Strategic Growth Options

Ended on the 17 February 2015

7 Summary

What Happens Next?

7.2 After the end of the consultation, the Council will carefully consider all comments received. A revised Draft Plan will then be prepared, which will reflect the responses received from this Strategic Growth Options Consultation, the 2013 Preferred Options Consultation and updated evidence. This Draft Plan will be available for a public consultation later in the year.

7.3 A revised Local Development Scheme (LDS), the Local Plan timetable, will be agreed in 2015. This will include dates of the next Draft Plan consultation.

7.4 Following this the plan will be submitted to the Secretary of State for public examination. An independent planning inspector will examine the plan and judge whether it is ‘sound’. If so, the Council can then formally agree to adopt the plan. All future development proposals put forward to the Council would then be judged against policies contained within the new Plan.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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