
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 9699

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mr Jon Randall

Representation Summary:

Houses: 1
Commercial/Industrial buildings: 1
Farmland: 1
Woodland: 1
Degraded/ Derelict/ Waste land: 4
Infrastructure: 1
Leisure/ Recreation Facilities: 1
Other - Salvage Yards: 4

Full text:

Q1: Yes - I agree with expansion providing that priority is given to local residents or for whose people working in Brentwood area and want to move nearer their workplace and are of a small development type. I would not like to see a travellers encampment put in this area.

Q2: Yes - Some area could do with upgrading but only on a small scale as I feel the roads would need extensive planing to take lots of traffic.

Q3: Yes - There are many sites in this locality which seem to be businesses (scrap yard, car repairs etc) which have already encroached on supposedly Green Belt land it would be better to see decent housing built also there would not be such heavy traffic on the small lanes around this area.

Q4: All sites should have the capacity for growth providing on a small scale due to the area situation. Large scale developments would put a great strain on all roads around the A127 corridor.

Q5: Yes - Small sites would be better released on the edge of urban areas see Q3 for comment.

Q6: There are many sites which I would personally not consider Green Belt sites but due to their status were never allowed for development previously these could be used for small developments.

Q7: Yes - There would need to be upgrading on all areas in the area especially to be able to reach A127 or A12.

Q8: Retail development should remain in the Town Centre but not anymore food outlets including restaurants, bars, nightclubs lets give small businesses a chance.

Q9: In this area there are only small areas that in my opinion are not large enough to provide open space for parkland.

Scenic Beauty: 1
Outdoor Recreation/ Leisure Use: 1
Wildlife Interest: 3
Historic Interest: 1
Tranquility: 1
Other - Salvage Yards: 5

Houses: 1
Commercial/Industrial buildings: 1
Farmland: 1
Woodland: 1
Degraded/ Derelict/ Waste land: 4
Infrastructure: 1
Leisure/ Recreation Facilities: 1
Other - Salvage Yards: 4

Q12: Yes - I would like to see the land in this area released for affordable housing at it is mainly plot land I would resist attempts to house travellers families legally or illegally.

Q13: Upgrading area that are a eyesore and would remove very large lorries from the small lanes that are not built to take this type of traffic.
