Draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document

Ended on the 19 January 2023

Appendix B: The Open Space Calculator

Brentwood Open Space Standards

Space requirements ha per 1,000 population sqm per person Local Plan / evidence
SPORT Outdoor Sport 3.15 31.5 Local Plan, Figure 8.2
OPEN SPACE comprising of some or all of the following types Children's Playing Space (per child) 0.13 1.3 Local Plan, Figure 8.2
Allotments and Community Gardens 0.18 1.8 Local Plan, Figure 8.2
Formal Open Space 0.21 2.1 A combination of Sport, Leisure and Open Space
Informal and Natural Open Spaces 0.21 2.1 Assessment (2016) and CIL and Local Plan Viability
Amenity Greenspace 0.22 2.2 Appraisal (2022)
Total 4.1 41

Space requirements ha per 1,000 additional employee sqm per additional employee Local Plan / evidence
OPEN SPACE Amenity Greenspace 0.6 6 A combination of Sport, Leisure and Open Space Assessment (2016) and CIL and Local Plan Viability Appraisal (2022)
Total 0.6 6

Costs of provision and maintenance

Space requirements Brentwood's standards sqm per person Capital cost per sqm Maintenance cost per sqm (25 years) Improvement cost per sqm
Outdoor Sport 31.5 £72 £14.40 £57.60
Children's Playing Space (per children) 1.3 £220 £44.00 £176.00
Allotments and Community Gardens 1.8 £25 £5.00
Formal Open Space 2.1 £40 £8.00 £32.00
Informal and Natural Open Spaces 2.1 £13 £2.60
Amenity Greenspace 2.2 £20 £4.00 £16.00
Total 41 £390 £78.00 £281.60

Residential Calculator Example

This form provides an approximate calculation of the space (or commuted sums in lieu of open space and outdoor sport) that is required by the Council. This should be used as a guidance only

Only enter your development details in the red box

Site area (ha) 1.39 ha
Property Mix
1 bedroom 12 21%
2 bedroom 19 33%
3 bedroom 19 33%
4 or more bedrooms 7 12%
Total properties 57 units
(excluding sheltered, retirement and extra care)
Total population 135 people
Total children 43 children
% of on-site open space requirements against total site area 39%
Density 41 dph

Scenario 1: on-site requirements are met in full

Development provides this amount of space for outdoor sport and open space on-site, in line with policy requirements. The detailed break-down is as follows:


sqm in total

This is policy compliant
Outdoor sport 4,252.50
Children's playing space (equipped) 55.25
Allotments and Community Gardens 243.00
Formal Open Space 283.50
Informal and Natural Open Spaces 283.50
Amenity Greenspace 297.00
The above outdoor sport and open spaces are then transferred to and adopted by the Council and the developer pays the Council a commuted maintenance sum of: £69,075.10

Scenario 2: on-site requirements are met in full, with variation to the mix of open space types

Development provides this total amount of space for outdoor sport and open space on-site. However, the breakdown of each type of open space is different that the indicative standards. (Fill in the red boxes below with your estimated provision for each type to check if it meets the total quantum required) 9,385.00 sqm in total This appears to meet the quantum required, however, the types of space and quantum of each type needs to be agreed by the Council
- comprising of:
Outdoor sport 5,500.00
Children's playing space (equipped) 85.00
Allotments and Community Gardens -
Formal Open Space 1,800.00
Informal and Natural Open Spaces 1,000.00
Amenity Greenspace 1,000.00
The above outdoor sport and open spaces are there transferred to and adopted by the Council and the developer pays the Council a commuted maintenance sum of: £103,940.00
Alternatively, developer chooses to retain this open space, and it will be maintained by a recognised not-for-profit management

Scenario 3: no on-site provision is made, commuted sum is required

No on site provision is made, as such developers are required to make this financial contribution for the Council to provide an equivalent amount of the outdoor sport and open spaces to meet the additional demands off-site, and maintain this space £414,450.60 This can make development policy compliant. To be discussed with the Council.

Scenario 4: no on-site provision is made, but demands can be met by improvements to the existing facilities

No on-site provision is made; however, there is sufficient capacity and provision in the locality to meet the total open space needs of development. In this instance, the Council will require a contribution towards the improvements of such space an £268,492.00 This can make development policy compliant. To be discussed with the Council.

Scenario 5: insufficient on-site provision, remaining demands to be met off-site via a commuted sum

Development provides some space on-site; but it does not meet the requirement in-full, and there is no capacity in the local green space to meet additional demands. (Fill in your estimated provision below).

Types of space On-site provision (sqm) Shortfall (sqm) On-site provision appears to be policy compliant
Outdoor space 5,000.00 -747.50
Children's playing space (equipped) 150.00 -94.75
Allotments and Community Gardens 500.00 -257.00
Formal Open Space 500.00 -216.50
Informal and Natural Open Spaces 1,000.00 -716.50
Amenity Greenspace 500.00 -203.00
Total 7,650.00 -2235.25
In this instance, the developers are required to contribute towards the provision and maintenance of off-site space an amount of: #VALUE!
This takes into account any on-site surplus provision against the standards. This amount has been offset: Not applicable as on site provision appears to have been met 

Scenario 6: insufficient on-site provision, remaining demands to be met via improvements to the existing facilities

Development provides some space on-site; although it does not meet the requirements in full, there is capacity in the local area to meet the remaining demands. (Fill in your estimated provision below).

Types of space On-site provision (sqm) Shortfall, to be met by existing local provision (sqm) On-site provision appears to be policy compliant
Outdoor sport 5,000.00 -747.50
Children's playing space (equipped) 150.00 -94.75
Allotments and Community Gardens 500.00 -257.00
Formal Open Space 500.00 -216.50
Informal and Natural Open Spaces 1,000.00 -716.50
Amenity Greenspace 500.00 -203.00
Total 7,650.00 -2235.25
In this instance, the developers are required to contribute towards the improvements of existing facilities in the local area an amount of: #VALUE!
This takes into account any on-site surplus provision against the standards. This amount has been offset: Not applicable as on site provision appears to have been met 

Scenario 7: insufficient on-site provision, demands to be met via both off-site provision and improvements to the existing facilities

Development provides some space on-site; however, unmet demands will have to be met via both off-site provision and improvements to the existing facilities. 

In this instance, please contact the Planning Development Management Team. The pre-application service allows for an opportunity to discuss the proposed development with the future Planning Officer who will assess your application. 


Employment Calculator Example

This form provides an approximate calculation of the space (or commuted sums in lieu of open space and outdoor sport) that is required by the Council. This should be used as a guidance only.

Only enter your development details in the red box

Site area (ha) 49.00 ha
Total additional employees 2,100 employee
% of on-site open space requirements against total site area


Scenario 1: on-site provision requirements are met in full

Development provides this amount of space (in sqm) for amenity greenspace on-site, in line with policy requirements. 12,600.00 sqm in total This is policy compliant

Scenario 2: no on-site provision, commuted sum is required

No on-site provision is made, as such developers are required to make this financial contribution to the Council to provide and maintain the open space off-site. £302,400.00 This can make development policy compliant. To be discussed with the Council.

Scenario 3: no on-site provision, demands to be met via improvements of exisiting facilities

No on-site provision is made; however, there is sufficient capacity and provision in the locality to meet development's open space needs. In this instance, the Council will require a contribution towards the improvements of such space.  £201,600.00 This can make development policy compliant. To be discussed with the Council.

Scenario 4: insufficient on-site provision, remaining demands to be met off-site via a commuted sum

Development provides some space on-site; but it does not meet the requirement in-full, and there is no capacity in the local green space to meet additional demands. (Fill in your estimated provision below). - - This can make development policy compliant. To be discussed with the Council.
- On-site provision (sqm) Shortfall (sqm)
Amenity Greenspace - 12600.00
In this instance, the developers are required to contribute towards the provision and maintenance of off-site space an amount of: £302,400.00 -

Scenario 5: insufficient on-site provision, remaining demands to be met via improvements to the existing facilities

Development provides some space on-site; although it does not meet the requirement in full, there is capacity in the local area to meet the remaining demands. (Fill in your estimated provision below). - - This can make development policy compliant. To be discussed with the Council.
- On-site provision (sqm) Shortfall (sqm)
Amenity Greenspace - 12600.00
In this instance, the developers are required to contribute towards the provision and maintenance of off-site space an amount of: £201,600.00 -
For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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