
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 1231

Received: 01/10/2013

Respondent: Mr. N & R Hart and Mr. K & P Watson

Number of people: 2

Agent: Wingfield Planning Consultancy

Representation Summary:

In light of recent press releases from central government it is clear that there is a demand for housing in the east of England within both the immediate and distant future. To accommodate this growth it is considered that the Council will require additional land beyond what has been put forward within Policy DM23.

Request that land north of Pilgrims Hatch be allocated to provide additional new housing (see attached for details).

Full text:

[Original response received 1 October 2013. Revised response amended site area details and site map, received 5 November 2013. See attached.]

Policy DM23 (Housing Land Allocations - Major Sites) provides a list of sites with potential capacity for 10 or more homes allocated for housing development over the period 2015 to 2030. These allocations are based on the density categories set out in the SHLAA.

In light of recent press releases from central government it is clear that there is a demand for housing in the east of England within both the immediate and distant future. To accommodate this growth it is considered that the Council will require additional land beyond what has been put forward within Policy DM23.

My client's (Mr. N & R Hart and Mr. K & P Watson), are the joint owners of a parcel of land to the north of Pilgrims Hatch. The extent of land within my client's ownership is identified within the enclosed accompanying O.S. Plan. As part of the Councils Preferred Options Consultation I wish to put forward my client's site for residential development in accordance with Policy DM23.

The site in question measures 3.81ha and could accommodate a density of 114 dwellings (based upon 30dph) or 190 dwellings (based upon 50 dph). Part of the site has already been considered acceptable for residential development in the form of the redevelopment of the garages to the rear of 146-144 Hatch Road. The site in question is a green field parcel of land containing a number of trees which are not the subject of preservation orders. The site is situated adjacent to the defined settlement limits of Pilgrims Hatch behind a row of residential dwellings and services (such as shops).

It is noted that within a previous call for sites that sites have previously been brought forwards and discounted to the north of Pilgrims Hatch. One of the principle reasons for their dismissal was based upon the inability to provide suitable vehicular access and the sites being poorly related to the defined settlement limits.

My client's site provides the opportunity to allow vehicular access directly onto Hatch Road. The site, as illustrated within the aerial photograph below, is well related to the defined settlement limits of Pilgrims Hatch and would allow the expansion of housing without detriment to the function of the Green Belt.
It is also put forward that the site would be suitable for the accommodation of affordable housing, which is in demand within Brentwood. Based upon the Council's suggested affordable housing policy (DM24) of a 35% contribution, the site could provide for 50 affordable dwellings.