
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 8229

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mr John Darragh

Representation Summary:

Yes - The land/ woods north west of St Mary's school could be made into an urban park. [Shenfield].

Full text:

Q1: Yes.

Q2: No - Better transport connections such as a new A road could be incorporated into a development north of the borough. So this should be seen as a requirement of such a development not a disadvantage of it.

Q3: Yes - I think we should separate brownfield sites into disused or redundant industrial land whose development would improve the town's attractiveness and garden develop which would diminish the town.

Q4: Around West Horndon, south of the A127 so as to concentrate the development. Not have a large area partly developed and partly greenfield.

Q5: No - It would start eroding the separation between different communities e.g. Brentwood merging with M25, Shenfield starting to merge with Mountnessing.

Q6: Neither is sustainable over medium to long term, so I think the Council should be clearer about the sustainable growth that the borough can accommodate.

Q7: No - A12 and A127 are close to capacity at rush hour. There is a need for more transport capacity. It would be good if it was sustainable, but how?

Q8: No - The trend is towards local shopping as seen in developments by major supermarkets. It is probably more environmentally friendly to shop locally rather than in town centre.

Q9: Yes - The land/ woods north west of St Mary's school could be made into an urban park.

Scenic Beauty/ Attractiveness: 4
Outdoor Recreation/ Leisure Use: 3
Wildlife Interest: 2
Historic Interest: 2
Tranquility: 3

Houses: 3
Commercial/ Industrial buildings: 2
Nature Reserves/ Wildlife: 2
Farmland: 2
Woodland: 2
Degraded/ Derelict/ Waste land: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure/ Recreation Facilities: 2

Q12: Rail link to London, Norwich and Southend. Not sure what % of people travelling out of Borough to work go by train, bus, A12 or A127.

Q13: Improved public transport and access.
