
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12233

Received: 10/01/2015

Respondent: Mrs Sue Copeland

Representation Summary:

Leisure/ Recreation Facilities: 4

Full text:

I'm sending you a copy of the policy questionnaire; I'm not a local resident (not since 1974) but I am concerned about a part of your policy regarding development. I am a supporter of Hopefield Animal Sanctuary and am very concerned that Tesco will sell the land for development. I understand they have asked whether the council can purchase the land but unless the area is classified as leisure there is no way anyone can afford it. Please could you consider making this decision in favour of Hopefield and class the area for leisure. They do such a fantastic job caring for abandoned and rescued animals but I know you are aware of this! It would be heartbreaking to have to have these wonderful animals destroyed as there is nowhere for them to go. On behalf of my adopted boys George and Noah the donkeys, Sweet little Blossom, my grand-daughter's adopted pony and Hope my daughter's beautiful girl, Hope, the mare, please keep Hopefield for leisure.

Q1: I do not live in Brentwood so have only concerns for one area which is the possible development of The Hopefield Animal Sanctuary alongside the A12.

Q3: I feel the site alongside the A12 which is Hopefield Animal Sanctuary
should be kept for Leisure purposes only. It's a wonderful place - a huge
asset to Brentwood. Unless they are given a new site, or the council can
buy it from Tesco (at Leisure prices, not housing) all the animals will
probably have to be put down. We sponsor 2 donkeys and 2 horses there
and it's a lovely place to go to relax and enjoy the animals - definitely a
place of leisure! Please do not allow the area to be considered for
development but class it for leisure use only. Nearly 400 animals lives are
in your hands. Thank you.

Q5: No, definitely not if it is the Animal Sanctuary site.

Q9: Keep the one of the ones you have for leisure - Hopefield Animal Sanctuary.

Outdoor Recreation/ Leisure Use: 5
Tranquility: 5

Leisure/ Recreation Facilities: 4
