Draft Local Plan

Ended on the 23 March 2016


Adopted: Final agreed version of a document or strategy accepted through a formal resolution.

Affordable housing: Affordable housing is defined as social rented, affordable rented and intermediate housing, provided to eligible households whose needs are not met by the market. Eligibility is determined with regard to local incomes and local house prices.

Authorities Monitoring Report (AMR): Document produced each year recording and presenting progress on all elements of the Local Development Plan where measurement is required.

Brownfield (or Previously Developed Land): Land which is or was occupied by a permanent structure, including the curtilage of the developed land (although it should not be assumed that the whole of the curtilage should be developed) and any associated fixed surface infrastructure. This excludes: land that is or has been occupied by agricultural or forestry buildings; land that has been developed for minerals extraction or waste disposal by landfill purposes where provision for restoration has been made through development control procedures; land in built-up areas such as private residential gardens, parks, recreation grounds and allotments; and land that was previously-developed but where the remains of the permanent structure or fixed surface structure have blended into the landscape in the process of time.

Local Planning Authority: Local authority or council empowered by law to exercise statutory town planning functions for a particular area.

Community Infrastructure Levy and Charging Schedule (CIL): A statutory charge which allows local planning authorities to require financial contributions from development to help fund infrastructure in the area. Contributions can be used to support development by funding infrastructure that the local community need. The Charging Schedule sets out the rate of the levy.

Conservation Area: Areas with special architectural or historic interest that merit careful protection. Conservation Areas give broader protection than listing individual buildings as all of the features within the area, listed or otherwise, are recognised as part of its character.

Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG): UK Government department with responsibilities for local government and planning, among other things.

Development Management Team: The service within Brentwood Borough Council responsible for processing planning applications and appeals, providing pre-application advice and enforcement of planning controls, among other things.

Development Plan: The adopted Local Plan, Supplementary Planning Documents, and neighbourhood plans, as defined in section 38 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

Development Plan Document (DPD): Spatial planning documents subject to independent examination, forming the development plan of an area.

Duty to Cooperate: The legal duty on local planning authorities, county councils and public bodies to engage constructively, actively and on an ongoing basis to maximise the ffectiveness of Local Plan preparation. This is not a duty to agree, but every effort should be made to secure cooperation on strategic cross boundary matters before a Local Plan is submitted.

East of England Plan, Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS): Provided the regional planning framework for the East of England. Local planning authorities were required to ensure Local Plans were in conformity with the regional plan, such as housing and job targets to be delivered over a plan period. The plan was prepared by the regional planning body in the form of the Regional Assembly. Following the Localism Act 2011, the regional assembly was dissolved and the East of England Plan was revoked on 3 January 2013. Local planning authorities are now required to assess their individual housing and job needs in their local area.

Evidence Base: A collection of information and studies which a local planning authority uses when preparing suitable planning policies for the area or to provide additional information when determining planning applications.

Green Belt: A restrictive land use designation around certain major cities and towns that has existed since 1947 to restrict urban growth and safeguard the countryside for agriculture, forestry and recreation. The Green Belt surrounding Greater London is called "Metropolitan Green Belt".

Greenfield: Land that has not been previously developed.

Green Infrastructure: A network of high quality green spaces and other environmental features. Green Infrastructure includes parks, open spaces, playing fields, woodlands, wetlands, grasslands, river and canal corridors, allotments and private gardens.

Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment: Evidence base that enables the Council to comply with its requirements towards Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople under the Housing Act 2004 and National Planning Policy Framework.

Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA): An assessment required as a result of the European Union's Habitat Regulations, of the impact which any development may have on any designated Natura 2000 site (Special Area of Conservation (SAC) or Special Protection Area (SPA)).

Heritage asset: A building, monument, site, place, area or landscape identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions, because of its heritage interest. Heritage asset includes designated heritage assets and assets identified by the local planning authority (including local listing).

Housing Association: Independent, not-for-profit organisations that can use any profit they make to maintain existing homes and help finance new ones.

Housing Market Area: The geographical area in which a substantial majority of the employed population both live and work, and where most of those changing home without changing employment choose to stay.

Infrastructure Delivery Plan: Contains a list of all infrastructure needed to support sustainable growth.

Inspector's report: Document produced by an independent inspector from the Planning Inspectorate. It assesses the soundness and robustness of Development Plan Documents and Community Infrastructure Levy.

Listed Building: Buildings designated to be of 'special architectural or historic interest' by the Secretary of State under the Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas Act 1991.

Local Economic Partnership: A locally owned partnership between local authorities and businesses which play a key role in determining local economic priorities to drive economic growth and create local jobs.

Local Development Document: Include Development Plan Documents (which form part of the statutory development plan) and Supplementary Planning Documents (which do not form part of the statutory development plan). These collectively deliver the spatial planning strategy for the local planning authority's area.

Local Development Scheme (LDS): Sets out the documents that will comprise the Local Plan for an area with timescales and key milestones.

Local Plan: Plan for future development of the local area, drawn up by the local planning authority in consultation with the community.

Local Planning Authority: Local authority responsible for planning matters in its area.

Localism Act 2011: Act of Parliament that changed the powers of local government in England. The aim of the act is to facilitate the devolution of decision-making powers from central government control to individuals and communities.

Local Wildlife Site (LoWS): Areas of land with significant wildlife value, previously known as Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) or County Wildlife Sites (CoWS). Local Wildlife Sites support both locally and nationally threatened wildlife, and many sites will contain habitats and species that are priorities under the Essex or UK Biodiversity Action Plans that sets out strategies for the conservation of much of our most vulnerable wildlife.

Material Consideration: A factor to be taken into account when making a planning decision.

Mixed Use: A site that is developed for more than one use, e.g. retail, residential, business, leisure etc.

Monitoring and Review: Regular measurement of progress towards targets, aims and objectives. It also involves scrutiny, evaluation and, where necessary, changes in policies, plans and strategies.

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF): Sets out the Government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. It must be taken into account in the preparation of local and neighbourhood plans, and is a material consideration in planning decisions.

National Planning Practice Guidance: Online guidance that sits alongside and supports the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The NPPF contains Government's overarching planning policies while planning practice guidance is more detailed, simpler and practical interpretation of the overarching policies in the NPPF. It contains all sorts of practical information on how to implement the policies in the NPPF such as how to carry out housing needs assessments and what policies in development plans should and should not do. It is not a static guidance as it is continuously reviewed and updated by Government.

Neighbourhood Plan: A plan prepared by a Parish Council or Neighbourhood Forum for a particular neighbourhood area (made under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004).

Objectively Assessed Need (OAN): This relates to the development needs for both housing and economic development in an area:

Housing: Identification of the future quantity of housing, including a breakdown by type, tenure and size within both the affordable sector as well as market housing.

Economic Development: Identification of the future quantity of land or floorspace required for economic development uses including both the quantitative and qualitative needs for new development; and provide a breakdown of that analysis in terms of quality and location, and to provide an indication of gaps in current land supply.

Planning Inspectorate: Deal with planning appeals, national infrastructure planning applications, examinations of local plans and other planning-related and specialist casework in England and Wales. This is an executive agency, sponsored by the Department for Communities and Local Government.

Planning Policy Team: The service within Brentwood Borough Council responsible for producing the Local Plan and other planning policies for Brentwood Borough.

Planning Practice Guidance: Online guidance that sits alongside and supports the NPPF. The guidance provides a more detailed and practical interpretation of the overarching policies in the NPPF, such as how to carry out housing needs assessments and what policies in development plans should and should not do. It is not a static guidance as it is continuously reviewed and updated by Government.

Previously Developed Land (PDL) (or Brownfield): See Brownfield definition.

Proposals Map: Illustrates Local Plan policies on a map of the local area.

Registered Provider (RP): Bodies that own and manage affordable or social housing (often known as social landlords). They tend to be non-commercial organisations such as local authorities or housing associations.

Section 106 Obligations: Requirements of developers as part of planning permissions. These are agreed in the planning application process, to provide contributions (usually financial) to develop facilities / amenities for the local community (e.g. education, open space).

Sequential Test: Means of identifying the most suitable and the most sustainable location according to national policy and local plan policy when compared to other locations in a settlement. It involves a hierarchy of locations from the most suitable location to the least suitable for any particular use. In planning terms, it relates commonly to town centres, edge of town locations and out-of-town locations. It also relates to the location of development proposals in non flood zones and flood zones

Site Allocations: Designation of land in a Local Plan for a particular land use (e.g. Housing).

Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI): Sites designated by Natural England under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

Spatial Strategy: Provides the context for managing change and shaping how an area develops in future. The strategy sets out the level and location of development, highlights key areas of change and provides the basis for delivering strategic objectives, planning policies and land allocations.

Statement of Community Involvement (SCI): Explains how the Council will engage local communities and other interested parties in producing the Local Plan and determining planning applications.

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): An environmental assessment which complies with the EU Directive 2001/42/EC. The environmental assessment involves the preparation of an environmental report, the carrying out of consultations, the taking into account of these in decision making, the provision of information when the plan or programme is adopted and showing that the results of the environmental assessment have been taken into account.

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA): Key component of the evidence base of a Local Plan to support the delivery of sufficient land for housing to meet the community's needs for more homes.

Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA): Study of the housing needs within the local housing market.

Supplementary Planning Document (SPD): Provide additional supporting information to the Local Plan. They do not form part of the development plan and are not subject to independent examination but they will be treated as a material consideration when determining planning applications.

Sustainability Appraisal (SA): An appraisal of the economic, environmental, and social effects of the Local Plan (and some supporting documents) from the outset of the preparation process to allow decisions to be made that accord with sustainable development.

Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS): Designed to reduce the potential impact of new and existing developments with respect to surface water drainage discharges.

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