Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
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Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29523
Received: 04/11/2021
Respondent: Essex County Council
2. Justified
4. Consistent with National Policy
The proposed modification to criterion 2. of Policy R13 is consistent with the requirements of the NPPF.
2. Justified
4. Consistent with National Policy
The proposed modification to criterion 2. of Policy R13 is consistent with the requirements of the NPPF.
Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29524
Received: 04/11/2021
Respondent: Essex County Council
2. Justified
4. Consistent with National Policy
The proposed modification to criterion 3. of Policy R14 is consistent with the requirements of the NPPF
2. Justified
4. Consistent with National Policy
The proposed modification to criterion 3. of Policy R14 is consistent with the requirements of the NPPF
Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29525
Received: 04/11/2021
Respondent: Essex County Council
2. Justified
4. Consistent with National Policy
The proposed modification to criterion 3. of Policy R15 is consistent with the requirements of the NPPF.
2. Justified
4. Consistent with National Policy
The proposed modification to criterion 3. of Policy R15 is consistent with the requirements of the NPPF.
Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29526
Received: 04/11/2021
Respondent: Essex County Council
2. Justified
4. Consistent with National Policy
The proposed modification to criterion 2. of Policy R16 & R17 is consistent with the requirements of the NPPF.
2. Justified
4. Consistent with National Policy
The proposed modification to criterion 2. of Policy R16 & R17 is consistent with the requirements of the NPPF.
Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29527
Received: 04/11/2021
Respondent: Essex County Council
2. Justified
4. Consistent with National Policy
The proposed modification to criterion 2. of Policy R19 is consistent with the requirements of the NPPF.
2. Justified
4. Consistent with National Policy
The proposed modification to criterion 2. of Policy R19 is consistent with the requirements of the NPPF.
Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29528
Received: 04/11/2021
Respondent: Essex County Council
2. Justified
4. Consistent with National Policy
The proposed modification to criterion 2. of Policy R21 is consistent with the requirements of the NPPF.
2. Justified
4. Consistent with National Policy
The proposed modification to criterion 2. of Policy R21 is consistent with the requirements of the NPPF.
Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29529
Received: 04/11/2021
Respondent: Essex County Council
2. Justified
4. Consistent with National Policy
The proposed modification to criterion 2. of Policy R22 is consistent with the requirements of the NPPF.
2. Justified
4. Consistent with National Policy
The proposed modification to criterion 2. of Policy R22 is consistent with the requirements of the NPPF.
Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29530
Received: 04/11/2021
Respondent: Essex County Council
3. Effective
ECC as highway and transportation authority has engaged with developers’ transport consultants and is satisfied with access wording proposed in criterion 2.c. of Policy R03.
Furthermore, it's understood that a scheme could be designed to allow for partial vehicular access and partial pedestrian and cyclist access along Alexander Lane as part of any wider masterplanning of the site. ECC is satisfied with wording proposed in criterion 2.d. of Policy R03.
These modifications address ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22446 and reaffirms ECC’s position in Statement of Common Ground (F17D) between BBC and ECC, and paragraph 1.9 of Hearing Statement G7AN.
3. Effective
ECC as highway and transportation authority has engaged with developers’ transport consultants and is satisfied with access wording proposed in criterion 2.c. of Policy R03.
Furthermore, it's understood that a scheme could be designed to allow for partial vehicular access and partial pedestrian and cyclist access along Alexander Lane as part of any wider masterplanning of the site. ECC is satisfied with wording proposed in criterion 2.d. of Policy R03.
These modifications address ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22446 and reaffirms ECC’s position in Statement of Common Ground (F17D) between BBC and ECC, and paragraph 1.9 of Hearing Statement G7AN.
Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29531
Received: 04/11/2021
Respondent: Essex County Council
3. Effective
The proposed deletion of the wording at the end of paragraph 9.100 ensures consistency with Policy BE13 Sustainable Means of Travel and Walkable Streets.
This modification addresses ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22448 and the position in the Statement of Common Ground (F17D) between BBC and ECC.
3. Effective
The proposed deletion of the wording at the end of paragraph 9.100 ensures consistency with Policy BE13 Sustainable Means of Travel and Walkable Streets.
This modification addresses ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22448 and the position in the Statement of Common Ground (F17D) between BBC and ECC.
Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29532
Received: 04/11/2021
Respondent: Essex County Council
2. Justified
The inclusion of the additional wording to paragraph 9.175 in relation to the Endeavour School ensures that the full range of education provision is identified and considered.
This modification addresses ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22476 and the position in the Statement of Common Ground (F17D) between BBC and ECC.
2. Justified
The inclusion of the additional wording to paragraph 9.175 in relation to the Endeavour School ensures that the full range of education provision is identified and considered.
This modification addresses ECC’s Reg.19 Rep 22476 and the position in the Statement of Common Ground (F17D) between BBC and ECC.