Strategic Growth Options

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Strategic Growth Options

022 Land at Honeypot Lane, Brentwood

Representation ID: 12588

Received: 24/04/2015

Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd

Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited

Representation Summary:

Honeypot Lane meets in full the SHLAA site criteria concerning suitability, availability and achievability for residential development as the Draft Site Assessment, July 2013 previously concluded. The site can contribute significantly to the housing land supply in a sustainable location in Brentwood early in the plan period as it offers:

* close proximity between jobs, homes and open spaces,
* the potential capability to be accessed by public transport, on foot and by bicycle;
* a site that is readily deliverable now and can therefore contribute to the five year housing land supply of the Borough;
* a development opportunity that would not damage the distinctive character of Brentwood, or the overriding contribution of the Green Belt to Brentwood's quality of life, biodiversity and environment, which give it its character and distinctiveness;
* the opportunity to refine and re-align the Green Belt boundary using physical features that are readily recognisable and that would continue to form a logical, long-term and defensible boundary for the urban extent of the Borough.

Full text:

See attached questionnaire.



Strategic Growth Options

200 Entire Land East of A128, south of A127

Representation ID: 12590

Received: 24/04/2015

Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd

Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited

Representation Summary:

The 'West Horndon Strategic Allocation' and the 'Dunton Garden Suburb' alternative must relate fully to the existing pattern of settlements, the hierarchy of centres and the available infrastructure identified in the Borough in order to be sustainable. In order to make the West Horndon allocation, or the Dunton Garden Suburb sustainable and viable (in accordance with all aspects of the NPPF definition of sustainable development) there would be a need for significant new social, community, transport, environmental and green infrastructure to be delivered which are costly requirements and will take some significant time to be provided and become fully established to the benefit of the future residents, with consequent implications for the timing of delivery of housing.

Full text:

See attached questionnaire.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 3

Representation ID: 12591

Received: 24/04/2015

Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd

Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited

Representation Summary:

The 'West Horndon Strategic Allocation' and the 'Dunton Garden Suburb' alternative must relate fully to the existing pattern of settlements, the hierarchy of centres and the available infrastructure identified in the Borough in order to be sustainable. In order to make the West Horndon allocation, or the Dunton Garden Suburb sustainable and viable (in accordance with all aspects of the NPPF definition of sustainable development) there would be a need for significant new social, community, transport, environmental and green infrastructure to be delivered which are costly requirements and will take some significant time to be provided and become fully established to the benefit of the future residents, with consequent implications for the timing of delivery of housing.

Full text:

See attached questionnaire.



Strategic Growth Options

020 West Horndon Industrial Estate, Childerditch Lane, West Horndon

Representation ID: 12592

Received: 24/04/2015

Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd

Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited

Representation Summary:

The 'West Horndon Strategic Allocation' and the 'Dunton Garden Suburb' alternative must relate fully to the existing pattern of settlements, the hierarchy of centres and the available infrastructure identified in the Borough in order to be sustainable. In order to make the West Horndon allocation, or the Dunton Garden Suburb sustainable and viable (in accordance with all aspects of the NPPF definition of sustainable development) there would be a need for significant new social, community, transport, environmental and green infrastructure to be delivered which are costly requirements and will take some significant time to be provided and become fully established to the benefit of the future residents, with consequent implications for the timing of delivery of housing.

Full text:

See attached questionnaire.



Strategic Growth Options

021 Horndon Industrial Estate, Station Road, West Horndon

Representation ID: 12594

Received: 24/04/2015

Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd

Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited

Representation Summary:

The 'West Horndon Strategic Allocation' and the 'Dunton Garden Suburb' alternative must relate fully to the existing pattern of settlements, the hierarchy of centres and the available infrastructure identified in the Borough in order to be sustainable. In order to make the West Horndon allocation, or the Dunton Garden Suburb sustainable and viable (in accordance with all aspects of the NPPF definition of sustainable development) there would be a need for significant new social, community, transport, environmental and green infrastructure to be delivered which are costly requirements and will take some significant time to be provided and become fully established to the benefit of the future residents, with consequent implications for the timing of delivery of housing.

Full text:

See attached questionnaire.



Strategic Growth Options

037A Land West of Thorndon Avenue, West Horndon

Representation ID: 12595

Received: 24/04/2015

Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd

Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited

Representation Summary:

The 'West Horndon Strategic Allocation' and the 'Dunton Garden Suburb' alternative must relate fully to the existing pattern of settlements, the hierarchy of centres and the available infrastructure identified in the Borough in order to be sustainable. In order to make the West Horndon allocation, or the Dunton Garden Suburb sustainable and viable (in accordance with all aspects of the NPPF definition of sustainable development) there would be a need for significant new social, community, transport, environmental and green infrastructure to be delivered which are costly requirements and will take some significant time to be provided and become fully established to the benefit of the future residents, with consequent implications for the timing of delivery of housing.

Full text:

See attached questionnaire.



Strategic Growth Options

038A Land East of Thorndon Avenue, West Horndon

Representation ID: 12596

Received: 24/04/2015

Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd

Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited

Representation Summary:

The 'West Horndon Strategic Allocation' and the 'Dunton Garden Suburb' alternative must relate fully to the existing pattern of settlements, the hierarchy of centres and the available infrastructure identified in the Borough in order to be sustainable. In order to make the West Horndon allocation, or the Dunton Garden Suburb sustainable and viable (in accordance with all aspects of the NPPF definition of sustainable development) there would be a need for significant new social, community, transport, environmental and green infrastructure to be delivered which are costly requirements and will take some significant time to be provided and become fully established to the benefit of the future residents, with consequent implications for the timing of delivery of housing.

Full text:

See attached questionnaire.



Strategic Growth Options

126 Land East of West Horndon, South of Station Road

Representation ID: 12597

Received: 24/04/2015

Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd

Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited

Representation Summary:

The 'West Horndon Strategic Allocation' and the 'Dunton Garden Suburb' alternative must relate fully to the existing pattern of settlements, the hierarchy of centres and the available infrastructure identified in the Borough in order to be sustainable. In order to make the West Horndon allocation, or the Dunton Garden Suburb sustainable and viable (in accordance with all aspects of the NPPF definition of sustainable development) there would be a need for significant new social, community, transport, environmental and green infrastructure to be delivered which are costly requirements and will take some significant time to be provided and become fully established to the benefit of the future residents, with consequent implications for the timing of delivery of housing.

Full text:

See attached questionnaire.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 3

Representation ID: 12599

Received: 24/04/2015

Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd

Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited

Representation Summary:

Fundamentally the West Horndon allocation or the Dunton Garden Suburb proposals represent long-term, phased development schemes that are likely to make a significant contribution to housing and economic growth only in the latter part of the plan period. There are other locations in the Borough, through which new residential and economic growth can be secured early in the plan period, making best use of existing, available infrastructure. Such locations are well placed to maximise the benefits of new committed infrastructure arising from the Crossrail rail development that will be completed and operational by 2018, within the early part of the plan period.

Full text:

See attached questionnaire.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 4

Representation ID: 12600

Received: 24/04/2015

Respondent: Barwood Land and Estates Ltd

Agent: Chilmark Consulting Limited

Representation Summary:

The capacity for growth, while a relevant factor, should not be determinative of the location for growth alone. The Borough Council might wish to consider a more multi- dimensional assessment in order to form a complete analysis of potential locations for growth necessary to ensure that a sustainable form of development results in the Borough. Available land capacity is, on its own unrelated to the existing spatial pattern of development, residential population, provision of services, employment and facilities. On this basis there are better-suited sites in locations within and adjacent to the existing higher order centres such as Brentwood that can provide an appropriate mix and choice of sites for future growth.

Full text:

See attached questionnaire.


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