Draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document

Ended on the 19 January 2023

Health and Social Wellbeing


Provision or payment of healthcare infrastructure


S1. The Council will consult the Mid and South Essex ICB for their specialist advice regarding the capacity of existing healthcare infrastructure, whether and when planning obligations may be required and how contributions will be calculated.

S2. Where proposed development generates the need for additional healthcare infrastructure, which includes health and well-being measures, investment in existing premises or services, may be required through S106 agreements.

S3. Where proposed development, on its own or in conjunction with other proposed development in the area, generates the need for a new primary healthcare facility or service, such as a new GP surgery and other new healthcare infrastructure and services, the cost and timing of this provision will be secured through S106 agreements and the location of the facility identified through the master planning and planning application process.

Timing / triggers of provision or payment

S4. The timing for the provision of healthcare facilities or financial mitigation will be considered on a case-by-case basis, with the specific requirements being set out within any S106 agreement reflecting the need for healthcare infrastructure to be in place in a timely fashion to support the health and wellbeing of existing and new residents. It is likely to be linked to phases of a development, with facilities being required either upon a certain level of units being completed, or when a certain threshold of occupation at a development is reached.


Where a proposed development is likely to have a negative health impact or an impact on the services of the healthcare facilities operating within the vicinity of the application site, contributions may be required, in accordance with Policy MG05.

Policy background

Policy MG05: Developer's Contribution

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