Schedule of Potential Main Modifications

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Schedule of Potential Main Modifications


Representation ID: 29563

Received: 04/11/2021

Respondent: Essex County Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Representation Summary:

3. Not Effective

Criterion 1.f. of Policy R11 seeks to ensure retention of public parking spaces sufficient to meet overall town centre public parking needs. BCC should be satisfied that this can be achieved and does not conflict with other polices in the Local Plan, such as BE13 Sustainable Means of Travel and Walkable Streets and BE17 Parking Standards.

This reflects ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22466.

Full text:

3. Not Effective

Criterion 1.f. of Policy R11 seeks to ensure retention of public parking spaces sufficient to meet overall town centre public parking needs. BCC should be satisfied that this can be achieved and does not conflict with other polices in the Local Plan, such as BE13 Sustainable Means of Travel and Walkable Streets and BE17 Parking Standards.

This reflects ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22466.


Schedule of Potential Main Modifications


Representation ID: 29564

Received: 04/11/2021

Respondent: Essex County Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Representation Summary:

3. Not Effective

Criterion 1.f. of Policy R13 seeks to ensure retention of public parking spaces sufficient to meet overall town centre public parking needs. BCC should be satisfied that this can be achieved and does not conflict with other polices in the Local Plan, such as BE13 Sustainable Means of Travel and Walkable Streets and BE17 Parking Standards.

This reflects ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22467.

Full text:

3. Not Effective

Criterion 1.f. of Policy R13 seeks to ensure retention of public parking spaces sufficient to meet overall town centre public parking needs. BCC should be satisfied that this can be achieved and does not conflict with other polices in the Local Plan, such as BE13 Sustainable Means of Travel and Walkable Streets and BE17 Parking Standards.

This reflects ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22467.


Schedule of Potential Main Modifications


Representation ID: 29565

Received: 04/11/2021

Respondent: Essex County Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Representation Summary:

3. Not Effective

Criterion 2.g. of Policy R14 seek to ensure retention of public parking spaces sufficient to meet overall town centre public parking needs. BCC should be satisfied that this can be achieved and does not conflict with other polices in the Local Plan, such as BE13 Sustainable Means of Travel and Walkable Streets and BE17 Parking Standards.

This reflects ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22468.

Full text:

3. Not Effective

Criterion 2.g. of Policy R14 seek to ensure retention of public parking spaces sufficient to meet overall town centre public parking needs. BCC should be satisfied that this can be achieved and does not conflict with other polices in the Local Plan, such as BE13 Sustainable Means of Travel and Walkable Streets and BE17 Parking Standards.

This reflects ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22468.


Schedule of Potential Main Modifications


Representation ID: 29568

Received: 04/11/2021

Respondent: Essex County Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Representation Summary:

2. Not Justified

ECC acknowledges that the provision of Early Years and Childcare (EYCC) facilities on employment sites can be beneficial to the development, increasing the attractiveness for employees. However, the most recent ECC Developers’ Guide to Infrastructure Contributions (updated 2020) no longer specifically requires the delivery of EYCC facilities (and/or contributions) as part of proposals for employment development. Whilst ECC would encourage the provision of a 56 place facility to be delivered on-site to support employees, we cannot insist on this requirement being a prerequisite for the development. Criterion 2.a. of Policy E11 should be deleted.

Full text:

2. Not Justified

ECC acknowledges that the provision of Early Years and Childcare (EYCC) facilities on employment sites can be beneficial to the development, increasing the attractiveness for employees. However, the most recent ECC Developers’ Guide to Infrastructure Contributions (updated 2020) no longer specifically requires the delivery of EYCC facilities (and/or contributions) as part of proposals for employment development. Whilst ECC would encourage the provision of a 56 place facility to be delivered on-site to support employees, we cannot insist on this requirement being a prerequisite for the development. Criterion 2.a. of Policy E11 should be deleted.


Schedule of Potential Main Modifications


Representation ID: 29569

Received: 04/11/2021

Respondent: Essex County Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Representation Summary:

3. Not Effective

Given the scale of the allocation, Policy E11 needs to include criteria requiring a range of unit sizes supporting start-ups, as well as those businesses that have outgrown their initial accommodation. The need for such requirements is evidenced in the South Essex Grow-on Space Study (February 2020).

Full text:

3. Not Effective

Given the scale of the allocation, Policy E11 needs to include criteria requiring a range of unit sizes supporting start-ups, as well as those businesses that have outgrown their initial accommodation. The need for such requirements is evidenced in the South Essex Grow-on Space Study (February 2020).


Schedule of Potential Main Modifications


Representation ID: 29571

Received: 04/11/2021

Respondent: Essex County Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Representation Summary:

3. Effective

The inclusion of additional wording to paragraph 5.102 at iv. ensures applicants and decision makers are aware of the A127 Task Force and its work.

This modification in part addresses ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22351 and the position in the Statement of Common Ground (F17D) between BBC and ECC.

However, to reflect the current position and to avoid repetition with existing text within other parts of paragraph 5.102 the final sentence of iv. should be deleted.

Full text:

3. Effective

The inclusion of additional wording to paragraph 5.102 at iv. ensures applicants and decision makers are aware of the A127 Task Force and its work.

This modification in part addresses ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22351 and the position in the Statement of Common Ground (F17D) between BBC and ECC.

However, to reflect the current position and to avoid repetition with existing text within other parts of paragraph 5.102 the final sentence of iv. should be deleted.


Schedule of Potential Main Modifications


Representation ID: 29572

Received: 04/11/2021

Respondent: Essex County Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Representation Summary:

3. Not Effective

ECC has statutory responsibilities for Adult Social Care. An amendment is sought to the supporting text in the proposed new paragraph after 6.25 to reflect the most up to date position and to ensure the text is effective.

Full text:

3. Not Effective

ECC has statutory responsibilities for Adult Social Care. An amendment is sought to the supporting text in the proposed new paragraph after 6.25 to reflect the most up to date position and to ensure the text is effective.


Schedule of Potential Main Modifications


Representation ID: 29573

Received: 04/11/2021

Respondent: Essex County Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Representation Summary:

4. Not Consistent with National Policy

The reference to ‘disabled and impaired’ in criterion c. should be replaced with ‘people with disabilities’ to be consistent with the definition in the NPPF.

Full text:

4. Not Consistent with National Policy

The reference to ‘disabled and impaired’ in criterion c. should be replaced with ‘people with disabilities’ to be consistent with the definition in the NPPF.


Schedule of Potential Main Modifications


Representation ID: 29574

Received: 04/11/2021

Respondent: Essex County Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Representation Summary:

3. Not Effective

The Local Plan can play a key role in supporting and facilitating local job creation and increasing local skills levels. The Local Plan is currently silent on this matter. ECC would welcome the Borough’s support to include such provisions in the Local Plan, in order to assist in ensuring that such matters are a consideration within the planning process.

Additional wording should be added to the ‘new jobs’ retaining supporting text after paragraph 7.16.

This reflects ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22403 and the position in the Statement of Common Ground (F17D) between BBC and ECC.

Full text:

3. Not Effective

The Local Plan can play a key role in supporting and facilitating local job creation and increasing local skills levels. The Local Plan is currently silent on this matter. ECC would welcome the Borough’s support to include such provisions in the Local Plan, in order to assist in ensuring that such matters are a consideration within the planning process.

Additional wording should be added to the ‘new jobs’ retaining supporting text after paragraph 7.16.

This reflects ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22403 and the position in the Statement of Common Ground (F17D) between BBC and ECC.


Schedule of Potential Main Modifications


Representation ID: 29575

Received: 04/11/2021

Respondent: Essex County Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Representation Summary:

3. Not Effective

To avoid confusion, the Use Classes in Table 7.4 should be amended to reflect the up to date Use Class Order.

Full text:

3. Not Effective

To avoid confusion, the Use Classes in Table 7.4 should be amended to reflect the up to date Use Class Order.

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