Ingatestone & Fryerning Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16

Ended on the 17 March 2022









Air Quality

The Ingatestone and Fryerning Neighbourhood Plan has included policies that seek to ensure that new developments do not result in an increase in traffic and congestion which could have a detrimental impact on air quality in the parish.


Affordable Housing

Brentwood Borough Council has proposed an affordable housing requirement of 35% on proposed developments of 11 or more (net) units or sites of 10 or less units which have a combined gross internal floorspace in excess of 1,000 square metres.


Brentwood Business Partnership

A partnership between Brentwood businesses, local businesses organisations and Brentwood Borough Council.


Brentwood Local Development Plan

The National Planning Policy Framework requires local planning authorities to produce a Local Plan for their area. Brentwood Borough Council's LDP was

submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for examination on behalf of the Secretary of State (Regulation 22) in March 2020.


Brentwood Parking standards and Strategy

BBC adopted the Parking Standards Design and Good Practice 2009 as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) as of 10 March 2011.

Strategic options development report, prepared by JMP Consultants Ltd 2016.


Brentwood Borough Council Sport, Leisure and Open Space Assessment

A policy document prepared by Ploszajski Lynch Consulting Ltd in August 2016 to support the LDP recommendations.


Brentwood Borough Council Playing Pitch Strategy 2018-33

A policy document prepared by 4global Consulting in 2018 to support the LDP recommendations.


Brentwood Replacement Local Plan adopted 2005

The Local Plan sets a framework for future growth in the area, identifying the level of need and locations for new housing, employment and retail development.


Building Research Establishment Green Guide to Specification

Describes the selection of materials within new developments to ensure the use of the most sustainable available materials.


Code for Sustainable Homes

The Code for Sustainable Homes is the national standard for the sustainable design and construction of new homes. It is an environmental assessment method for rating and certifying the performance of new homes and it is possible to secure a CH rating of between zero and six with six being the most sustainable.

Ingatestone and Fryerning Parish Council have suggested developments meet level six comparable with Passivhaus standards.


Conservation Area

There are three, Fryerning - established in 1991, Ingatestone High Street - established in 1969 and Station Lane established in 1981 and extended to cover Tor Bryan.


Consultation Plan

A Consultation Plan accompanying the Ingatestone and Fryerning Neighbourhood Plan is required by the Localism Act. The Consultation Plan must set out what consultation was undertaken and how this informed the Neighbourhood Plan.


Design Brief

Design briefs are required for all allocated residential sites in the Ingatestone and Fryerning Neighbourhood Plan. Design briefs are documents that provide clear guidance for the detailed design of new development.


Essex County Council (ECC)

ECC is the Waste Planning Authority for the Plan area and is responsible for preparing planning policies and assessing applications for waste management development. It is also the Mineral Planning Authority for the Plan area and is responsible for preparing planning policies and assessing applications for mineral development.

ECC is the Highway and Transport Authority (including responsibility for the delivery of the Essex Local Transport Plan), the Local Education Authority, including Early Years and Childcare (EYYC), Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND), and Post 16 education, the Local Flood Authority (LLFA) and the lead advisor on Public Health and adult social care (in relation to the securing the right housing mix which takes account of the housing needs of older people and adults with disabilities).


Essex Design Guide

Published in 2018 it gives architectural details for new developments and other important elements such as older peoples' housing, climate change and energy efficiency.


Evidence Base

The researched, documented, analysed and verified basis for preparing the Ingatestone and Fryerning Neighbourhood Plan. It consists of many documents produced over a period of years, many of which have been produced by Brentwood Borough Council as part of the process of developing their Local Development Plan.


George Sherrin

A Victorian architect who designed and built a number of properties in the Station Lane Conservation area.


Greater Anglia and Railway Heritage Trust

Working with the parish council to develop the Ingatestone Museum in a disused railway building.


Green Corridors

Green spaces that provide avenues for wildlife movement, often along streams, rivers, hedgerows or other natural features. They connect green spaces together and often provide pleasant walks for the public away from main roads.


Green Infrastructure

Green infrastructure is a network of multifunctional green spaces in rural and urban areas, which supports natural ecological processes to deliver a range of environmental and quality of life benefits that are integral to successful sustainable communities.


Habitats Regulations

The European Union Habitats Directive aims to protect the wild plants, animals and habitats that make up our diverse natural environment. The directive created a network of protected areas around the European Union of national and international importance. They are called Natura 2000 sites. If development is

likely to affect a Natura 2000 site, an assessment under the Habitats Regulations is required.


Housing our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation

Since 2009 a government panel has been considering issues associated with housing for older people, called Housing our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation.


Listed Buildings

Buildings and structures which are listed by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport as being of special architectural and historic interest and whose protection and maintenance are the subject of special legislation. Listed building consent is required before any works are carried out on a listed building.


Local Planning Authority

The Local Planning Authority is Brentwood Borough Council.


Localism Act

An Act of Parliament that became law in April 2012. The Act introduces a new right for local people to draw up Neighbourhood Development Plans for their local area.



Metropolitan Green Belt


The Metropolitan Green Belt is a statutory green belt around London, England. It comprises parts of Greater London and the six adjoining 'home counties', parts of two of the three districts of the small county of Bedfordshire and a small area in Copthorne, Sussex. It was created to check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas, to prevent neighbouring towns from merging into one another, to assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment and to preserve the setting and special character of historic towns.


National Design Guide

Issued by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government 2019. The long-standing fundamental principles for good design are that it is: fit for purpose, durable and brings delight.


National Planning Policy Framework

The National Planning Policy Framework was published by the government in March 2012 and revised in 2019. It sets out the government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied.


Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee

Committee of the Ingatestone and Fryerning Parish Council comprising parish councillors and residents convened to produce the Neighbourhood Plan.


Neighbourhood Plan

The full title in the Localism Act is 'Neighbourhood Development Plan' but this is commonly shortened to 'Neighbourhood Plan'. It is a plan document for defined area subject to examination in public and approval by referendum. It will be used on approval in the determination of applications.


Office for National Statistics

The 2011 Census provided data for the production of the Neighbourhood Plan.


Parking Standards

Essex County Council Parking Standards are a Supplementary Planning Document produced in 2011 and continues to expect new development to comply with these design and provision standards.


Passivhaus Trust

Passivhaus standards seek to significantly reduce energy consumption for the heating and cooling of buildings.


Planning Practice Guidance

The PPG is an online portal which provides guidance on implementing aims and objectives of the NPPF. The PPG provides specific guidance on a range of planning related topics.



A general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision. In the case of the Ingatestone and Fryerning Neighbourhood Plan, the referendum will decide whether or not to adopt the Plan.


Rural Community Profile for I&F

Report prepared by the Rural Community Council for Essex on the parish based on the 2011 census data.


Site R21

Site allocated for employment purposes in the BBC's LDP. The site is adjacent to the A12 and slip road in Ingatestone.


Site R22

This is the land allocated for housing development in the Local Development Plan. The site is located at the southern periphery of the village where it effectively forms a gateway site when approached from both Brentwood and Billericay directions.


Strategic Environment Assessment

Assessments made compulsory by a European Directive (the SEA Directive). To be implemented in planning through Sustainability Appraisal of Development Plan Documents and Neighbourhood Plans where required.


Sustainable Transport

The Climate Change Act commits the UK to reducing C02 emissions. Sustainable modes of transport are transport modes which do not rely on the car such as walking and cycling and public transport such as buses and trains.


Sui generis

Unique or different.


Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems

A drainage system that controls the rate and quantity of run-off surface water from developments.


Town and Country Planning Act 1990

This is the legislation that the Neighbourhood Plan must comply with to be 'made'.


Vision Statement

Vision for the future of the parish 2020-2033.


Windfall Sites

Sites not allocated for development in the Ingatestone and Fryerning Neighbourhood Plan that unexpectedly comes forward for development.

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