
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 1748

Received: 30/09/2013

Respondent: Mr Anthony Goddard

Representation Summary:

Object to provision DM28.

Full text:


Area 126 - East of West Horndon, South of Station Road to A128 (Note that this area was also set for development in the 1950's with plans for residential and roads) This could result in approximately 100 properties
Area 038 - East of Thorndon Ave, North of Station Road. (This area had development plans for residential and roads in the 1950's) This could result in approximately 100 properties
Area 048 - Elliots at junction of A127 and A128 including South towards Station Road (Area 038) This could result in approximately 500 properties
Area - East of A128 towards Laindon including Timmermans Garden Centre (who wants to move) and South towards Dunton Hills Golf Course. This could result in approximately 200 properties

Area 020 & 021 - West Horndon Industrial Park and Childerditch Industrial Park (Wolsey Site) consists of small Industrial units. However TNT & other companies who use Station Road for their 40 ton lorries should be encouraged to move to Brentwood Enterprise Park at Junction 28 of the M25, South of the A127
Some employers should be allowed to stay because if the sites were to be ONLY residential, this would remove employment opportunities within the local West Horndon area.

Area 037 - Nutty's Farm (Green Belt) 1000 residential properties. Why not 500, why not 5000. The area concerned is farmland so ANY NUMBER OF RESIDENCES COULD BE BUILT. This area goes against a policy on Page 46/7 as follows: This development will cause MAJOR changes.

The general extent of the Green Belt across the Borough will be retained subject to minor allocations. The following settlements are excluded from the Green Belt as identified on the Policies Map:

Blackmore, Brentwood, Doddinghurst, Herongate, Hook End, Ingatestone, Ingrave, Kelvedon Hatch, Mountnessing, Stondon Massey, West Horndon and Wyatts Green.

SECTION on Page 145 - 14 Gypsy and Traveller Sites are to be located in West Horndon area. This contravenes all parts below:-

a. The site does not give rise to unacceptable harm to the Green Belt - It will affect the Green Belt!
b. The site is well related to existing communities and accessible to local services and facilities, such as shops, primary and secondary schools, healthcare and public transport - Wrong! The West Horndon School is full & has a waiting list. The Doctor at present cannot give enough appointments. Public transport buses to Brentwood is a joke. Access to A127 & A128 at peak times is terrible and cause major delays almost every day
c. The site is serviced by a suitable access road - Where is this access road? Why not build a new access road from A127 to West Horndon Industrial Park to alleviate the heavy lorries. Because it is too expensive!
d. The location would not result in unacceptable living conditions for its occupants - Wrong!
e. The proposed accommodation would not harm the character and/or appearance of the area and/or result in unacceptable visual impact - Wrong!
f. The site is located, designed and landscaped to minimise any impact on the environment - Wrong!!

I conducted a survey 6 years ago with the travellers when they were adjacent to South Essex Golf Course just North of the A127 and East of A128. They did not want to be in West Horndon! Also a major clear up expense occurred after they were evicted. So much for NO UNACCEPTABLE CONDITIONS.

FLOODING - Page 164 of the Report is unacceptable because:-
4.160 Brentwood Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA, 2010) maps flood risk zones in the Borough, with surface water flooding shown most notably on the A12 North West of Brentwood and on roads around Ingatestone. Incidences of fluvial (river) flooding are recorded along the eastern boundary of the River Wid and from Stondon Hall Brook and the River Roding to the North of the Borough. Areas at risk of fluvial flooding in the Borough are mainly rural, and include low lying areas south of the A127 west and east of West Horndon

Development of the areas 037, 038, 048 and 126 in the Report MUST be flood plain areas at present in view of the 3 major floodings that have occurred over the years. What proposals are there to deal with this problem?

Lastly, there is a proposed bus route along Thorndon Avenue out onto the A127 to the new Brentwood Enterprise Park at Junction 28 of the M25, South of the A127 and to the Codham Hall Industrial Park.

A BUS COULD NOT PULL OUT ONTO THE A127 AT ANYTIME OF DAY! IT WOULD BE DANGEROUS ESPECIALLY IN RUSH HOURS. I presume nobody actually looked at this scheme to aid the move of the West Horndon Industrial Park.

Overall there are some areas that are good for residential homes but flood schemes must be done before the development takes place

Alternative areas should be considered for Major developments include Shenfield (because of Cross Rail) and all the advantages that this super rail link would bring. Also house prices in this area would probably increase if the correct type of residences was built. Also Ingatestone and Mountnessing have good opportunities for residential housing.