
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Representation ID: 1066

Received: 28/09/2013

Respondent: Yvonne Harris

Representation Summary:

Object to new housing at Sow & Grow Nursery because:
- Lack of infrastructure.
- Housing problems can be approached by encouraging multi-generation occupancy and allowing household extensions/granny-annexes to make it easier. This would also solve social issues with ageing population.
- Housing should only be on one side of Ongar Road in this location.
- Development will change Pilgrims Hatch and merge it with Brentwood.

Full text:

I strongly object to 48 new homes being built on the Sow and Grow nursery sight.

There is barely enough infrastructure to serve existing local residents.

The are other ways to approach housing problems including the encouraging of multi generation occupancy. This can be achieved by making planning and costs for house extensions to build granny-annexes or young people's annexes easier.

My own property was once the location of Brentwood Football Club however on reflection it would be right to keep housing developments to one side of the Ongar Road only.

This would also help to solve some social issues with the increasing ageing population and the difficulties younger people have getting on the housing ladder or being able to afford to rent a property.

Not that I am against progress, but changing the face of Pilgrims Hatch will merge into Brentwood becoming one large boring housing estate with the associated social problems - and who knows - it may become, horrifyingly, the next London Borough.