Brentwood Local Plan 2016 - 2033 (Pre-Submission, Regulation 19)

Ended on the 19 March 2019
For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.

(1)Proposed changes to Policies Map

Production of a new policies map will require changes to the 2005 proposals map. Maps setting out the below changes will be provided for Regulation 19 consultation:

  1. Amended Conservation Areas (since 2005);
  2. New development allocations (including Green Belt boundary changes);
  3. Identified Local Wildlife Site changes (Local Wildlife Site Review 2012;
  4. Gypsy and Traveller site boundaries;
  5. Retail designations;
  6. Functional Flood plain;
  7. New Article 4 Areas (since 2005).

Entire removal of the following designations on the map

  1. Landscape improvement area;
  2. Special Landscape Area;
  3. Red House Lake designation;
  4. Recreation;
  5. Indoor leisure;
  6. Hotel; Shops/residential;
  7. Shops/car parking/small shops;
  8. shops /offices;
  9. Financial & professional offices;
  10. Residential/offices/shops;
  11. Employment/offices;
  12. Open storage;
  13. Crossrail safeguarded area;
  14. Community /offices.

Along with the other retained designations and constraints from the 2005 Proposals Map, these will be combined into a Policies map for adoption.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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