
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 10458

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mrs Barbara J. Meacher

Representation Summary:

We are within easy reach of greenfield sites and woodland, I hope this will always remain like this.

Full text:

Q1: No - The proposed amount of new houses is preposterous. It will have a massive impact on greenfield sites, roads, schools etc will be unable to cope with large numbers of new houses and the people who live in them.

Q2: No - No, I find it insulting that these enormous issues are being planned without our approval and blessing. No doubt greedy developers are rubbing their hands with glee at the profits to be made.

Q3: Yes - Villages like Herongate and Ingrave would be totally unable to cope with a large influx of new housing. There are no facilities to cope with the extra children, cars etc.

Q4: Land between West Horndon and Laindon.

Q5: Yes - Yes, but in moderation.

Q6: Develop brownfield sites only.

Q7: Yes - Within reason! Yes.

Q8: Yes - Not so many restaurants and pubs but a vibrant High Street with a good variety of shops. Also keep the multi-storey car park. Otherwise the Ongar Road will be constantly blocked with traffic.

Q9: No - We are within easy reach of greenfield sites and woodland, I hope this will always remain like this.

Scenic Beauty/ Attractiveness: 5
Outdoor Recreation/ Leisure Use: 3
Wildlife Interest: 3
Historic Interest: 2
Tranquility: 5

Commercial/ Industrial buildings: 1
Nature Reserves/ Wildlife: 1
Farmland: 2
Woodland: 3
Degraded/ Derelict/ Waste land: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure/ Recreation facilities: 3
Other - Lovely Country Parks: 3

Q12: Yes - The proposed amount of housing is far too high, the infrastructure cannot possibly cope with this! Pressurise the government to reduce this amount.

Q13: Improve buses and make them more frequent.
