
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 9991

Received: 04/02/2015

Respondent: Mrs Vivienne Dellow

Representation Summary:

Area opposite proposed Officers Meadows development and/or between Merrymeade House and Hall Lane running behind County Ground and Brentwood School grounds.

Full text:

Q1: Yes - Option 4 best. Growth everywhere but the opportunity to do something special in Dunton Garden Suburb - environmentally friendly, using existing transport links, renewable energy?

Q2: Yes.
1. North restricted by landscape and road links. Brownfield development of housing where possible and increased primary education.
2. A12 corridor - Improved road (perhaps spur to Brentwood centre and greater retail/ leisure provision there. Thus reduce congestion in Shenfield/Brentwood. Brown sites utilised for housing wherever possible.
3. A127 exciting opportunity to build new homes using latest technology.

Q3: Yes - A127 excellent chance to build sustainable housing for families with own schools, surgeries, retail, leisure facilities. Creation of new jobs. One off opportunity to create 21st century town - ecologically friendly etc.

Q4: Dunton Garden Suburb - Rail and road links there, working in conjunction with Basildon would give greater scope flexibility. Chance to build good affordable housing which can offer future income to the Councils.

Q5: Yes - Seems this is the only viable option to fulfil housing need. As greater capacity than can be provided by brownfield sites within the urban areas is needed best to use sites on the edge rather encroach on open land. Prefer to keep Green Belt between Havering and Brentwood.

Q6: Villages should be allowed to grow as need occurs and subject to schools/surgeries etc being capable of dealing with extra population. Smaller developments or infills preferred.

Q7: Yes - Proposed Brentwood Enterprise Park good idea as could provide employment for Dunton Garden Suburb if carefully planned. Feasibility studies as to the nature of units required and size essential so no white elephant created.

Q8: Yes - Most difficult decision as shopping habits are still changing with so much internet purchasing. Mix of housing and retail good. Baytree Centre and Multi-Story car park could be imaginatively developed for a big store, leaving William Hunter Way for housing. Cinema at Brentwood Centre where ample parking. Corner of High Street/Western Road possible roundabout to alleviate congestion. One way system High Street/ William Hunter Way?

Q9: Yes - Area opposite proposed Officers Meadows development and/or between Merrymeade House and Hall Lane running behind County Ground and Brentwood School grounds.

Scenic Beauty/Attractiveness: 4
Outdoor Recreation/Leisure Use: 3
Wildlife Interest: 3
Historic Interest: 4

Houses: 3
Commercial/ Industrial buildings: 1
Nature Reserves/ Wildlife: 2
Farmland: 3
Woodland: 3
Degraded/ Derelict/ Waste land: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure/ Recreation Facilities: 2

Q12: Yes - If infrastructure is considered alongside development then Shenfield is well placed to cope with the envisaged growth.

Q13: Transport - with Crossrail need to ensure that traffic can bypass Shenfield unless to park to us rail/amenities. Park and Ride good idea. Healthcare and education to cover Officers Meadows development if goes ahead. Community facilities and green infrastructure.
