
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 9720

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mrs Kay Randall

Representation Summary:

There is only plots of land not large enough to provide open space for parkland. [Stondon Massey]

Full text:

Q1: Yes - I totally agree with expansion providing that priority is given to local residents and are of a small development.

Q2: Yes - This would be an on going situation when planning and development takes place in these areas and would have to be fine tuned as progress is made.

Q3: Yes - There are many sites in a locality which seem to be business (scrap yards) which have encroached on supposedly Green Belt land. It would be far more appropriate to see these areas cleared and decent housing provided.

Q4: I would only be able to comment on sites local to myself.

Q5: Yes - Any site that has the same situation as Q3 should be considered.

Q6: There are many sites which I would personally not consider are Green Belt sites but due to their status were never allowed for development previously.

Q7: Yes - Some local roads will obviously need to be upgraded.

Q8: Yes - Although I would like the Town Centre to remain the hub of the economy I feel we do not need anymore food outlets, restaurants, bars, nightclubs.

Q9: No - There is only plots of land not large enough to provide open space for parkland.

Scenic Beauty: 1
Outdoor Recreation/ Leisure Use: 1
Wildlife Interest: 3
Historic Interest: 1
Tranquility: 1
Other - Scrapyard: 5

Houses: 2
Commercial/Industrial buildings: 4
Nature Reserves/ Wildlife: 1
Farmland: 3
Woodland: 3
Degraded/ Derelict/ Waste land: 4
Infrastructure: 1
Leisure/ Recreation Facilities: 1
Other - Scrapyard: 4

Q12: Yes - I would like to see plot land locally used for small decent affordable houses for local residents. I would resist attempt to house travellers legally or illegally.

Q13: Upgrading areas that are a blight on the landscape which people here had to suffer for many many years.
