Ingatestone & Fryerning Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16
[1] Unless specified otherwise, all statistics are from 2011 census data.
[2] A summary of the results of the IFNP Residents' Questionnaire is available in the Neighbourhood Plan evidence base on the parish council website
[3] Station Lane Ingatestone Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan, ECC, 2008.
[4] Rural Community Profile for Ingatestone and Fryerning, Rural Community Council for Essex (RCCE), 2013.
[5] Unless specified otherwise, all statistics are from 2011 census data.
[6] An elementary occupation consists of simple and routine tasks, such as cleaners, agricultural labourers, food preparation assistants and refuse workers.
[7] Brentwood Business Partnership is a partnership between Brentwood businesses, local business organisations and Brentwood Borough Council. The Partnership seeks to raise awareness of Brentwood as a thriving place for businesses, visitors and residents; increase footfall and encourage local spend to grow the local economy; support retailers, businesses, tourism and the night-time economy; and sponsor events and projects to attract more business and improve the public realm. Further information is available from:
[8] Rural Community Profile for Ingatestone and Fryerning, Rural Community Council for Essex (RCCE), 2013
[9] Certain uses do not fall within any use class and are considered 'sui generis'. Such uses include: betting offices, shops, pay day loan shops, theatres, larger houses in multiple occupation, hostels providing no significant element of care, scrap yards. Petrol filling stations and shops selling or displaying motor vehicles, retail warehouse clubs, nightclubs, launderettes, taxi businesses and casinos.
[10] Map from the Brentwood Local Plan, pre-submission version, February 2019.
[11] Based on 2011 Census data.
[12] Rural Community Profile for Ingatestone and Fryerning, Rural Community Council for Essex (RCCE), 2013.
[13] Brentwood Parking Strategy, Strategic Options Development Report, JMP Consultants Ltd, 2016.
[14] Parking Standards, Design and Good Practice, ECC, 2009.
[15] Major developments as defined within the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015.
[16] Parking Standards, Design and Good Practice, ECC, 2009, or similar updated document.
[17] Major developments as defined within the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015.
[18] Green infrastructure is a network of multifunctional green spaces in rural and urban areas, which supports natural ecological processes to deliver a range of environmental and quality of life benefits that are integral to successful sustainable communities.
[19] Open space relates to all spaces of public value, including land and areas of water such as rivers and lakes (also referred to as blue infrastructure), which offer opportunities for sport and recreation and provide visual amenity.
[21] Sustainable modes of transport are transport modes which do not rely on the car, such as walking and cycling and public transport such as buses and trains.
[22] Major developments as defined within the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015.
[23] Rural Community Profile for Ingatestone and Fryerning, Rural Community Council for Essex (RCCE), 2013.
[24] Brentwood Borough Council Playing Pitch Strategy 2018-2033, 4global Consulting, 2018.