
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 497

Received: 02/10/2013

Respondent: Mrs. Sue Aspinell

Representation Summary:

Object to new homes on the Sow & Grow Nursery site, Ongar Road
Apart from the info from your leaflet it is areas like these that give Pilgrims Hatch its rural aspect, the reason that most people choose to live here in the first place. We are not Brentwood. The Ongar Rd certainly does not need any more traffic. Parts of Pilgrims Hatch have already been built on we do not need any more.

Full text:

Apart from the info from your leaflet it is areas like these that give Pilgrims Hatch its rural aspect, the reason that most people choose to live here in the first place. We are not Brentwood. The Ongar Rd certainly does not need any more traffic. Parts of Pilgrims Hatch have already been built on we do not need any more.
