient developers contribution
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.
R24 |
Land off Stocks Lane |
Planning Permission |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs |
Infrastructure: Developers contribution to Highway improvements as required by the IDP
Sufficient developers contribution
Insufficient developers contribution
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.
R25 |
Land North of Wollard Way |
Planning Permission |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs |
Infrastructure: Developers contribution to Highway improvements as required by the IDP
Sufficient developers contribution
Insufficient developers contribution
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.
R26 |
Land North of Ochard Piece |
Planning Permission |
Assess why the housing requirements are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment. Consider whether a call for site should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure the borough can meet its identified housing needs |
Infrastructure: Developers contribution to Highway improvements as required by the IDP
Sufficient developers contribution
Insufficient developers contribution
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.
E11 |
Brentwood Enterprise Park |
Employment: 25.85 ha of employment |
Planning Permission |
25.85 employment – B2, B8, and sui generis |
90% or less employment |
Assess the reasons why employment land provision is not being achieved.
Consider a refresh the HELAA to identify additional employment sites to meet job growth. |
Infrastructure: Developers contribution to Highway improvements and early years child care as required by the IDP
Sufficient developers contribution
Insufficient developers contribution
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.
E12 |
Childerditch Industrial Estate |
Employment: 20.64 ha of employment land |
Planning Permission |
24.64 employment – Class E, B2, B8, and sui generis |
90% or less employment |
Assess the reasons why employment land provision is not being achieved.
Consider a refresh the HELAA to identify additional employment sites to meet job growth. |
Infrastructure: Developers contribution to Highway improvements and early years child care as required by the IDP
Sufficient developers contribution
Insufficient developers contribution
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.
Environment and Heritage: National Risk Register |
Heritage Statement submitted with application |
No Heritage Statement is submitted with application |
Consider how the Council can contribute to measures to improve the condition of the ‘at risk’ heritage assets. Consider whether policy BE16: Conservation and Enhancement of Historic Environment is contributing to the neglect of the heritage assets, and if so, consider whether the policy should be reviewed. |
E10 |
Codham Hall Farm |
Employment: 9.6 ha of employment |
Planning Permission |
9.6 ha employment – Class E, B2, B8 or sui generis uses |
90% or less employment |
Assess the reasons why employment land provision is not being achieved.
Consider a refresh the HELAA to identify additional employment sites to meet job growth. |
Infrastructure: Developers contribution to Highway improvements and early years child care as required by the IDP
Sufficient developers contribution
Insufficient developers contribution
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.
E13 |
East Hordon Hall |
Employment: 9.6 ha employment |
Planning Permission |
9.6 ha employment – Class E, B2, B8, or sui generis |
90% or less employment |
Assess the reasons why employment land provision is not being achieved.
Consider a refresh the HELAA to identify additional employment sites to meet job growth. |
Infrastructure: Developers contribution to Highway improvements and early years child care as required by the IDP
Sufficient developers contribution
Insufficient developers contribution
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.
Environment and Heritage: National Risk Register |
Heritage Statement submitted with application |
No Heritage Statement submitted with application |
Consider how the Council can contribute to measures to improve the condition of the ‘at risk’ heritage assets. Consider whether policy BE16: Conservation and Enhancement of Historic Environment is contributing to the neglect of the heritage assets, and if so, consider whether the policy should be reviewed. |
E08 |
Land Adjacent to A12 and Slip Road, Ingatestone |
Employment: 2.06 ha employment |
Planning Permission |
2.06 ha employment – Class E, B2, B8, or sui generis |
90% or less employment |
Assess the reasons why employment land provision is not being achieved.
Consider a refresh the HELAA to identify additional employment sites to meet job growth. |
Infrastructure: Developers contribution to Highway improvements and early years child care as required by the IDP
Sufficient developers contribution
Insufficient developers contribution
Work with lead organisations and developers to unblock delivery of infrastructure projects. If necessary review alternative ways of meeting the infrastructure needs.