Strategic Growth Options
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Strategic Growth Options
Question 5
Representation ID: 12602
Received: 24/04/2015
Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd
Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited
The release of sites in the A12 Corridor area to accommodate growth is supported by Barwood Land. The release of sites is necessary to ensure that the Borough is able to meet its objectively assessed housing needs in full, and to do so in areas of the Borough that offer the most sustainable development locations for growth.
See attached questionnaire.
Strategic Growth Options
Question 5
Representation ID: 12603
Received: 24/04/2015
Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd
Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited
The release of sites will inevitably require the review and release of Green Belt land. The NPPF is clear at paragraph 83 that Green Belt boundaries should only be altered through the preparation or review of the Local Plan. The plan-preparation process currently underway is therefore the appropriate point at which to review edge of urban area sites within the Green Belt and the Strategic Growth Option Consultation reasoned justification text at paragraph 3.13 (b) is therefore supported.
See attached questionnaire.
Strategic Growth Options
Question 5
Representation ID: 12604
Received: 24/04/2015
Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd
Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited
The Brentwood Local Plan needs to positively address national policies to boost housing delivery, economic growth and sustainable development. This should include a clear process of consideration and careful assessment of the use and release of Green Belt land that could contribute to these national priorities.
See attached questionnaire.
Strategic Growth Options
Question 5
Representation ID: 12605
Received: 24/04/2015
Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd
Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited
The town of Brentwood must retain its status as the highest order settlement in the Borough and be the focus for future growth through the release of sites because:
* it is the settlement with the largest existing population in the Borough;
* it contains the main employment areas (Brentwood Town Centre, Brentwood
Station and Warley Business Park);
* it contains the main retail areas (focused on the High Street);
* it has excellent rail accessibility and connectivity (that will be further enhanced with the Crossrail rail line development); and
* it is the focus of the main identified public transport routes and services within the Borough.
See attached questionnaire.
Strategic Growth Options
Question 5
Representation ID: 12607
Received: 24/04/2015
Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd
Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited
Given the extensive Green Belt designation covering much of the Borough, new dwellings have historically been provided by increasingly scarce opportunities from the redevelopment of larger brownfield sites, with the remainder comprising contributions from a sizeable number of small infill developments within defined settlement boundaries. For the future, these development opportunities are either limited (i.e. an increasing shortage in available brownfield sites or under-used employment land), or have site specific challenges such as being too small to make a significant contribution to sustainability objectives, particularly where their development would result in an over-intensive land use pattern.
See attached questionnaire.
Strategic Growth Options
Question 5
Representation ID: 12608
Received: 24/04/2015
Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd
Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited
Local Plan should consider development in sustainable locations in Brentwood where:
* there is close proximity between jobs, homes and open spaces, capable of
being accessed by public transport, on foot or by bicycle;
* sites are readily deliverable;
* development would not damage the distinctive character of Brentwood, or the overriding contribution of the Green Belt to Brentwood's quality of life, biodiversity and environment, which are highly valued by the local community, and which give it its character and distinctiveness;
* the Green Belt boundary can be reviewed and re-aligned using physical features that are readily recognisable would continue to form a logical long- term and defensible boundary for the urban extent of the Borough.
See attached questionnaire.
Strategic Growth Options
Question 5
Representation ID: 12609
Received: 24/04/2015
Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd
Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited
Honeypot Lane (site reference 022 in Appendix 1), as assessed through the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA), is a clear example of a site that fulfils all of the criteria for release from Green Belt and has the ability to make a significant, positive contribution to sustainable development and growth of Brentwood early in the plan period.
See attached questionnaire.
Strategic Growth Options
Question 6
Representation ID: 12610
Received: 24/04/2015
Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd
Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited
Dispersed development at the edges of villages and small settlements (irrespective of greenfield or previously developed) does not always offer an optimal approach to ensuring the creation of sustainable communities.
There is merit to making provision for new development in existing villages to specifically support rural housing needs and ensure the future for existing services and facilities; however such provision should be limited in order to respect the character and scale of those smaller settlements and to avoid unsustainable patterns of movement. Larger, higher order settlements such as Brentwood, offer the greatest opportunities to meet local housing, economic and service needs in a wholly sustainable manner. Growth should be toward the higher order settlements and to identified sites, (site 022) that are capable of delivering sustainable development early in the plan period.
See attached questionnaire.
Strategic Growth Options
Question 7
Representation ID: 12688
Received: 24/04/2015
Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd
Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited
The SGO sets out the approach for employment site options, identifying the need for up additional employment land. This need requires a balanced approach to the consideration of employment site locations and options. This analysis is complex and nuanced and should consider a wider set of criteria than identifying locations close to the strategic highway network. (Refer to Paragraph 016, NPPF). In practice employment sites should be in proximity to established and future working population and accessible by a range of transport.Indeed, such an approach would underplay the economic potential of Crossrail that will significantly enhance the accessibility of Brentwood town and Shenfield to centres of employment outside the Borough in a wider functional economic market area and also enhance the opportunities for business to attract a skilled labour force from within the Borough and from elsewhere.
See attached questionnaire.
Strategic Growth Options
Question 7
Representation ID: 12689
Received: 24/04/2015
Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd
Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited
there will be a range of employment needs arising (in terms of the location, size and nature of employment sites/floorspace) from different economic sectors and occupiers that in turn have diverse requirements for B Use Class floorspace. Access to the strategic highway network may, or may not, be a priority for different sectors and occupiers. The SGO identifies the diversity of employment site requirements but need to more fully substantiate the conclusion drawn that locations close to the strategic highway network are most appropriate because "they meet modern business needs".
See attached questionnaire.