Question 11

Showing comments and forms 481 to 510 of 517


Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12292

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Miss Kirsty Wilson

Representation Summary:

Houses: 4
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 2
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 3
Woodland: 3/4
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land : 2
Infrastructure: 3
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 3

Full text:

see attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12318

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mr Steven Morris

Representation Summary:

Houses: 3
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 3
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 2
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land : 1
Infrastructure: 3
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2

Full text:

see attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12345

Received: 16/02/2015

Respondent: Mrs Nicola Giles

Representation Summary:

Houses: 3
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 3
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 2
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land : 1
Infrastructure: 3
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2
Other - footpaths: 4

Full text:

see attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12367

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mr. Stuart Giles

Representation Summary:

Houses: 3
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 3
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 2
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land : 1
Infrastructure: 3
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2

Full text:

see attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12389

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mrs Michelle Morris

Representation Summary:

Houses: 3
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 3
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 2
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land : 1
Infrastructure: 3
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2

Full text:

see attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12402

Received: 16/02/2015

Respondent: Roger Powell

Representation Summary:

Houses: 3
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 2
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 4
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 2
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land : 1
Infrastructure: 1
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 3
Other - Children : 3

Full text:

see attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12430

Received: 16/02/2015

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Luxon

Representation Summary:

Houses: 4
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 1
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 2
Farmland: 3
Woodland: 4
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land : 1
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2

Full text:

see attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12459

Received: 18/02/2015

Respondent: Mrs. Harlow

Representation Summary:

Houses: 4
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 3
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 2
Farmland: 3
Woodland: 3
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2

Full text:

Q1: No. I question very strongly the need for growth anywhere in Brentwood. The area is already overcrowded, services etc are struggling to cope.

Q2: No.

Q3: Yes. It is never appropriate to sacrifice Green Belt and areas of beauty to commercial or living purposes. In this overcrowded world these areas are even more precious.

Q4: This road is already much too busy and dangerous.

Q6: Brownfield sites.

Q7: The highway network needs to be hugely updated and enlarged first.

Q8: Yes.

Q10: Scenic Beauty Attractiveness: 4
Outdoor Recreation / Leisure Use: 4
Wildlife Interest: 5
Historic Interest: 5
Tranquility: 3

Q11: Houses: 4
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 3
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 2
Farmland: 3
Woodland: 3
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2

Q13: Roads. Water, sewerage. Lighting (safety). Schools. All healthcare facilities. Sport and leisure facilities.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12473

Received: 18/02/2015

Respondent: Mrs Martin

Representation Summary:

Houses: 4
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 3
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 2
Farmland: 3
Woodland: 3
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2

Full text:

Q1: No. Brentwood is too busy and overcrowded already.

Q2: No.

Q3: Yes. To have Green Belt is precious to keep.

Q4: This road is used too much already and dangerous.

Q5: No. Growth in Brentwood now is overcrowded and services are finding it hard to cope.

Q6: Brownfield.

Q7: The roads need to enlarge.

Q8: Yes.

Q10: Scenic Beauty Attractiveness: 4
Outdoor Recreation / Leisure Use: 4
Wildlife Interest: 5
Historic Interest: 5
Tranquility: 3

Q11: Houses: 4
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 3
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 2
Farmland: 3
Woodland: 3
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2

Q13: Roads. Lighting. Healthcare. Schools.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12483

Received: 16/02/2015

Respondent: Mr Scott Cooper

Representation Summary:

Houses: 3
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 3
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 2
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land : 1
Infrastructure: 3
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2

Full text:

see attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12500

Received: 16/02/2015

Respondent: Mr R Thomas

Representation Summary:

Houses: 3
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 2
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 3
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land : 1
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2

Full text:

see attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12506

Received: 22/04/2015

Respondent: Valerie Godbee

Representation Summary:

Houses: 3
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 2
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 4
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 3
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land : 1
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 4
Other- Flood plain (Fig 15) Blackmore Wooded Farmland/ Heritage (Fig 16) 4:

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12530

Received: 16/02/2015

Respondent: Louise Cooper

Representation Summary:

Houses: 3
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 3
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 2
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land : 1
Infrastructure: 3
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2

Full text:

see attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12542

Received: 11/02/2015

Respondent: Ms Lynne Matthews

Representation Summary:

Houses: 3
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 2
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 3
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land : 2
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2

Full text:

see attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12557

Received: 24/04/2015

Respondent: Mr Martin Sorrell

Representation Summary:

Houses: 3
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 1
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 4
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 4
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land : 1
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 3

Full text:

see attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12758

Received: 24/02/2015

Respondent: Mrs Joanna Durrell

Representation Summary:

Houses: 4
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 3
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 4
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 4
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 3

Full text:

Q1: Do not build on green land.

Q2: No. Please let small villages remain part of English heritage and not overpopulate them.

Q3: Yes, leave the Green Belt alone. Do not build on Green Belt.

Q4: I think this has already happened near Dunton Ford's. Another large town has been created but where are the schools and why have the roads not been addressed already to deal with the extra population?

Q5: No. I don't want to live in a London Borough. I like that we are a small town and have a community feel.

Q6: No.

Q7: No.

Q8: Retail is a key part of our community. Not big supermarkets and department stores.

Q9: Yes.

Q10: Scenic Beauty Attractiveness: 5
Outdoor Recreation / Leisure Use: 5
Wildlife Interest: 5
Historic Interest: 5
Tranquility: 5

Q11: Houses: 4
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 3
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 4
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 4
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 3

Q12: Yes. The new port at Tilbury and the impact our village will have if the M25 and A130 fails to work. A128 will be used as a cut through to bypass the roads. Pollution and safety has not been addressed.

Q13: Ensuring our roads are safe and well maintained including pavements.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12772

Received: 24/02/2015

Respondent: Mr John Copps

Representation Summary:

Houses: 4
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 4
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 4
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 4
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land: 2
Infrastructure: 4
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 4

Full text:

Q1: No. This is mainly Green Belt plus fields. Please let there be some open spaces in Brentwood.

Q2: No. The infrastructure and facilities and local services are already stretched to the max.

Q3: No.

Q4: None. Find somewhere else.

Q5: Yes.

Q6: Do not touch Green Belt.

Q7: Yes.

Q8: No.

Q9: No.

Q10: Scenic Beauty Attractiveness: 5
Outdoor Recreation / Leisure Use: 5
Wildlife Interest: 5
Historic Interest: 5
Tranquility: 5
Other - Being a village which are slowly being lost in England: 5

Q11: Houses: 4
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 4
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 4
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 4
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land: 2
Infrastructure: 4
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 4

Q12: No.

Q13: Making existing roads more roadworthy. Dealing with speed limits, especially on A128 which can be very dangerous. More buses and school buses to encourage more use.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12787

Received: 29/04/2015

Respondent: Mrs Edna Connaway

Representation Summary:

Houses: 4
Commercial/ Industrial buildings: 2
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 4
degraded / Derelict / Waste land: 1
Infrastructure: 4
Leisure / Recreational Facilities: 3

Full text:

See attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12795

Received: 30/04/2015

Respondent: John E Rolfe

Representation Summary:

All roads in this area have not really been materially increased in the last 50 years. Where is the vision and planning for the future?

Full text:

See attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12804

Received: 30/04/2015

Respondent: John E Rolfe

Representation Summary:

Houses: 4
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 4
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 2
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land: 1
Infrastructure: 4
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 3

Full text:

See attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12817

Received: 30/04/2015

Respondent: Mr David Wood

Representation Summary:

Houses: 4
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 2
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 2
Woodland: 3
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land: 1
Infrastructure: 4
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 3

Full text:

See attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12850

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Miss Kelly Bowers

Representation Summary:

Houses: 2
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 1
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 4
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 4
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2
Other - Space and Tranquillity, English Heritage: 4

Full text:

Q1: No. I think the government need to look at unused inner city buildings, derelict land and so forth. Keep our Green Belt identify, protect our heritage and not overbuild.

Q2: No.

Q3: Yes. Keep our villages especially Blackmore as it is. We haven't the resources and the roads would become dangerous, congested and like a town.

Q4: Not sure.

Q5: No.

Q6: Is this a question or a statement? I do not agree with using Green Belt at all. I strongly believe that Brentwood or elsewhere could be developed more.

Q7: No.

Q8: Yes.

Q9: As in what provision? Don't know.

Q10: Scenic Beauty Attractiveness: 5
Outdoor Recreation / Leisure Use: 4
Wildlife Interest: 5
Historic Interest: 5
Tranquility: 5
Other - Green Belts saved re Woollard Way - my road and my children's view and safety: 5

Q11: Houses: 2
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 1
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 4
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 4
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2
Other - Space and Tranquillity, English Heritage: 4

Q12: Quality of life, enjoying greenery of a natural environment. Safety for our children to grow up more free, not a built up area - this is why we moved to Blackmore, Woollard Way.

Q13: Don't know.

These questions are very biased and vague.

I do not want Woollard Way - the brownfield area of Green Belt to be developed / built on. This will devastate us. We moved here for the greenery and views. This will devalue our homes, effect our children's freedom and security. A close made into a noisy road would be categorically wrong and devastating. All the children love watching the horses, wildlife in the field next to use, they play out with no through traffic.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12866

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mr Michael Jefferyes

Representation Summary:

Houses: 2
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 2
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 4
Farmland: 3
Woodland: 3
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12883

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mr Dean Shepherd

Representation Summary:

Houses: 3
Commercial/ Industrial buildings: 2
Nature Reserves/ Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 3
Degraded/Derelict/Waste land: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure/ Recreation Facilities: 3

Full text:

Q1: No

Q2: No

Q3: Yes - The proposed site will increase traffic to a quiet road in the village that doesn't have the capacity to accommodate increased traffic.

Q4: No because the site isn't located near the A127.

Q5: No.

Q6: No these should stay Green Belt as the feel of the area will become urbanised and not village like.

Q7: No.

Q8: Yes - The population of the village has increased and the shops are struggling to cope this is without future development.

Q9: No.

Scenic Beauty: 5
Outdoor Recreation/ Leisure Use: 5
Wildlife Interest: 5
Historic Interest: 5
Tranquility: 5

Houses: 3
Commercial/ Industrial buildings: 2
Nature Reserves/ Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 3
Degraded/Derelict/Waste land: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure/ Recreation Facilities: 3

Q12: Yes - The additional funds should be spent improving residents safety by erecting more street lights and local buses.

Q13: Pedestrian safety and local street lights, buses, better road surfaces.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12908

Received: 05/05/2015

Respondent: Mr Luke Wenban

Representation Summary:

Houses: 3
Commercial / Industrial buildings: 3
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 2
Degraded / Derelict / Waste land: 1
Infrastructure: 3
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2

Full text:

See attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12930

Received: 05/05/2015

Respondent: Mrs Leanne Wenban-Price

Representation Summary:

Houses: 3
Commercial / Industrial buildings: 3
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 2
Degraded / Derelict / Waste land: 1
Infrastructure: 3
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2

Full text:

See attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12943

Received: 05/05/2015

Respondent: Mrs Anika Perry

Representation Summary:

Houses: 3
Commercial / Industrial buildings: 2
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 3
Woodland: 3
Degraded / Derelict / Waste land: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2

Full text:

See attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12955

Received: 05/05/2015

Respondent: Mr Ronan Hart

Representation Summary:

Houses: 2
Commercial / Industrial buildings: 1
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 3
Degraded / Derelict / Waste land: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2

Full text:

See attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12989

Received: 07/05/2015

Respondent: Mr Ian Stratford

Representation Summary:

Houses: 2
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 2
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 3
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land : 2
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2
Other: -

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 13021

Received: 07/05/2015

Respondent: Mr Barry Bunker

Representation Summary:

Houses: 3
Commercial / Industrial Buildings: 1
Nature Reserves / Wildlife: 2
Farmland: 3
Woodland: 3
Degraded / Derelict / Waste Land : 1
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure / Recreation Facilities: 2
Other: -

Full text:

See attached
