Brentwood Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule

Ended on the 8 December 2016

3 Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule Consultation

Your Views

3.1 Brentwood Borough Council's Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule is set out in Appendix A.  The Proposed Charging Zone Map is set out in Appendix B.

3.2 The Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule is available for public comment from Wednesday 27 October to Wednesday 08 December 2016.

Consultation Questions

3.3 The Council would like your views on the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule and in particular responses to the following questions:

  1. Are the proposed rates suitably informed by the viability evidence provided in the Local Plan and the Whole Plan &  CIL Viability Assessment?
  2. Do you think the evidence on viability is correct? If not, please provide alternative evidence to support your view.
  3. Do the proposed rates strike an appropriate balance between funding infrastructure and any potential effects on the viability of development?
  4. Do you think it is correct for there to be a zero rate for all non-residential development excluding retail?
  5. On major strategic housing sites, further detailed work is ongoing to further evaluate the actual costs of delivering infrastructure and identifying a clear delivery strategy and where appropriate masterplanning.  What approach should be taken to major strategic housing led sites when considering the delivery of infrastructure, CIL payments and Section 106 agreements?
  6. Do you think the Council should introduce an instalments policy to stagger payments?
  7. Do you think the Council should include discretionary relief from CIL for charitable investment or 'exceptional circumstances'?
  8. What infrastructure do you think the Regulation 123 List should include (i.e. where should the Council direct the money raised by the Levy)?
  9. How frequently, and/or what triggers do you think the Council should consider to launch a review of CIL and/or the Regulation 123 list?
  10. Do you have any other comments on the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule?
  11. Do you have any other comments on the evidence base?

How to respond

3.4 You can find out more about the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule and respond directly on the Council's website at

3.5 Responding online is the quickest and easiest way to comment.  Alternatively, you can also respond by email or letter:

- Email us at:

- Write to us at: Planning Policy Team, Brentwood Borough Council, Town Hall, Brentwood, Essex, CM15 8AY

3.6 Hard copies of the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule are available to view during normal opening hours at the Town Hall or local libraries (Brentwood, Shenfield and Ingatestone).

Next Steps

3.7 Following this consultation, we will review the comments received together with any other evidence that emerges and use the findings to inform the next stage: the Draft Charging Schedule.

3.8 Once the Council considers that the Draft Charging Schedule is ready for an Examination-in-Public, we will publish the document for consultation.  During this period, representations can be made and any person making a representation has the right to be heard at the CIL Examination-in-Public.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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