
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 1695

Received: 24/09/2013

Respondent: Brian M. Garner

Representation Summary:

Endorses the comments of the Brentwood Gypsy Support Group and supports section C as stated in Professor Acton's response that "We do not consider there are any material differences between the situation of these families and the families whose sites are included on this list, or between now and when they were considered for permanent permission by the Council. We consider it very unfortunate that this site should have been dropped from the list of those recommended after this campaign."

Full text:

I am writing about Brentwood Council's planning policy to inform you that I fully endorse Professor T.A. Acton's response to DM28 and in particular section C. and especially the comments relating to Cottage Gardens, Beads Hall Lane.
I will be following the council's forthcoming consultation report to DM28 with interest.
