Strategic Growth Options

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Strategic Growth Options

Question 7

Representation ID: 12690

Received: 24/04/2015

Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd

Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited

Representation Summary:

The approach of allocating new employment sites predominantly on strategic highway networks should be properly considered against the requirements of the NPPF at paragraph 37 aiming to create a balance of land uses in order to minimise journey lengths for employment; and paragraph 38 with respect to encouraging the promotion of a mix of uses, including work on-site for larger scale residential developments.

Full text:

See attached questionnaire.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 12

Representation ID: 12691

Received: 24/04/2015

Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd

Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited

Representation Summary:

Barwood Land considers that the range of potential headline infrastructure considerations set out in paragraphs 6.4 - 6.11 appears appropriate for analytical purposes.

Full text:

See attached questionnaire.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 13

Representation ID: 12692

Received: 24/04/2015

Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd

Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited

Representation Summary:

The range of potential headline infrastructure considerations set out in paragraphs 6.4 - 6.11 appears appropriate for analytical purposes. However Barwood Land consider that it should be the role of the proposed Infrastructure Delivery Plan in combination with the work to be undertaken in assessing a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for the Borough and in light of the identified housing, employment and other land allocations in the Borough that determines the priorities for infrastructure spending.

Full text:

See attached questionnaire.


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