Brentwood Local Plan 2016 - 2033 (Pre-Submission, Regulation 19)

Ended on the 19 March 2019

Monitoring Framework

This section Deals with how the Council will monitor the Local Plan's success in meeting the challenges and opportunities set out in the planning policies to ensure effective delivery of the Plan.

This will be done through the monitoring of the indicators set out in the tables below on an annual basis which will be published through the Authorities Monitoring Report (AMR). The AMR will be used to report the performance of the Local Plan as well as recommending any actions required to ensure the delivery of the Plan.

(1)Table 1: Monitoring Framework. Broad parameters for monitoring policy implementation.

Plan Policy


Delivery Mechanism



Chapter 4 - Managing Sustainable Growth

SP01: Sustainable Development

Covered by other indicators within the monitoring framework

Target not required

SP02: Managing Growth

Plan period net housing target (running total)

Net additional dwellings completed in previous years

Net additional dwellings in monitoring year

Commencement of development at allocated sites

Completion of development at allocated sites (running total)

Planning permissions


Five Year Housing Land Supply

Achieve 7,752 new residential dwellings (net) over the Plan period 2016-2033

Achieve annualized housing target in line with housing trajectory

SP03: Health Impact Assessments

Covered by other indicators within the monitoring framework

Target not required

SP04: Developer Contributions

Covered by other indicators within the monitoring framework

Target not required

SP05: Construction Management

Covered by other indicators within the monitoring framework

Target not required

SP06: Effective Delivery of Development

Covered by other indicators within the monitoring framework

Target not required

Chapter 5 - Resilient Built Environment

BE01: Future Proofing

Quality of design of new development

Planning permission

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with policy

BE02: Sustainable Construction and Resource Efficiency

Sustainability of design of new development

Planning permission

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with policy

BE03: Carbon Reduction, Renewable Energy and Water Efficiency

Sustainability of design of new development – in line with policy requirement

Planning permission

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with policy

BE04: Establishing Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Infrastructure Network

Sustainability of design of new development – in line with policy requirement

Planning permission

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with policy

BE05: Assessing Energy Infrastructure

Sustainability of design of new development – in line with policy requirement

Planning permission

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with policy

BE06: Improving Energy Efficiency in Exiting Dwellings

Sustainability of design of new development – in line with policy requirement

Planning permission

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with policy

BE07: Managing Heat Risk

Sustainability of design of new development – in line with policy requirement

Planning permission

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with policy

BE08: Sustainable Drainage

Sustainability of design of new development and impact on flooding

Planning permission

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with policy

BE09: Communication Infrastructure

Number of applications for new Communication infrastructure

Planning permission

Target not required

BE10: Connecting new Developments to Digital Infrastructure

Number of new developments failing to connect

Planning permission

All new development to connect to digital infrastructure

BE11: Strategic Transport Infrastructure

Provision of key infrastructure

Planning permissions and masterplanning


Schemes delivered in accordance with the IDP

Progress and milestones in accordance with development as agreed in planning permissions in accordance with IDP

BE 12: Car-Limited Development

Provision of key infrastructure

Planning permissions and masterplanning


Schemes delivered in accordance with the IDP

Progress and milestones in accordance with development as agrede in planning permissions in accordance with IDP

BE13: Sustainable Means of Travel and Walkable Streets

Provision of key infrastructure

Planning permissions and masterplanning


Schemes delivered in accordance with the IDP

Progress and milestones in accordance with development as agrede in planning permissions in accordance with IDP

BE14: Sustainable Passenger Transport

Provision of key infrastructure

Planning permissions and masterplanning


Schemes delivered in accordance with the IDP

Progress and milestones in accordance with development as agreed in planning permissions in accordance with IDP

BE15: Electric and Low Emission Vehicles

Provision of key infrastructure

Planning permissions and masterplanning


Schemes delivered in accordance with the IDP

Progress and milestones in accordance with development as agree in planning permissions in accordance with IDP

BE16: Mitigating the Transport Impacts of Development

Provision of mitigation methodologies

Planning permissions and masterplanning


Schemes delivered in accordance with the IDP

Progress and milestones in accordance with development as agreed in planning permissions in accordance with IDP

BE17: Parking Standards

Level and type of parking provision for new developments

Planning permission and masterplanning

In line with ECC parking standards

BE18: Green and Blue Infrastructure

Inclusion of infrastructure in the design of new development. Sq.m of new accessible open space.

Planning application process

Not required

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with the Policy

BE19: Access to Nature

Distance to open space and to designated wildlife areas.

Planning application process

Within 1km of accessible open space or on site provision.

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with the Policy

BE20: Allotments and Community Food Growing Space

Sq.m of new food growing space.

Planning applications

Net gain

BE21: Protecting Land for Gardens

Quality of design of new development

Planning application process

Not required

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with the Policy

BE22: Open Space in New Development

Provision of functional open space

Planning applications

Net gain

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with the Policy

BE23: Open Space, Community, Sport and Recreational Facilities

Provision of on site open space – new sq. m

Planning applications

Net gain

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with the Policy

Chapter 6 – Housing Provision

HP01: Housing Mix

Number of new dwellings achieving M4(2) accessible and adaptable dwellings of the Building Regulations 2015

Number of new dwellings achieving M4(3) wheelchair adaptable dwellings of the Building Regulations 2015

Number of new dwellings achieving M4(3) wheelchair accessible dwellings of the Building Regulations 2015

Number of self-build and custom build homes achieved

Number and Type of Specialist Accommodation achieved


Specialist Accommodation Report

Building Regulations

On developments of 1o or more dwellings all to meet M4(2) accessible and adaptable dwellings, or M4(3) wheelchair adaptable dwellings, of the Building Regulations 2015

On developments of 60 or more dwellings a minimum of 5% of new affordable dwellings should be built to meet requirement M4(3) wheelchair accessible dwellings of the Building Regulations 2015

On developments of 500 or more dwellings a minimum of 5% self-build homes to be achieved

On developments of 500 or more dwellings an appropriate provision of Specialist Accommodation to be achieved

HP02: Protecting the Existing Housing Stock

Net number of permitted and completed homes


No net loss in dwellings from development proposals

HP03: Residential Density

Average density of residential development completed in urban areas within monitoring year (whole site)


Achieve average density of no less than 35dph

HP04: Specialist Accommodation

Number and Type of Specialist Accommodation achieved

Specialist Accommodation Report

All permissions granted for Specialist Accommodation in accordance with the Policy

Appropriate provision of Specialist Accommodation to be achieved

In the monitoring of this policy there will be a need to ensure the Council is satisfied with the provision of specialist accommodation being delivered, if a shortfall in provision is identified the policy will be reviewed as necessary

BE22HP05: Affordable Housing

Number of affordable homes completed

Type and tenure of affordable homes completed


To achieve 35% of affordable homes on threshold sites

To achieve a tenure split of 86% Affordable/Social Rent and 14% as other forms of affordable housing

Affordable Housing target not required but still needs to refer to all policies

HP06: Standards for New Housing

Internal spaces to be above minimum standards in National Space Standards

Planning permission


100% of new homes at or above national minimum standards

HP07: Provision for Gypsies and Travellers

Number of new Gypsy and Traveller pitches approved

Number of existing Gypsy and Traveller pitches approved for a change of use to other uses


To achieve 5 new and 8 regularised Gypsy and Traveller pitches by 2033.

Continue with the GTAA joint assessment work with other Essex boroughs.

HP08: Regularising Suitable Existing Traveller Sites

Number of new Gypsy and Traveller pitches approved

Number of existing Gypsy and Traveller pitches approved for a change of use to other uses


To achieve 5 new and 8 regularised Gypsy and Traveller pitches by 2033.

HP09: Safeguarding Permitted Sites

Number of existing Gypsy and Traveller pitches approved for a change of use to other uses


Not required

HP10: Sub-Division of Pitches or Plots

Case by case recording of split pitches/plots


Not required

Monitor as part of ongoing needs assessment information collation

HP11: Proposals for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople On Windfall Sites

Case by case recording of successful applications for new pitches/plots


Not required

Monitor as part of ongoing needs assessment information collation

HP12: Planning for Inclusive Communities

Quality of design of new development

Planning application process

Not required

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with the Policy

HP13: Creating Successful Places

Quality of design of new development

Planning application process

Not required

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with the Policy

HP14: Responding to Context

Quality of design of new development

Planning application process

Not required

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with the Policy

HP15: Permeable and Legible Layout

Quality of design of new development

Planning application process

Not required

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with the Policy

HP16: Buildings Design

Quality of design of new development

Planning application process

Not required

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with the Policy

HP17: Paving over Front Garden

Quality of design of new development

Planning application process

Not required

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with the Policy

HP18: Designing Landscape and the Public Real

Quality of design of new development

Planning application process

Not required

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with the Policy

HP19: Conservation and Enhancement of Historic Environment

Number of applications permitted affecting designated Heritage Assets

Planning applications

Not required

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with the Policy

HP20: Listed Buildings

Number of applications permitted affecting Listed Buildings

Planning applications

Not required

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with the Policy

HP21: Conservation Areas

Number of applications permitted affecting conservation areas

Planning applications

Not required

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with the Policy

HP22: Local Heritage Assets

Number of applications permitted affecting designated Heritage Assets

Planning applications

Not required

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with the Policy

HP23: Scheduled Monuments and Archaeological Remains

Number of applications permitted affecting Scheduled Monuments and Archaeological Remains

Planning applications

Not required

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with the Policy

Chapter 7 - Prosperous Communities

PC01: Cultivating a Strong and Competitive Economy

Types of applications approved within the Employment Areas

Planning application process

Not required

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with the Policy

PC02: Job Growth and Employment Land

Types of applications approved within the Employment Areas

Total commercial floorspace (sqm) completed (running total)

Planning application process


Net Gain in retail floorspace over the Plan period 2016-2033

Achieve a total of circa 48.89 ha of new employment land (B-Use)

PC03: Employment Land Allocations

Commencement of development and net floorspace (sqm) completed by type on Employment Land Allocations (running total)

Planning application process


Net Gain in accordance with policy

PC04: Development and Expansion of Business Space

Types of applications approved within the borough

Planning application process

Net Gain

PC05: Employment Development Criteria

Number of applications approved in line with criteria

Planning application process

Net Gain

PC06: Supporting the Rural Economy

Retail and Commercial Leisure

Number of applications approved

Planning application process

Net Gain

PC07: Retail and Commercial Leisure Growth

Types of applications approved within the allocated and non-allocated retail locations

Planning application process

Net Gain

PC08: Retail Hierarchy of Designated Centres

Types of applications approved within the allocated Designated Centres

Planning application process

Net Gain

PC09: Brentwood Town Centre

Types of applications approved within Brentwood Town Centre

Planning application process

Target not required

PC10: Mixed Use Development in Designated Centres

Types of applications approved within the allocated Designated Centres

Planning application process

Retention of mix of uses as described within policy

Review of change in Designated Centres

PC11: Primary Shopping Areas

Types of applications approved within the allocated Primary Shopping Centres

Planning application process

Retention of mix of uses as described within policy

Review of change in Primary Shopping Centres

PC12: Non-Centre Uses

Types of applications approved within the non-centre locations

Planning application process

Retention of mix of uses as described within policy

Review of change in non-centre locations

PC13: Night Time Economy

Number of applications approved for after hours leisure operation

Complaints received by Local Authority and police regarding detrimental impact

Planning permission with suitable management and stewardship schemes

Licensing process informative

Low to zero complaints

PC14: Protecting and Enhancing Community Assets (Community Infrastructure)

Number of applications permitted for the change of use of existing community facilities

Losses of Community facilities

Planning applications

Application for registration of Community Asset


No net loss

PC15: Education Facilities

Number of applications for permitted change for the change of use of Education Establishments to other sues. Change in school student numbers

With ECC and independent school providers

Change to reflect population changes, current presumption is a net increase.

PC16: Buildings for Institutional Purposes

Number of applications permitted for the change of use of existing institutional facilities

Losses of Institutional facilities

Planning applications


No net loss

Chapter 8 - Natural Environment

NE01: Protecting and Enhancing the Natural Environment

Losses to areas of biodiversity/geodiversity habitat

Additions to areas of biodiversity/geodiversity habitat

Total change in biodiversity/geodiversity habitat

Number of planning approvals that generated any adverse impacts on sites of acknowledged biodiversity importance.

Percentage of major developments generating overall biodiversity enhancement.

Hectares of biodiversity habitat delivered through strategic site allocations.

Through the determination of planning applications, SPDs, master plans, design codes, neighbourhood plans, ecological appraisals

All permissions granted which affect biodiversity/geodiversity habitat are in accordance with policy

NE02: Recreational Disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy (RAMS)

Contributions will be reviewed to reflect the planning permissions granted within the Zone of Influence and reflected in the SPD.

Through the determination of planning applications

Not required

Development of Joint Essex SPD, Review and monitoring for SPD and review of Zones of influence.

Continue to work with other Essex boroughs and with the Epping Forest steering group to update evidence base surveys.

Appropriate surveys and Zone of Influence review will be reflected in the size of the zones.

NE03: Trees, Woodlands, Hedgerows

Losses to areas woodland, hedgerow, trees

Additions to areas of woodland, hedgerow, trees

Total change in woodland, hedgerow, trees

Through the determination of planning applications

Zero loss

NE04: Thames Chase Community Forest

Additions to areas of woodland, hedgerow, trees

Through the determination of planning applications

Net gain

NE05: Air Quality

Levels of pollution

Through the determination of planning applications

As defined by Government AQMA requirements

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with Policy and technical advice.

NE06: Flood Risk

Impact on flood risk in an area.

Number of applications approved contrary to EA advice

Through the determination of planning applications

All development granted which affect flood risk are in accordance with policy

NE07: Contaminated Land and Hazardous Substances

Levels of pollution

Through the determination of planning applications

As defined by Government AQMA requirements. All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with Policy and technical advice.

NE08: Floodlighting and Illumination

Impact new development has on the amenity of surrounding areas

Through the determination of planning applications

All permissions granted for new development are in accordance with Policy

NE9: Green Belt

Covered by other indicators within the monitoring framework

Target not required

NE10: New Development, Extension and Replacement of Buildings in the Green Belt

Net new development within Green Belt

Through the delivery of the Local Plan and determination of planning applications

Target not required

NE11: Established Areas of Development and Structures in the Green Belt

Net new development within Green Belt

Through the delivery of the Local Plan and determination of planning applications

Target not required

NE12: Previously Developed Land in Green Belt

Net new development within Green Belt on previously developed land

Through the delivery of the Local Plan and determination of planning applications

Target not required

NE13: Site Allocations in the Green Belt

Net change in designated Green Belt sq. meterage / ha

Through the development of the Local Plan

Target not required

Removal of Green Belt designation from allocated sites to encourage development at these locations through the Local plan process

NE14: Agricultural Workers Dwellings

Net new development within Green Belt

Through the determination of planning applications

Target not required

NE15: Re-Use and Residential Conversion of Rural Buildings

Covered by other indicators within the monitoring framework

Through the determination of planning applications

Target not required

Chapter 9 –Site Allocations

Site Specific Allocations

Monitoring of allocated sites coming forward to application stage; sites with consent; units reaching completion (refer to Housing policies and Targets).

Through the determination of planning applications

Refer to housing targets (Chapter 6).

Failure to come to application or then to approval and to completion instigates review of Local plan

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