Brentwood Local Plan 2016 - 2033 (Pre-Submission, Regulation 19)

Ended on the 19 March 2019

(1)Proposed changes to Policies Map

Production of a new policies map will require changes to the 2005 proposals map. Maps setting out the below changes will be provided for Regulation 19 consultation:

  1. Amended Conservation Areas (since 2005);
  2. New development allocations (including Green Belt boundary changes);
  3. Identified Local Wildlife Site changes (Local Wildlife Site Review 2012;
  4. Gypsy and Traveller site boundaries;
  5. Retail designations;
  6. Functional Flood plain;
  7. New Article 4 Areas (since 2005).

Entire removal of the following designations on the map

  1. Landscape improvement area;
  2. Special Landscape Area;
  3. Red House Lake designation;
  4. Recreation;
  5. Indoor leisure;
  6. Hotel; Shops/residential;
  7. Shops/car parking/small shops;
  8. shops /offices;
  9. Financial & professional offices;
  10. Residential/offices/shops;
  11. Employment/offices;
  12. Open storage;
  13. Crossrail safeguarded area;
  14. Community /offices.

Along with the other retained designations and constraints from the 2005 Proposals Map, these will be combined into a Policies map for adoption.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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