Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
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Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29698
Received: 10/11/2021
Respondent: Essex County Council
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
3.Not Effective
ECC welcomes the inclusion of criterion 1.b. within Policy E13, however it should be amended to be consistent with criteria in other Local Plan site allocation policies.
In order to futureproof the policy and ensure that development provides the appropriate walking and cycling provision in the future, in line with NPPF 92.c, 104 c, 106d, the supporting text needs to provide clarity on the types of other ‘relevant evidence’ which is referenced in the Policy. It needs to be made clear that such evidence should include details on future key destinations and attractors for walking and cycling connections.
3.Not Effective
ECC welcomes the inclusion of criterion 1.b. within Policy E13, however it should be amended to be consistent with criteria in other Local Plan site allocation policies.
In order to futureproof the policy and ensure that development provides the appropriate walking and cycling provision in the future, in line with NPPF 92.c, 104 c, 106d, the supporting text needs to provide clarity on the types of other ‘relevant evidence’ which is referenced in the Policy. It needs to be made clear that such evidence should include details on future key destinations and attractors for walking and cycling connections.
Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29699
Received: 10/11/2021
Respondent: Essex County Council
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
3.Not Effective
ECC welcomes the inclusion of criterion 1.b. within Policy E08, however it should be amended to be consistent with criteria in other Local Plan site allocation policies.
In order to futureproof the policy and ensure that development provides the appropriate walking and cycling provision in the future, in line with NPPF 92.c, 104 c, 106d, the supporting text needs to provide clarity on the types of other ‘relevant evidence’ which is referenced in the Policy. It needs to be made clear that such evidence should include details on future key destinations and attractors for walking and cycling connections.
3.Not Effective
ECC welcomes the inclusion of criterion 1.b. within Policy E08, however it should be amended to be consistent with criteria in other Local Plan site allocation policies.
In order to futureproof the policy and ensure that development provides the appropriate walking and cycling provision in the future, in line with NPPF 92.c, 104 c, 106d, the supporting text needs to provide clarity on the types of other ‘relevant evidence’ which is referenced in the Policy. It needs to be made clear that such evidence should include details on future key destinations and attractors for walking and cycling connections.
Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29700
Received: 10/11/2021
Respondent: Essex County Council
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
3. Not Effective
In order to ensure that all highway works are identified, including site access from the highway, criterion 4.a. needs to be amended.
3. Not Effective
In order to ensure that all highway works are identified, including site access from the highway, criterion 4.a. needs to be amended.
Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29701
Received: 10/11/2021
Respondent: Essex County Council
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
2.Not Justified
3.Not Effective
4.Not Consistent with National Policy
ECC as LLFA for BBC consider inclusion of supporting text for site specific policies, including potential risk of flooding references, and links to Local Plan sustainable drainage and flood risk policies, provides clarity to applicants/decisions makers of need for consideration of flooding matters at beginning of planning process.
New paragraph after 9.214 ensures factual representation of current flooding position (NPPF 159, 160). Amend to provide links to Local Plan sustainable drainage and flood risk policies.
Reflects ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22504, position in BBC/ECC SoCG (F17D), and Hearing Statement G7AN – paragraph1.42.
2.Not Justified
3.Not Effective
4.Not Consistent with National Policy
ECC as the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) for BBC consider that the inclusion of supporting text for the site specific policies, in particular, including reference to the potential risk of flooding, and links back to the sustainable drainage and flood risk policies in the Local Plan, will provide clarity to applicants and decisions makers of the need for consideration of flooding matters at the beginning of the planning process.
ECC therefore welcome the proposed modifications to include the new paragraph after 9.214 as it ensures factual representation of the current position in respect of flooding, in line with paragraphs 159 and 160 of the NPPF.
ECC would recommend that the last sentence is amended to provide the links back to the sustainable drainage and flood risk policies in the Local Plan.
This reflects ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22504, the position in the Statement of Common Ground (F17D) between BBC and ECC, and the position in its Hearing Statement G7AN – paragraph 1.42.
Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29702
Received: 10/11/2021
Respondent: Essex County Council
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
2.Not Justified
3.Not Effective
4.Not Consistent with National Policy
ECC as LLFA for BBC consider inclusion of supporting text for site specific policies, including potential risk of flooding references, and links to Local Plan sustainable drainage and flood risk policies, provides clarity to applicants/decisions makers of need for consideration of flooding matters at beginning of planning process.
New paragraph after 9.219 ensures factual representation of current flooding position (NPPF 159, 160). Amend to provide links to Local Plan sustainable drainage and flood risk policies.
Reflects ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22506, position in BBC/ECC SoCG (F17D), and Hearing Statement G7AN – paragraph1.42.
2. Not Justified
3. Not Effective
4. Not Consistent with National Policy
ECC as the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) for BBC consider that the inclusion of supporting text for the site specific policies, in particular, including reference to the potential risk of flooding, and links back to the sustainable drainage and flood risk policies in the Local Plan, will provide clarity to applicants and decisions makers of the need for consideration of flooding matters at the beginning of the planning process.
ECC therefore welcome the proposed modifications to include the new paragraph after 9.219 as it ensures factual representation of the current position in respect of flooding, in line with paragraphs 159 and 160 of the NPPF.
ECC would recommend that the last sentence is amended to provide the links back to the sustainable drainage and flood risk policies in the Local Plan.
This reflects ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22506, the position in the Statement of Common Ground (F17D) between BBC and ECC, and the position in its Hearing Statement G7AN – paragraph 1.42.
Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29703
Received: 10/11/2021
Respondent: Essex County Council
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
2.Not Justified
3.Not Effective
4.Not Consistent with National Policy
ECC as LLFA for BBC consider inclusion of supporting text for site specific policies, including potential risk of flooding references, and links to Local Plan sustainable drainage and flood risk policies, provides clarity to applicants/decisions makers of need for consideration of flooding matters at beginning of planning process.
New paragraph after 9.224 ensures factual representation of current flooding position (NPPF 159, 160). Amend to provide links to Local Plan sustainable drainage and flood risk policies.
Reflects ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22507, position in BBC/ECC SoCG (F17D), and Hearing Statement G7AN – paragraph1.42.
2. Not Justified
3. Not Effective
4. Not Consistent with National Policy
ECC as the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) for BBC consider that the inclusion of supporting text for the site specific policies, in particular, including reference to the potential risk of flooding, and links back to the sustainable drainage and flood risk policies in the Local Plan, will provide clarity to applicants and decisions makers of the need for consideration of flooding matters at the beginning of the planning process.
ECC therefore welcome the proposed modifications to include the new paragraph after 9.224 as it ensures factual representation of the current position in respect of flooding, in line with paragraphs 159 and 160 of the NPPF.
ECC would recommend that the last sentence is amended to provide the links back to the sustainable drainage and flood risk policies in the Local Plan.
This reflects ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22507, the position in the Statement of Common Ground (F17D) between BBC and ECC, and the position in its Hearing Statement G7AN – paragraph 1.42.
Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29704
Received: 10/11/2021
Respondent: Essex County Council
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
2.Not Justified/3.Not Effective/4.Not Consistent with National Policy
Requirement of HIA for hot food takeaways strongly supported by ECC given its responsibilities for Public Health.
Should be required both within, and outside, designated town, district or local centres to ensure borough wide consideration. This is not currently in criterion A.
HIA level of detail/work required is proportionate (type/nature of development/location). Stepped process allows consideration of HIA type on case by case basis (level of detail varies-desktop based short review/full comprehensive assessment). Approach is outlined in EPOA HIA Guidance Note – Essex Healthy Places – Advice Notes for Planners, Developers and Designers.
2.Not Justified
3.Not Effective
4.Not Consistent with National Policy
The inclusion of a requirement for Health Impact Assessments (HIA) to be undertaken for hot food takeaways in the Policy is strongly supported by ECC given its responsibilities for Public Health.
However, to ensure borough wide consideration of such matters this requirement should be required both within, and outside, designated town, district or local centres. This is not the case as currently proposed in criterion A of the Policy.
The level of detailed required for an HIA and work required for applicants to undertake is proportionate depending on the type and nature of development, as well as its location. The HIA stepped process allows for consideration of the type of HIA required on a case by case basis, with the level of detail required varying from a desktop based short review to a full comprehensive assessment. This approach is outlined on page 9 of the Essex Planning Officers’ Association (EPOA) HIA Guidance Note – Essex Healthy Places – Advice Notes for Planners, Developers and Designers.