
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 582

Received: 02/10/2013

Respondent: P.J. Bailes

Representation Summary:

Object to Hullett Lane Development
Myself and my wife object strongly to the development of the Hullett Lane Site. When we made the decision to move to Orchard Lane, after a two year search of different areas, we understood that we were buying property in a Green Belt area, which was protected from development. How is it now being considered for this.
I am sure there are many, many sites that are available without having to ruin our beautiful and well envied Green Belt surroundings.
Hands off our Green Belt!!!

Full text:

Object to Hullett Lane Development
Myself and my wife object strongly to the development of the Hullett Lane Site. When we made the decision to move to Orchard Lane, after a two year search of different areas, we understood that we were buying property in a Green Belt area, which was protected from development. How is it now being considered for this.
I am sure there are many, many sites that are available without having to ruin our beautiful and well envied Green Belt surroundings.
Hands off our Green Belt!!!
