Brentwood Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule

Ended on the 8 December 2016

1 Introduction

Charging Schedule Process

1.1 This consultation document sets out the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule (PDCS) for the Brentwood Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).  This document contains the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule itself (Appendix A) along with the Charging Zone Map (Appendix B).

1.2 In 2014, Brentwood Borough Council approved a set of draft charging rates as the basis for production of the Council's Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule.  However, this was subsequently not published for public consultation.  The evidence base behind the original work has since been reviewed and updated and now forms part of this current consultation stage.

1.3 The process and timeline for the preparation and adoption of the charging schedule is as follows:

  • Evidence base to inform draft CIL rates updated (completed May 2016);
  • Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule published for consultation (October 2016);
  • Consultation undertaken and comments received are reviewed (October to December 2016);
  • Council prepares and publishes a Draft Charging Schedule (DCS) for consultation (January 2017);
  • Representations are received and reviewed on the Draft Charging Schedule (February to March 2017);
  • Council submits the Draft Charging Schedule for independent examination;
  • Charging schedule is examined in public;
  • Examiner's recommendations are published and the Council considers the content; and
  • Council decides whether to approve and adopt the charging schedule.

1.4 It is estimated that the charging schedule will be approved in Autumn 2017, and so become effective from that time.

National Context

1.5 CIL is a tariff system that local authorities can choose to charge on new development in their area by setting a Charging Schedule. The CIL is a charge levied on new buildings and extensions to buildings according to their floor area. In this way money is raised from developments to help the Council pay for infrastructure such as schools, public transport improvements, greenspace, highways, and other facilities to ensure sustainable growth. It can only be spent on infrastructure needs as a result of new growth and will be a mandatory charge.

1.6 CIL will replace the current Section 106 'tariff' approaches which are currently used for this purpose because the Council can no longer use Section 106 in the same way from April 2015 due to a change in government regulations. However, Section 106 will continue to be used for affordable housing and anything required for the specific development site to make it acceptable in planning terms, further details are outlined in this document. The CIL regulations are clear that CIL should not be set at such a level that it risks the delivery of the development plan, and has to be based on viability evidence.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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