
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 642

Received: 02/10/2013

Respondent: Mr. Keith Hodges

Representation Summary:

Do not believe the green belt restrictions should be lifted in this case.
Believe the allotment sites at the rear of the buildings should be retained.
Believe any additional housing will put pressure on the already severly tested sewarge system and water supply.
Additional traffic and car parking requirements will add to congestion at Wilson's Corner and Sandit Pit Lane junctions.

Full text:

Do not believe the green belt restrictions should be lifted in this case.
Believe the allotment sites at the rear of the buildings should be retained.
Believe any additional housing will put pressure on the already severly tested sewarge system and water supply.
Additional traffic and car parking requirements will add to congestion at Wilson's Corner and Sandit Pit Lane junctions.
