Draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document

Ended on the 19 January 2023

1. The purpose of this document

1.1. The Brentwood Local Plan 2016 – 2033 (the Local Plan) sets out the strategic objectives and spatial strategy for Brentwood. The Council places great importance on delivering its planned growth and on providing appropriate infrastructure to ensure development mitigates its own impact and brings wider benefits to the communities who live and work in the Borough.

1.2. To support the Local Plan, this Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) serves the following purposes:

  1. It provides a robust framework to secure the delivery of necessary infrastructure generated by planned and increment growth in a holistic and coherent manner;
  2. It sets out detailed guidance and a clear position to developers, landowners and stakeholders, regarding the scope and scale of planning obligations applicable to different types and quantum of development; and
  3. It supports and supplements the Local Plan policies and once adopted, it becomes an important material planning consideration for the Council when determining planning applications.

1.3. It should be noted that not all the obligation types within this SPD will apply to all types of development. This SPD has been produced to apply to varying types and scales of development, but proposals will be assessed on a case-by-case basis with the individual circumstances of each site being taken into consideration.

1.4. The content of this SPD will be kept under periodic review; amendments may need to be made in order to take account of changing circumstances.

1.5. Other documents that provide guidance on planning obligations, for example, the Essex Coast Recreational disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy SPD and Essex County Council (ECC)'s Developers Guide to Infrastructure Contributions (DGIC) (2020 or as amended) should be read in conjunction with this document. Developers should refer to ECC's latest DGIC which provides details on the scope and range of contributions towards infrastructure which ECC may seek from developers and landowners in order to mitigate the impact that development may have on ECC services and infrastructure and make development acceptable in planning terms.

What are the role and status of Supplementary Planning Documents?

1.6. SPDs supplement the Local Development Plan and are intended to provide further detail to policies. SPDs do not introduce new policies or requirements but rather assist in the interpretation and application of existing policies and proposals and should help applicants prepare planning applications. They are a material consideration in decision making.


1.7. This document is available for public comment for a six-week consultation period, between 8 December 2022 – 19 January 2023.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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