
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 557

Received: 02/10/2013

Respondent: Mrs. Isabel Campbell

Representation Summary:

Object to 48 homes planned for Sow and Grow Nursery Site, Ongar Road for the following reasons:
- The area is already over stretched for parking.
- The Ongar Road is so congested.
- Further traffic feeding into this road will make it an increasingly unpleasant experience for people needing to travel into Brentwood town centre and will be a factor against living in Pilgrims Hatch.
- To bring a further development off the Ongar Road and into the Hatch would destroy the "village" characteristic of this wonderful area.

Full text:

Object to 48 homes planned for Sow and Grow Nursery Site, Ongar Road.
The area is already over stretched for parking. The Larchwood Gardens Residential Care Home and Little Treasurers Nursery on the Ongar Road mean cars are parked round this area all day making it difficult to turn into Larchwood Gardens from Broomwood Gardens and out onto the Ongar Rd.

The Ongar Road is so congested. I usually walk into town (nearly 1 1/2 miles) as it is quicker. Further traffic feeding into this road will make it an increasingly unpleasant experience for people needing to travel into Brentwood town centre and will be a factor against living in Pilgrims Hatch.

Already the Highwood Gardens Site has been developed for housing making a huge disruption, for many months, and now increased traffic on the Ongar Road. To bring a further development off the Ongar Road and into the Hatch would destroy the "village" characteristic of this wonderful area.
