Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Ended on the 3 October 2013


Core Policies Target Indicator Delivery
S1: Spatial Strategy
  • Development in accordance with Spatial Strategy
  • Development Monitoring
  • Development Management
  • Land Allocations
S2: Amount and Distribution of Residential Development 2015-2030
  • An average completion rate of 200 dwellings per annum between 2015 and 2020 and 250 dwellings per annum between 2020-2030.
  • This equates to an annual average of 233 dwellings per annum over the Plan period
  • Authority Monitoring Report indicators: housing completions compared with 5 year supply
  • The Council has agreed a Local Investment Plan in partnership with the Homes and Communities Agency (2011)
  • Actions identified through the Borough Housing Strategy (in preparation)
  • Through a comprehensive review of assets it owns and discussions with partners and stakeholders, the Council will take a pro-active approach to identifying and realising opportunities for new housing in suitable locations on publicly owned land
  • RSLs
  • Housebuilders
S3: Jobs and employment land
  • An average growth rate of 285 net additional jobs per annum over the Plan period
  • Number of jobs in the Borough (full time equivalent)
  • Authority Monitoring Report indicators: non-residential development completions
  • Distribution of non-residential and retail development compared with spatial strategy
  • Net change in employment land provision as a result of planning permissions and changes of use for B1, B2 and B8 purposes
  • Vacant units in industrial estates
  • Allocation of a range of sites and better utilisation of existing employment sites to provide higher quality employment and more jobs
  • Through a comprehensive review of assets it owns and discussions with partners and stakeholders, the Council will take a pro-active approach to identifying and realising opportunities for new employment growth in suitable locations on publicly owned land
S4: Provision for Retail and Commercial Leisure
  • New employment floorspace (retail/ leisure)
  • Development monitoring – new retail/ leisure floorspace
  • Level of vacant retail units in Borough centres
  • Development Management and site allocations
CP1: Sustainable Development
  • Deliver development in accordance with policy
  • To be confirmed in light of Sustainability Appraisal Indicators
  • Development Management and site allocations
CP2: Managing Growth
  • Deliver development in accordance with policy
  • Monitor development to assess compliance with policy
  • Development management and site allocations
CP3: Strategic Sites
  • Develop in line with policy
  • Monitoring delivery through the AMR
  • See site specific policies CP4, 5 and 6
CP4: West Horndon Opportunity Area
  • Realisation of development in line with policy
  • Development Monitoring
  • Development Management Decisions
  • CiL Charging Schedule (forthcoming)
  • Infrastructure Delivery Plan
  • Development Briefs/Masterplan
CP5: William Hunter Way
  • Develop in line with Policy
  • Development Monitoring
  • Development Management
  • Site allocations
  • CiL Charging Schedule
  • Infrastructure Delivery Plan
CP6: The Baytree Centre
  • Develop in line with Policy
  • Development Monitoring
  • Development Management
CP7: Brentwood Enterprise Park
  • To deliver employment land at the site in accordance with the Policy in order to provide for local job growth
  • Development monitoring
  • Development management
  • Site Allocations
CP8: Housing Type and Mix To deliver homes which meet policy requirements

Housing completions monitoring by type, size and tenure

  • Development management decisions
  • Site Allocations
  • Local Investment Plan
CP9: Protecting the historic and natural environment and landscape character
  • To prevent harm to landscapes, heritage assets, protected flora, fauna and their habitats and sites of nature conservation value
  • 100% of Conservation Areas with up to date appraisals by 2020
  • Number of permissions for development adversely affecting species and habitats covered by the Essex Biodiversity Action Plan, Local Wildlife Sites/Local Nature Reserves
  • Number of adopted Conservation Appraisals
  • Number of Conservation Appraisal recommendations implemented
  • Total area in Borough designated a Local Wildlife Site or other Nature Conservation Designation
  • Development Management decisions, Streetscene – Countryside & Open Spaces, and working with Essex Wildlife Trust, Essex Biodiversity Project, English Heritage and Natural England
  • Implementation of Conservation Appraisal recommendations
CP10: Green Belt
  • Maintain the extent, character and openness of the Borough’s countryside and Green Belt, only allowing proposals where development meets national policy guidance
  • Number and type of planning permissions granted within Green Belt
  • Development Management decisions based on Green Belt policy and boundaries defined on the Policies Map
CP11: Strong and Competitive Economy
  • An average growth rate of 285 net additional jobs per annum over the Plan period
  • Borough employment rates, business start ups and GVA, compared with county, region and national average
  • Distribution of non-residential and retail development compared with spatial strategy
  • BBC and other bodies, such as Brentwood for Growth and Brentwood Renaissance
CP12: Thriving Town and Local Centres
  • Low (below average) rates of retail vacancies
  • A net increase in residential units in the main Borough Centres
  • A net increase in retail floorspace within the Borough centres
  • Town Centre Health Checks
  • Amount of retail space gained or lost in Brentwood Town Centre and other Borough centres.
  • Annual counts of vacant commercial units in the Borough centres
  • Development monitoring: Starts, Completions and Permissions by type
  • Development Management decisions based on policies which encourage an appropriate balance of uses within the Borough centres, and high quality, sustainable design
  • Liaison and joint working with Brentwood Renaissance and Brentwood For Growth
CP13: Sustainable Transport
  • An increase in % of trips by walking and cycling
  • An increase in % of trips by public transport
  • A fall in % of trips by private car
  • Data on modal split
  • Through the development management process
  • By liaison and working with Essex County Council as transport and highway authority
  • By supporting Rural Transport initiatives
  • Through specific projects, such as the provision of cycle racks
  • CIL (pending adoption of Infrastructure Delivery Plan and Charging Schedule)
  • Initiatives identified by the health and wellbeing boards
CP14: Sustainable Construction and Energy
  • All developments to meet the required environmental sustainability standards set out in the policy.
  • Maximise the provision of renewable energy capacity - By 2020 15% of Borough’s energy will come from renewable resources.
  • Development Monitoring
  • Percentage of developments that meet the required environmental sustainability standards
  • Renewable energy capacity installed by type.
  • Development Management Decisions
  • Building Control and Private Sector
CP15: High Quality Design
  • High quality and innovative building design that is sympathetic to its context and reinforces local distinctiveness
  • Policy usage as monitored in the Council’s Authority Monitoring Report
  • Planning applications to include site and context appraisals
  • Pre-application discussions
  • Design briefs
  • Design Review Arrangements
CP16: Enjoyable and Quality Public Realm
  • New development that positively enhances the public realm
  • Monitoring policy usage
  • Developer contributions, CIL, IDP
  • Design Review
  • Working in Partnership with other bodies whose activities affect the public realm, such as the Highways Agency and Brentwood Renaissance
CP17: Provision of Infrastructure and Community Facilities
  • Secure developer contributions in line with Infrastructure Development Plan
  • Development Monitoring
  • CIL
DM1: General Development Criteria
  • Policy requirements met
  • No net loss of residential units
  • Planning permissions /conversions/change of use for existing residential properties
  • Development contrary to policy
  • Development Management
DM2: Effective Site Planning
  • Policy requirements met
  • Development monitoring
  • Development Management
DM3: Residential Density
  • Policy requirements met
  • Schemes developed in accordance with Essex CC Urban Place Supplement design principles
  • % of developments in line with this policy
  • Allocations
  • Development management decisions
  • Proposals reflect Urban Place Supplement design principles
DM4: Telephone Exchange
  • Appropriate future use, sympathetic refurbishment or redevelopment of Telephone Exchange site providing for the needs of Brentwood Town Centre and enhancing the neighbouring Conservation Area
  • Development monitoring
  • Development Management
  • Involvement of town centre partners such as Brentwood Renaissance.
DM5: Employment Development Criteria
  • Encourage economic growth that is sympathetic with surrounding land uses and residents
  • Monitoring use of policy to be published in the Council’s AMR
  • Development Management
DM6: Areas Allocated for General Employment and Office Development
  • Wider choice of employment opportunities through provision of additional B1, B2 and B8 uses, as set out in Policy S3
  • Net change in floorspace for B1, B2 and B8 as a result of planning permissions and changes of use
  • Monitoring use of policy to be published in the Council’s AMR
  • Development Management
DM7: Land at Mountnessing Roundabout (Former Scrapyard), Roman Road, Mountnessing
  • Development in accordance with policy
  • Development monitoring
  • Development Management
DM8: Supporting the Rural Economy
  • Development in accordance with policy
  • Development monitoring
  • Development Management
DM9: New Retail and Commercial Leisure Development
  • Development in accordance with policy
  • Development monitoring
  • Development Management
DM10: Non-Retail Uses
  • Retain an appropriate balance of retail units within the Borough’s shopping areas to keep them healthy, vital and viable
  • Number of permissions granted for non retail uses beyond the thresholds
  • Monitoring use of policy to be published in the Council’s AMR
  • Development Management decisions
DM11: New Development in the Green Belt
  • Maintain the extent, character and openness of the Borough’s countryside by restricting inappropriate development in the Green Belt while facilitating positive stewardship management and use
  • Number of permissions granted contrary to Green Belt policy
  • Development Management decisions based on Green Belt policy and boundaries defined on the Policies Map
DM12: Established areas of development
  • Appropriate residential development within established areas of development within the Green Belt
  • Permissions for new residential development in the Green Belt, including new build, conversions and extensions
  • Development Management decisions based on Green Belt policy and boundaries defined on the Policies Map
DM13: Extensions to Dwellings in the Green Belt
  • Restrict the size of residential extensions in the Green Belt to no more than 30% of the original habitable floorspace
  • Number of permissions for residential extensions above 30% limit
  • Development Management decisions based on Green Belt policy and boundaries defined on the Policies Map
DM14: Replacement Dwellings in the Green Belt
  • Restrict the size of replacement homes in the Green Belt to no more than 30% above the original habitable floorspace
  • Number of permissions for replacement homes above 30% limit
  • Development Management decisions based on Green Belt policy and boundaries defined on the Policies Map
DM15: Agricultural Workers Dwellings
  • Maintain the extent, character and openness of the Borough’s countryside by restricting inappropriate development in the Green Belt.
  • Number of planning permissions granted contrary to this policy
  • Development Management decisions based on Green Belt policy and boundaries defined on the Policies Map
DM16: Re-use and Residential Conversions of Rural Buildings
  • Maintain the extent, character and openness of the Borough’s countryside by restricting inappropriate development in the Green Belt.
  • Beneficial re-use of rural buildings for appropriate business use, in order to support the rural economy.
  • Restrict the re-use of rural buildings for residential purposes.
  • Number of planning permissions granted for residential re-use of rural buildings.
  • Development monitoring policy usage
  • Development Management decisions based on Green Belt policy and boundaries defined on the Policies Map
DM17: Wildlife and Nature Conservation
  • Preserve and enhance the natural and historic environment, biodiversity and character of the Borough
  • Number of Local Wildlife Sites in positive management
  • Number of planning permissions for development adversely affecting species and habitats cover by the Essex Biodiversity Plan
  • Number of planning permissions for development adversely affecting a LoWS
  • Development Management decisions
  • Consultation with Essex Wildlife Trust on planning applications, Brentwood Streetscene - Countryside & Open Spaces.
  • Brentwood Countryside Management Service
DM18: Landscape Protection and Woodland Management
  • Preserve and enhance the natural and historic environment, biodiversity and character of the Borough.
  • To prevent the loss of preserved trees
  • Number of preserved trees lost through development proposals
  • Development Management decisions
  • Consultation with Brentwood arboriculture team on planning applications,
  • Brentwood Countryside Management Service
DM19: Thames Chase Trust Community Forest
  • To support the development of Thames Chase Community Forest
  • Number of planning permissions granted contrary to this policy which would result in an adverse effect on Thames Chase Community Forest
  • Development management decisions
  • Brentwood Countryside Management Service
  • Working in partnership with Thames Chase Trust.
DM20: Listed Buildings
  • To maintain the Borough’s listed buildings
  • Number of consents for demolition of a listed building
  • Number of listed buildings on the county Heritage at Risk Register
  • Development Management decisions
  • Draw up a local list of buildings of special historic or local interest
DM21: Preservation and Enhancement of Conservation Areas
  • For all Conservation Areas to have an appraisal by 2020
  • Number of Conservation Areas covered by appraisals and management plans.
  • Number of Conservation Areas on the County Heritage at Risk Register
  • Development Management Decisions
  • Complete programme to undertake an Appraisal and Management Plan for each Conservation Area
  • Consult and implement Appraisal and Management Plan recommendations
DM22: Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Remains
  • To preserve the Borough’s archaeological heritage
  • Percentage of applications where an archaeological assessment has been submitted where required
  • Pre application discussion
  • Liaising with the Council’s Historic Environment/Archaeological adviser
  • Ensuring the provision of timely expert advice
DM23 Housing Land Allocations – Major Sites
  • Successful realisation of development on identified sites in line with policy
  • Permissions, Starts and Completions measured against housing trajectory
  • End user surveys (for major sites)
  • IDP
  • Housebuilders
  • RSLs
DM24: Affordable Housing
  • A borough wide target of 30% of new homes to be affordable. Site specific delivery in line with policy and housing trajectory
  • Regular monitoring of planning permissions, starts and completions of new housing by type and tenure of new affordable housing units built taking into account site size and location
  • Developer contributions (S106 or equivalent)
  • Development management decisions
  • Working in partnership with community stakeholders, developers, landowners, planning applicants, Registered Social Landlords and other Affordable Housing Providers and the Homes and Communities Agency
  • Local Investment Plan
  • BBC Housing Strategy (forthcoming)
  • RSLs
  • Housebuilders
DM25: Affordable rural housing
  • Provision in line with policy
  • Development Monitoring
  • Development management decisions
  • The Council working with other bodies, eg Parish Councils, RSLs and rural enablers.
DM26: Specialist Housing
  • Provision in line with policy
  • Development Monitoring
  • Development management decisions
DM27: Mixed Use Development
  • Appropriate mix of uses within Borough’s main centres providing homes, jobs and local needs
  • Vital and viable urban areas performing well
  • Town Centre Health Checks
  • Development Monitoring
  • Pre-application discussion and Development Management
DM28: Gypsy and Traveller Provision
  • To achieve a total of 44 permanent pitches in the Borough between 2015 and 2030 or such figure as agreed by the Council following an up-to-date needs assessment.
  • To maintain a five year supply of pitches throughout the plan period
  • CLG bi-annual caravan count
  • Monitoring planning permissions
  • Development management decisions
DM29: Accessible, Adaptable Development
  • To increase the number of homes and other properties in the Borough that meet accessibility standards
  • Monitoring policy usage
  • Development management decisions
DM30: Provision of Open Space in New Development
  • In larger residential or commercial schemes 15% of site set aside for public open space
  • Qualitative and Quantitative improvement in provision in areas of deficiency, maintain or enhance quality of provision elsewhere
  • Amount and type of open space provided in the Borough relative to guidelines/requirements set out in Open Space Standards (set out in Policy DM31 justification)).
  • Open space provision in major development
  • Pre-application discussions
  • Development Management decisions
  • Infrastructure Delivery Plan
  • Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) / Developer Contributions
DM31: Protection and Enhancement of Open Space, Community, Sport and Recreational Facilities
  • Maintain local community facilities and secure equal or better facilities, in terms of quality and convenience, where proposals result in the loss of existing facilities
  • Maximise the provision of accessible good quality open space
  • No net loss of open space
  • Number of permissions for redevelopment or change of use resulting in the loss of existing local community facilities
  • % of eligible open spaces managed to Green Flag award Standard
  • Development management decisions
  • Brentwood Countryside Management Service and Essex County Council Country Parks Service
  • CIL - Developer contributions
  • IDP - Delivery in line with open space standards
  • Designate new Local Green Space
DM32: Provision of Green Infrastructure
  • Maintenance of open space safeguarded through Allocations and Development Management policies
  • Additional open space provided through new development
  • Additions and losses to the Green Infrastructure Network, measured by area
  • Amount of developer contributions used to support green infrastructure
  • Public open spaces and Rights of Way lost, improved and created
  • Number of parks eligible for Green Flag award
  • SUDS developed
  • Development Management decisions
  • Site Allocations in this Plan will be used to promote areas and development sites where the Council will expect elements of green infrastructure to be established or maintained.
  • CIL and Infrastructure Delivery Plan
  • Working with others such as Essex Wildlife Trust and Local Nature Partnership
DM33: Air Quality
  • To improve air quality
  • To meet or exceed air quality objectives set out in Brentwood Borough Air Quality Action Plan
  • Air quality monitoring data
  • Number of planning permissions granted for development where there is significant adverse impact upon air quality in an Air Quality Management Area
  • Air Quality Assessments
  • Development Management decisions ensuring new development does not have an adverse impact on Air Quality Management Areas and is consistent with the local air quality action plan and consulting Environmental Health on relevant planning applications
  • Adoption of measures, such as Green Travel Plans
  • IDP and CIL
DM34: Floodlighting and Illumination
  • To protect amenity and the natural environment from light pollution
  • Development granted contrary to advice
  • Development Management
  • Liaising with other bodies, eg Highways Agency
DM35: Flood Risk
  • No new development to be at risk from flooding or to increase the risk of flooding
  • Number of planning permissions granted contrary to the advice of the Environment Agency
  • Development Management decisions
  • Developers following Environment Agency’s Flood Risk Standing Advice
  • Environment Agency
DM36: Sustainable Drainage
  • All planning applications to include SuDs where appropriate unless there are practical reasons for not doing so
  • Number of planning applications including the installation of SuDs
  • Development Management decisions
  • Environment Agency
  • CIL and IDP
DM37: Contaminated Land and Hazardous Substances
  • For all development proposals relating to contaminated land to submit a detailed site investigation and risk assessment including remedial treatment
  • Number of planning applications including remediation of contaminated land
  • Environmental Impact Assessments, site investigations and risk assessment, development management decisions, environmental health, private sector, Health and Safety Executive
DM38: Parking
  • Consultation feedback.
  • A number of respondents to the 2011 Your Neighbourhood Consultation noted a lack of parking, parking control or the cost of parking as an issue for them. (Report on Neighbourhood Consultation Findings, 2011, Brentwood Borough Council)
  • Monitoring car parking provision by type and size of scheme
  • Development Management Decisions
  • CIL and IDP
DM39: Changes of Use or New Buildings for Institutional Purposes
  • Policy requirements met
  • Monitoring policy usage and completions
  • Development Management Decisions
  • IDP and CIL
  • Liaising with providers, such as schools, Essex CC, Brentwood Health and Wellbeing Board, Clinical Commissioning Partnership
DM40: Supporting high quality communications infrastructure
  • Provision of communications infrastructure in line with policy
  • Development monitoring (policy usage
  • Development Management Decisions
  • IDP and CIL
  • Integrated County Strategy
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