
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 10350

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mr J.E. King

Representation Summary:

Would mean a step in the "in filling" between Hutton and Billericay creating a virtual ribbon development, a retrograde step.

Any development would result in increased traffic on the A129 and especially through Shenfield which is already congested. The increased load on the public transport system i.e. railway will result in increased parking demand. There would be an increase in demand for places at St Martin's school which is at capacity.

Hall Green Lane is well used for walking and cycling to see the Blue Bell woods and the views across open countryside.

Full text:

Q3: The possible development of the land to the south of Rayleigh Road A129 between Haverings Grove and Church Lane Hutton and extending southwards to include Creasey's Farm poses problems. 028C and 192 refer.

Without knowledge of the size of such a development predictions are difficult. But this would mean a step in the "in filling" between Hutton and Billericay creating a virtual ribbon development, a retrograde step.

Any development would result in increased traffic on the A129 and especially through Shenfield which is very congested especially at peak times. The increased load on the public transport system i.e. the railway stations at both Shenfield and Billericay must result in increased parking demand. There would inevitably, given it's outstanding performance and reputation, be an increase in demand for places at St Martin's school and one only has to visit Hanging Hill Lane in peak times to see how bad it is as present. No doubt there would be assurances that the problem will be covered but from past experience one can only be apprehensive about that.

The other aspect of any development there is environmental.

One only has to be in Hall Green Lane on a sunny or just bright Sunday, be it winter or summer, to see many families of all ages walking or cycling up to the Blue Bell woods. But it is not just the woods they want to see it is the wonderful views across open country, the peacefulness (no traffic) young children can walk along safely and there is the friendly rapport between people that results. Where else in the area can you see such views with so few buildings and no traffic in sight? To lose all of that would be a shame on all of us.

I realise that you have the problem of finding land to provide homes for people and would not wish to be NIMBY.

Q4: Not really familiar with the area.

Q5: 2) With regard to the A12 proposal.

Presumably as the A12 is a Trunk Road and therefore the responsibility of the Dept. of Transport/ Highways Agency they would have the final say.

The possibility of a new junction or connection to the local highway network might not be viewed very favourably by them especially, if what I read in the local highway network might not be viewed very favourably by them especially, if what I read in the local press about the bad accident record on the A12 is true and the lack of spare capacity (talk of widening to dual 3 lanes). The use of land adjacent to Sawyers Hall Lane might be an alternative as would a link to the Brentwood Leisure Centre although of course there are a number of sports facilities on that side of the A12.

I regret that I seem to be rather negative about the Options and realise that you have a seemingly impossible task in pleasing everyone but please let the Creasey's Farm option "die the death".

Q6: Would always prefer brownfield sites.

Q7: I have underlined close. Should people live close to busy highways? Bearing in mind noise, pollution and road safety.

Q8: Yes - Absolutely.

Q12: Links to railway station, shopping, educational facilities, doctors surgeries, hospitals.

Q13: Really good schools for all age groups. Good medical facilities. Reliable and easy to use public transport (buses).
