1.13 Evidence

Showing comments and forms 31 to 60 of 71


Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 6355

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mr Tom Wells

Agent: JTS Partnership LLP

Representation Summary:

The growth figure of 5,500 dwellings for the next 15 years is supported, however it is considered optimistic that 2,500 dwellings will come from the brownfield sites within the urban area.

Green Belt land will therefore have to be released to meet the objectively assessed need. Recommended that a detailed review of Green Belt boundaries is undertaken. There are a number of anomalies in the Green Belt boundaries (e.g. cutting across middle of residential cartilage) that should be corrected.

The Green Belt boundary should be established on a strong defensible line (e.g. river, road or railway). The Green Belt boundary should exclude the whole residential cartilage of existing residential development (except where the Green Belt covers the entire village).
To minimise the overall impact on the Green Belt the Council should follow a hierarchical approach to identifying land to meet residential need, along the following lines:

1. Existing urban areas
2. Existing developed sites in Green Belt
3. Review of Green Belt boundaries to ensure consistency with para 84 and 85 NPPG guidance. Boundaries to follow clear, recognisable, physical features and Green Belt not to include land which is unnecessary to keep open (such as land surrounded by development or which is part of a village).
4. Release of sites on the edge of existing settlements.
5. New settlements (Dutton Garden Suburb).

Full text:

Q1: Yes - The Borough logically splits itself into three identified areas, which are of different character. The Borough contains two main infrastructure corridors, with more rural villages to the north and each area provides different development opportunities. The growth figure of 5,500 dwellings for the next 15 years is supported, however it is considered optimistic that 2,500 dwellings will come from the brownfield sites within the urban area.

Q2: Yes - These representations concern the area to the north of Brentwood and it is considered that the issues raised in regard to this area are correct.

Q3: Yes - As stated within Question 1, the growth figure of 5,500 dwellings for the next 15 years is supported, however it is considered optimistic that 2,500 dwellings will come from the brownfield sites within the urban area.

It is evident therefore, that some Green Belt land will have to be released in order to meet the objectively assessed target. As a result, it is recommended that a detailed review of Green Belt boundaries is undertaken. Over the years a number of anomalies have been created by inept drawing of the Green Belt boundaries. There are quite a few examples, for instance, of the Green Belt boundary cutting across the middle of a residential curtilage or wrapping around a single site. This makes no sense at all, and should be corrected.

The Green Belt boundary should be established on a strong defensible line. This should be a clearly defined and reasonably permanent physical feature in the landscape, such as a river, road or railway. Drawing the boundary across the middle of fields or gardens is totally unsatisfactory and even field boundaries may not be sufficiently permanent to form a reliable long-term boundary. At the very least, the Green Belt boundary should exclude existing residential development (except, where acknowledged, the Green Belt 'washes over' the entire village) and this exclusion must extend to the whole of the residential curtilage. What is required is not a straight line but a clearly defined and readily defensible boundary.

The Council should follow a hierarchical approach to identifying land to meet residential need, along the following lines:
1. Existing urban areas
2. Existing developed sites in Green Belt
3. Review of Green Belt boundaries to ensure consistency with para 84 and 85 NPPG guidance. Boundaries to follow clear, recognisable, physical features and Green Belt not to include land which is unnecessary to keep open (such as land surrounded by development or which is part of a village).
4. Release of sites on the edge of existing settlements.
5. New settlements (Dutton Garden Suburb).

It is only by following a hierarchical approach, and analysing the impact of the Green Belt at each stage, that the Council can assure itself that the overall impact of the Green Belt will be minimised.

If this analysis justifies the release of the Dutton Garden Suburb then (for the reasons that we indicate in the following question) it is very unlikely that it will make any contribution to current 5 year housing supply or that will be built out in this Local Plan period. It is an allocation that will cover two Local Plan periods and the Council will therefore need to allocate additional land in this Local Plan.
We would like as part of this submission to confirm support for the allocation of land to the west of Heathlands, School Road, Kelvedon Hatch (see attached Site Location Plan), which would fall within criteria 3 of the above approach to identifying land.

Q4: The focus of this submission is centred on the A12 Corridor. However, proposals for development at West Horndon are supported, in principle. Questions continue to be raised regarding viability, sustainability and deliverability of these sites and whether there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate that they could come forward within the plan period. Representations will be made separately to the Dunton Garden Suburb Consultation; however it is considered that this development fails in four of the five purposes of the Green Belt (Paragraph 80 of the NPPF). Such a suburb would: -
* Encourage the sprawl of large built-up areas (Basildon/Laindon);
* Potentially merge Laindon with East Horndon and West Horndon. Laindon itself is already merged with Basildon
* Further encroaches upon the countryside, creating a continuous stretch of development on the southern side of the A127, running from Nevendon to the A128.
* Failing to encourage the recycling of derelict and other urban land.

Questions are also raised over the deliverability of The Dunton Garden Suburb. Basildon Borough Council's Local Plan process has been set back, with the Council not expecting adoption until late 2018. Brentwood Borough Council will not be able to adopt their cross-boundary Development Plan Document until it is agreed and adopted by Basildon Borough Council. The proposals do not provide sufficient detail to demonstrate the deliverability of such a scheme and whether there is reasonable prospect of the full delivery of 2,500 dwellings within the 15 year period.

Q5: Yes - As part of the review of the existing Green Belt boundaries, development on sites on the edge of urban areas within the A12 corridor is supported.

Q6: It is questioned as to the extent of brownfield land available within villages. Given currently Green Belt restrictions, most of that land which was previously in brownfield use is likely to have been considered for development (under Paragraph 89 of the NPPF, an exception to inappropriate development is the partial or complete redevelopment of previously developed sites (brownfield land), whether redundant or in continuing use (excluding temporary buildings), which would not have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt). The brownfield land that is available within the Green Belt is generally found in more unsustainable locations outside of village boundaries. As a result, it is considered that, if in more suitable locations, Greenfield sites on the edge of villages should be considered.

Q7: Yes - No further comment.

Q8: Yes - No further comment.

Q9: Yes - No further comment.

Q12: Yes - No further comment.

Q13: No comment.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 6533

Received: 05/03/2015

Respondent: mr james monk

Representation Summary:

You have stated that Brentwood Housing needs require approximately 375 home per year for the next 3 years. A simple bit of math 375 x 3 = 1125 home

Lets assume each home has an average of 2 children. The 2050 new children in Brentwood 3000 new cars travelling on the roads. 4500 new shoppers in
Sainsburys. The Borough's roads and infrastructure can't support this level of growth. The stones through the High street are collapsing under the weight already.

Full text:

See attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7204

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

Another important concern is that the supporting information to both consultations fails to consider key infrastructure issues in any detail. Consulting on spatial strategies and potential sites without such information prevents responders from providing a fully informed view on the options.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7338

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

There should be more evidence in respect of environmental and transport matters to inform the plan. There is no indication at the moment as to when such evidence might be available.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7343

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

There should be more evidence in respect of environmental and transport matters to inform the plan. The Parish Council consider that the increased housing numbers, without such evidence, have not been objectively assessed in accordance with the NPPF.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7473

Received: 13/03/2015

Respondent: West Horndon Parish Council

Agent: SJK Planning

Representation Summary:

The Borough refers to objectively assessed need and states this as a matter of fact and does not invite questions with regard to whether the level is considered to be correctly or objectively assessed. It is a fact that the previous consultation exercise dismissed a high level of growth, saying that it would be seriously damaging to the character of the Borough. What mitigation measures will be put in place to prevent this? The County Council questions whether housing numbers can be objectively assessed, when a large part of the evidence base is missing.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 8388

Received: 31/03/2015

Respondent: Crest Nicholson

Agent: AECOM

Representation Summary:

Brentwood's updated housing evidence suggests an objectively assessed housing need of 360 homes per year. The previous target was 150 homes per year. Currently, existing brownfield land can accommodate up to 2.500 new homes. This is the amount that could be sustainably developed on available brownfield land. In order to deliver the projected 5,500 new homes, the Council will need to consider the release of Green Belt.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 8389

Received: 31/03/2015

Respondent: Crest Nicholson

Agent: AECOM

Representation Summary:

The Council has an overall amount of identifiable and deliverable housing land supply for 1,632 homes over the next five years. That is 269 homes fewer than the calculated five year requirement. This equates to a housing land supply of 4.29 years. The required additional 5% buffer as set out in the NPPF is included within the calculated five year requirement. The paper concludes that the borough cannot demonstrate a five year deliverable supply of housing land. In accordance with the NPPF it is recognised local authorities should have a forward looking approach to the five year housing supply. The Council will review its five year housing supply position when April 2014 residential land monitoring data becomes available.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 8412

Received: 31/03/2015

Respondent: Crest Nicholson

Agent: AECOM

Representation Summary:

The Council has commissioned a study to identify objective housing need for the borough, which concludes a requirement to provide for around 360 new homes per year. The previous target in the East of England Plan was 175 homes per year. Over 15 years that comes to around 5,500 homes, some 3,000 more than what can be provided from brownfield sites in urban areas. The shortfall from previous years will also need to be taken into account in the future Plan period, which will increase the overall housing need figure.
Any housing provision over 2,500 homes within Brentwood will need to consider the use of Green Belt. This is the amount that could be sustainably developed on available brownfield land. There are also other development needs, such as employment.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 9152

Received: 08/04/2015

Respondent: Threadneedle Property Investments Ltd

Agent: Barton Willmore

Representation Summary:

Whilst the consultation in welcomed, it should be recognised that the majority of Evidence Base documents which will inform the emerging Local Plan (as listed at Para 1.13 of the SGOC) are still "forthcoming". Without the availability of such evi dence, the extent to which respondents can take an informed view on where future growth should be located is limited. The same applies to BBC in progressing to the next stage of the Local Plan.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 9171

Received: 08/04/2015

Respondent: Threadneedle Property Investments Ltd

Agent: Barton Willmore

Representation Summary:

In order to continue to support the approach set out in the SCO G, it is recommended that BBC ensures its Local Plan Evidence Base is up to date and robust.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 11129

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: EA Strategic Land LLP

Agent: Iceni Projects Limited

Representation Summary:

The Preferred Options was published in 2013 and proposed to cover the minimum plan period of 15 years, assuming adoption in 2015, (plan-period of 2015-2030). The current consultations (SGO and DGS) it is likely that a delay will be experienced in the adoption of the subsequent Local Plan. EA Strategic considers that a more realistic date for adoption would be no earlier than 2016/17. The plan should seek to cover the period should run until at least 2031/32, and the Council may wish to consider extending this to ensure additional required growth can be delivered. It may be prudent to prepare the plan to cover the period 2015-2035, allowing for delays in the adoption process and ensuring the plan will cover a minimum of 15 years at the point of adoption. By planning for a longer plan period from the outset, the Council will protect itself from needing to make changes to the plan period later in the process of plan preparation and will reduce the risk of any subsequent adoption being predicated on an immediate plan review.

Full text:

See attached documentation.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 11132

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: EA Strategic Land LLP

Agent: Iceni Projects Limited

Representation Summary:

To ensure strategic planning issues that cross administrative boundaries are considered, the Council should seek to accommodate all of its required growth within the broough boundary. This will ensure London population growth is considered and accommodated.

Full text:

See attached documentation.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 11133

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: EA Strategic Land LLP

Agent: Iceni Projects Limited

Representation Summary:

We wish to highlight the importance of publishing evidence base documents early in the plan production process to allow them to be reviewed alongside the emerging plan.

Full text:

See attached documentation.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 11148

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: EA Strategic Land LLP

Agent: Iceni Projects Limited

Representation Summary:

The draft Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) July 2014 for Brentwood alongside each of the constituent authorities within the Heart of Essex (HoE) Housing Market Area (HMA). Paragraph 1.13 of the SGO confirms that this forms part of the housing and demographic evidence base for the Local Plan and we understand the document has informed the forthcoming Objectively Assessed Needs (OAN) Report. In September 2014 we drew our soundness concerns with the SHMA, in particular noting it is not compliant with the NPPF or NPPG as it is cast in the mould of a pre-NPPF SHMA and focused on affordable housing needs for the Borough. As the OAN is yet to be determined, we reiterate these concerns, set out in the attached letter.

Full text:

See attached documentation.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 11186

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: EA Strategic Land LLP

Agent: Iceni Projects Limited

Representation Summary:

The revised OAN is still considered low. The issues raised by an Inspector in the Uttlesford Local Plan examination apply to Brentwood and an uplift in the OAN of a similar 10% figure is considered more appropriate. (Ie 340 to 374).
However, in consideration of the economic model forecasts in EPOA Phase 6 for Brentwood would raise the OAN still further to 425 dwellings per annum. This equates to a total of 5,610 - 6,375 over the plan period (15 years from 2015-2030).

Full text:

See attached documentation.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 11190

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: EA Strategic Land LLP

Agent: Iceni Projects Limited

Representation Summary:

A 10% rise in the OAN plus an increase for economic factors would equate to a total of 5,610 - 6,375 over a 15 year plan period (15 years from 2015-2030). Over a 20 year plan period this would equate to an OAN range of 1480 to 8500. (The 20 year period is referred to in Paragraph 3.3 of the Strategic Growth Options).

Full text:

See attached documentation.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 11208

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: EA Strategic Land LLP

Agent: Iceni Projects Limited

Representation Summary:

With an OAN identifying a need for 5,500 homes over the 15 year plan period, with potential for an increase, it is important that all of the options are fully and soundly assessed. Paragraph 1.4 of the SGO confirms that the maximum capacity of the urban brownfield sites (including the West Horndon Industrial Estate) is 2,500 dwellings. As such, the plan needs to provide sufficient land to accommodate a minimum of 3,000 homes (potentially rising to 6,000) on greenfield sites.

Full text:

See attached documentation.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 11228

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: EA Strategic Land LLP

Agent: Iceni Projects Limited

Representation Summary:

EA Strategic supports the intentions of the Council to provide sufficient land to accommodate affordable housing needs. In the context of the established level of need, it will be necessary to consider increasing housing provision targets in order to achieve this. The Council will be aware of the risks of providing insufficient sites to accommodate affordable housing needs, both in terms of the assessment of housing under paragraph 49 of the NPPF (see Sims Metal UK (South West) Limited, Long Marston, Pebworth - appeal ref. APP/H1840/A/13/2202364) and in terms of the social, environmental and economic implications of under-provision. (Referring to out of date plan policy).

Full text:

See attached documentation.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 11286

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: EA Strategic Land LLP

Agent: Iceni Projects Limited

Representation Summary:

The Council has identified the need to remove land from the Green Belt (GB) in order to accommodate the housing it requires during the life of the plan. It has yet to prepare a Green Belt Assessment or an assessment of the landscape in Brentwood. As a result there is little evidence to assist with determining the sequentially preferable location for Green Belt release for the purposes of housing and economic development in Brentwood.

Full text:

See attached documentation.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 11782

Received: 15/02/2015

Respondent: CEG Land Promotions Limited

Agent: CODE Development Planners Ltd

Representation Summary:

In order to satisfy the need to produce a sound plan a comprehensive greenbelt review study should be undertaken so that the impacts of all reasonable alternatives can be properly assessed and noted.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 11884

Received: 20/04/2015

Respondent: Croudace Strategic Ltd

Agent: Barton Willmore

Representation Summary:

Whilst we support the increased housing target included within the SGOC, BBC has not identified its full OAN in accordance with the requirements of the NPPF and PPG;
We support BBC's conclusion that Greenfield/Green Belt sites, along with brownfield sites, will be required in order to meet BBC's increasing housing target;
We are concerned that BBC's current conclusions on "Broad Areas" of growth are not supported by a sufficient evidence base, with the majority of documents still being prepared;
However, BBC's future growth strategy is likely to require a range of sites from each of the "Broad Areas" identified. This should include Shenfield, and the Officers Meadow site, both of which are identified as being suitable to accommodate future sustainable growth.

Full text:

See three attached documents.


Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12326

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: S & J Padfield and Partners

Agent: Strutt & Parker LLP

Representation Summary:

Whilst the consultation document refers to the recent study of objectively assessed need carried out by the Council this is not itself identified in the Council's housing and demographic evidence base online. The Council's online evidence base on housing and demographics currently consists primarily of the SHMA (July 2014), Great Essex Demographic Forecasts (Phase 6 September 2014) and the Heart of Essex Housing Growth Scenarios (June 2012). Essential that the plan seeks to meet full objectively assessed needs in terms of homes and jobs to provide sustainable future development.

Full text:

See attached.


Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12409

Received: 23/04/2015

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Andrew Martin Planning Ltd

Representation Summary:

There are a number of weaknesses in the base evidence to the emerging plan that are being identified at several other Local Plan Examinations taking place in the region. These point towards the need for a higher housing target.
Extent of the housing market area. We consider that the data shows that Brentwood shares a housing market area with Chelmsford, Basildon and to a lesser extent Epping.
Demographics fail to accommodate economic and employment forecast needs of the borough, especially Crossrail.
Need to address unmet London migration.
Need to meet affordable housing requirement in full, taking account of backlog and projected need.
Need to respond more to market signals, particularly in relation to affordability.

Full text:

See attached.


Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12410

Received: 23/04/2015

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Andrew Martin Planning Ltd

Representation Summary:

BBC are proceeding with a consultation document on strategic options for growth that is not informed by an up to date assessment of OAHN. It uses an assessment prepared in early 2013 to advise the now abandoned Preferred Options Local Plan. That assessment does not contain the latest demographic or economic evidence. In the light of other Local Plan Examination findings in Essex the figures proposed are not compliant with National Policy and therefore highly susceptible to challenge.

Full text:

See attached.


Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12411

Received: 23/04/2015

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Andrew Martin Planning Ltd

Representation Summary:

It is essential that the emerging Local Plan is informed by robust and up to date evidence. We submit that a detailed assessment of housing need is required to take into account a number of adjustments that need to be made including recognition of the likely economic impact of Crossrail. This will result in a housing target considerably in excess of the 360 new homes per annum currently proposed to be met in the consultation paper.

Full text:

See attached.


Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12627

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Zada Capital

Representation Summary:

A more up to date SHLAA consultation should be undertaken due to the time since 2009 and new Government policy.

Full text:

see attached



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12643

Received: 27/04/2015

Respondent: Childerditch Properties

Agent: Strutt & Parker LLP

Representation Summary:

In consideration of the latest information on the local economy, Brentwood Economic Futures 2015 - 20130 (Dec 2014). In summary, generally are support broad areas providing for growth, the approaches set out do not properly consider time frames for delivery. It is acknowledged that the form of this consultation is generalised in seeking views on the amount of and directions for growth, specific sites have been identified for possible allocation and comment. There is little clarity at this stage to address the "what, where, when and how questions" referred to at Paragraph 010 of the PPG.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12662

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: One Property Group Ltd

Agent: Phase 2 Planning and Development Ltd

Representation Summary:

The assessment of objectively assessed housing needs (OAN) appeared on the Council's website on 13 February, three working days before the consultation deadline. National Policy and Guidance requires a Local Plan be informed by robust and up to date evidence. It is disappointing that with the exception of the SHMA update the rest remain unavailable, the consultation document stating that they are 'forthcoming'. Although OAN evidence is listed within the document as December 2014, it does not yet appear on the Council's website.

Full text:

See attached.



Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12687

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Colliers International

Representation Summary:

The plan is not supported by a robust, up to date evidence base as required by the NPPF. There are a number of evidence documents listed as forthcoming on key matters such as economic, housing, environmental, transport, leisure and facilities and renewable energy.

In terms of the overall level of growth proposed there are key omissions including the absence of an up to date SHMA and the reliance on population projections contained in the now superseded version of the Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts Study (Phase 6) published in September 2014. Also lack of reference to the implications of Crossrail on housing need in Brentwood. The PPG is clear that population projections are the starting point only and housing figures need to take into account other measures of need.

The Council is unable to demonstrate a 5 year supply of deliverable sites.

The OAN figure of 366 dwellings per annum is not considered to be true as it is not based on up to date assessment of housing need, including lack of up to date SHMA and most recent population projections set out in the Greater Essex Demographic Study. The proposed housing figure has not been adjusted to take into account market conditions such as affordability.

The Council needs to take into account any unmet needs from adjoining authorities this could include that from London Authorities.

There should be a borough wide Green Belt review to potentially release sustainable sites adjoining existing urban areas. There should also be a review of realistic densities on identified brownfield sites which could end up being a lot lower.

Full text:



Introduction and Background to Representations

Countryside Properties feels there are a number of issues surrounding the overarching approach to growth which need to be addressed. Countryside wishes to continue to engage with the Council as the Local Development Plan develops.

Land at Doddinghurst Road (either side of A12), Brentwood has been promoted for development by Countryside and the landowner throughout the preparation of the Plan and the site has been recognised within the Council's Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment as being suitable, available and achievable for development. The Council's SHLAA assessment notes that the site is located adjacent the existing settlement boundary, within close proximity to a number of services and facilities and would present a good infill development capable of accommodating 216 dwellings, with the Draft Site Assessment indicating is has capacity for 288 dwellings. The SHLAA also identifies that the site is within a single ownership with no identified abnormal build costs and the detailed design of the scheme could accommodate any screening/buffer in relation to the A12 which crosses the site.

Countryside has undertaken considerable technical work on the site and can demonstrate that the site continues to be a suitable location for development with no constraints to bringing forward development. In particular Countryside can demonstrate that the site no longer serves a Green Belt function and that noise and air quality issues can be overcome. Countryside therefore considers that land at Doddinghurst Road can provide a medium scale development opportunity that can contribute to housing supply within the early part of the plan.

Notwithstanding the above, Countryside does have some concerns in respect of the consultation. A key issue is that the plan is not supported by a robust, up to date evidence base as required by the National Planning Policy Framework and that the plan is advancing in advance of the evidence base.

The consultation document refers to a number of technical studies that are predominantly described as 'forthcoming'. These include evidence on the following key matters: economic, housing, environmental, transport, leisure and facilities, and renewable energy. For instance, the publication of the Objectively Assessed Housing Needs for Brentwood - Moving towards a Housing Target, less than a week before the end of the consultation period, has meant that there has been insufficient time to comment on an important element in producing a 'sound' plan and as such Countryside reserves the right to respond to this in due course particularly given the shortcomings of the paper.

Overall level of growth proposed

The National Planning Policy Framework and supporting Planning Practice Guidance requires local planning authorities to boost significantly the supply of housing and in doing so use their evidence to ensure that their Local Plan meets the full, objectively assessed needs (OAN) for market and affordable housing in the housing market area including identifying key sites which are critical to the delivery of the housing strategy over the plan period. We consider that the evidence base remains incomplete and out of date in certain respects which raises questions over whether the level of growth proposed is compliant with the NPPF. Key omissions include the absence of an up to date SHMA and the reliance on population projections contained in the now superseded version of the Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts Study (Phase 6) published in September 2014. Another key issue is the lack of reference to the implications of Crossrail on housing need in Brentwood.

Five year housing supply

The Council is unable to demonstrate a 5 year supply of deliverable sites. This will need to be addressed as soon as practicable and Countryside believes that land at Doddinghurst Road would complement the release of land for strategic development, preferably through an extension to the east of West Horndon.

Chapter 1: Introduction

As outlined above Countryside has a number of concerns regarding the Council's view that 5,500 units over the plan period, approximately 366 per annum, is the true OAN for Brentwood. Countryside notes the publication of the Council's OAN paper was delayed until 3 days before the closure of the current consultation. There has been insufficient time to comment on this and as such Countryside reserves the right to respond to this in due course particularly given the shortcomings of the paper.

In addition, Countryside does not consider this figure to represent the true OAN as it not based on an up to date assessment of housing need. Of particular note is the absence of an up to date SHMA and that the population projections are not based on the most recent projections set out in the Greater Essex Demographic Study. Furthermore, the proposed housing figure has not been adjusted to take into account other market considerations, such as affordability. The approach taken is not currently justified, effective or consistent with the NPPF, undertaking consultation exercises without making available key technical studies is against the direction of national planning policy (Para 158 of the NPPF) and guidance (Para 014 of the NPPG).

The plan period will see the construction and opening of Crossrail which will improve access to London. The omission of any evidence base studies that takes into account the impact that Crossrail will have on the Borough is a significant flaw in the approach taken to prepare the Plan. The introduction of Crossrail means that much of the urban area of the Borough will be in the direct travel to work range for central London and the OAN needs to demonstrate that the effects of this significant change have been taken into account.

The Planning Practice Guidance makes it clear that population projections are a starting point only and sets out the housing figures need to take into account other measures of need. The Council needs to adjust the housing figures to address the need for affordable housing, other market factors and the need to reflect economic projections and the implications of Crossrail. Finally, the Council needs to take into account any unmet needs from adjoining authorities.

The Inspector's Report relating to the Further Alterations to the London Plan (18 November 2014) examination also makes it clear that whilst there are evident reasons as to why the GLA may be unable to meet its growing needs within its own boundary, it should look to neighbouring local authorities, such as Brentwood, to help meet this shortfall through the duty to cooperate. There is no evidence that the OAN has looked at the effects of meeting this need, but given the date of the report it is considered unlikely.

It is acknowledged that the Council recognises the need to use Green Belt land in order meet the future planned housing growth levels and it is our view that this can only be undertaken through a borough-wide review of the Green Belt to allow for the release of land. This would allow for sites located in sustainable locations adjacent to existing settlement boundaries, which no longer have a Green Belt function, to be released in a plan-led way. There is also a clear need to fully review and provide realistic development densities for those currently identified brownfield sites, as figures could be further reduced by issues of individual site deliverability, in order for the conclusions to be factored into the newly defined Green Belt boundary and as per the requirements of Paragraph 85 of the NPPF.

In order to meet the required growth levels and deliver the strategic objectives of the Plan, Brentwood should provide a location for development of appropriate scale in those locations where it can be demonstrated that the area no longer provides a strong Green Belt function. This reflects the role of Brentwood as a sustainable location for growth given its existing transport links, social infrastructure, access to jobs and service, together with the introduction of Crossrail in 2018. This approach requires the allocation of greenfield sites, currently designated as Green Belt land, in the form of small scale urban extensions.

Chapter 2: Managing Growth

Q1: Do you agree with the three broad areas, for the purpose of considering approaches to growth?
Q2: Do you agree with the issues raised for each of these three areas?

The area defined as the 'North of the Borough' comprises a number of small villages which although could accommodate a limited degree of growth, through smaller scale extensions to existing villages, Countryside considers that this option could be dismissed as it is unable to provide for the level of growth set out in the consultation document. There does not appear to be sufficient sites in this area to be a credible option for the plan.

The NPPF requires the Council to maintain a five year supply of specific deliverable housing sites on a rolling basis. In order to accommodate the level of required growth, the Strategic Growth Options document seeks a site for large scale growth, however, it will also be important to ensure that a sufficient range of smaller urban extension sites are allocated in addition to the strategic allocation.

The reason for this is that larger sites can take longer to come forward and once started can only support the delivery of a limited number of dwellings per year. The allocations of a range of smaller sites will help to ensure that this does not pose a threat to the Council's rolling five year land supply.

Chapter 3: Sustainable Communities

Q3: Do you have any comments on the appropriateness of particular sites?
Q5: Should the A12 Corridor accommodate growth by releasing sites on the edge of urban areas?

It is our view that the A12 Corridor provides a sustainable location to deliver housing development over the plan period. However, it is recognised that strategic scale housing release is best provided through an urban extension to the east of West Horndon . Development along the A12 corridor should be focused on those locations that no longer perform a strong Green Belt function such as the land at Doddinghurst Road and Bayleys Mead.

Land at Doddinghurst Road (either side of A12), reference site 023, is capable of fulfilling the role of a smaller scale urban expansion to Brentwood, one that would be a logical extension to the existing urban area without encroaching into the countryside beyond well-defined and defensible boundaries. The combined site comprises approximately 7.2 ha of land adjacent to the settlement boundary of Brentwood (as shown in Figure 1) and offers the ability to deliver 230-250 dwellings together with associated amenity and open space. It is bounded on all sides either by residential development (north, south, west and south east) with commercial leisure to the north east. The site is therefore divorced from the open countryside and is also bisected by the A12.

Importantly it is within a single ownership with no known constraints to its deliverability and is developable within the first 5 years of the plan period.

The site has been included and assessed in the SHLAA (October 2011) as suitable, available and achievable, determining that the site is deliverable in the first 5 years of the plan period. The SHLAA assessment notes that the site is located adjacent the existing settlement boundary, within close proximity to a number of services and facilities and would present a good infill development capable of accommodating 216 dwellings. The site is within a single ownership with no identified abnormal build costs and the detailed design of the scheme could accommodate any screening/buffer in relation to the A12 which crosses the site.

Countryside has undertaken detailed assessments of the site to demonstrate its suitability, deliverability and appropriateness for development; the results of which are summarised below:

Green Belt Function Assessment

Countryside has commissioned the Landscape Partnership to undertake a Landscape and Green Belt Appraisal of the site to ascertain the role that this land has in meeting the five purposes of the Green Belt. The assessment made the following conclusions:

Function 1: To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas

Very Minor role - The site plays no role in preventing sprawl from London and a very minor role in preventing sprawl from Brentwood. It is contained on three sides by the existing built edge of Brentwood and on the fourth side by the Doddinghurst Road. It is not connected to an existing area of ribbon development and development of the site would not lead to sprawl or new ribbon development. The current boundary between the existing urban edge and the Green Belt is not marked by a significant natural or physical boundary but Doddinghurst Road would provide a new permanent and well-defined boundary to the Green Belt.

Function 2: To prevent neighbouring towns from merging into one another

Insignificant role - The existing relationship between Brentwood and the neighbouring towns would not be affected if the site were developed as the site does not provide, or form part of, a significant gap or space between Brentwood and these towns and development of the site would not compromise the separation of these settlements in physical or visual terms.

Function 3: To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment

Minor role - Although the site could currently be considered as countryside as each part of the site is currently undeveloped and 'open' the site is overlooked by existing urban development and the site as a whole is bisected by the A12. The existing land uses of horse grazing on the northern parcel and recently cleared unused scrublands on the southern parcel, are typically urban fringe uses.

The site is included within the local landscape character area assessment (Doddinghurst Wooded Farmland) but displays few of the characteristics of the local character area. It is considered that the site does not have a strong rural or countryside character and therefore does not play a significant role in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment.

Function 4: To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns

Insignificant role - The nearest historic towns (identified as Conservation Areas) to the site is Brentwood town centre 1.25km to the south but there is no physical or visual relationship between the site and these historic areas and the site does not play a significant role in the setting of these areas.

Function 5: To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land

Insignificant role - The Council's SHLAA identifies brownfield land within Brentwood with development potential. All the sites within or close to Brentwood town are significantly smaller than the Doddinghurst Road site and would only be capable of delivering small scale development opportunities. Even if all brownfield sites with development potential were to come forward for development, then this would be insufficient to meet the local housing needs. It is therefore considered that the current and future use of the site would not affect the ability and likelihood of the recycling of derelict and other brownfield land.

Therefore, the site makes a very minor contribution to the functioning of the Green Belt in the Borough due to its very minor role in contributing to function 1, 2 and 3 above. As noted above in function 3 it is considered that the site does not have a strong countryside character. In addition, Doddinghurst Road, running along the eastern site boundary would provide for a clear long term defensible Green Belt boundary for Brentwood. It is considered that the site as a whole does not make a significant contribution to the performing the Green Belt functions as set out in the NPPF and the local function as set out in the adopted Local Plan; Development of the site could be accommodated without significantly adversely affecting the future performance of the Green Belt in the area.

Landscape and visual impact

The Landscape Character Assessment (2006) includes the site within 'F8 Doddinghurst Wooded Farmland' which identifies that the presence of the A12 disrupts the landscapes key characteristic of tranquillity, becoming less rural in nature in this location.

Accessibility and Infrastructure

The site is well located to the existing urban area and benefits from good access to public transport; approximately 1.4m from a train station and 3 no. bus services (routes 73, 73A, 261 and 657) along Doddinghurst Road to the east of the site.

The site is also located close to established services and community facilities, with the nearest shopping parade positioned on Ongar Road (0.5m), nearest GP (0.6m), together with a number of Primary Schools and a Secondary School. The nearest employment site is located approximately 0.6m from the site, with Brentwood Town Centre approximately 1m to the south of the site.

Transport and Access

Countryside have commissioned Odyssey Markides to advise on transportation and access related matters for the site. The technical assessment demonstrates that a safe and suitable access for the northern parcel development can be provided along Doddinghurst Road, further access points are also available from two points on Viking Way. It follows on to state that there is sufficient frontage to accommodate the necessary junction and associated visibility splays to serve the development. The technical note also demonstrates that even with future year scenarios the junctions in the nearby area continue to operate well within capacity.

The assessment concludes that secondary access can be taken from Russell Close and Karen Close to serve the development to the south. Russell Close and Karen Close can accommodate the additional traffic flow, even with on-street car parking, and the existing Doddinghurst Road/St Kilda's Road junction would also continue to operate within capacity.

In addition, the impact of the construction phase on residents of the roads linking with the development has also been taken into consideration and a construction traffic management plan, including routing strategy, will be included to minimise any impact.


Countryside commissioned Southern Ecological Services Solutions to prepare an Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey of the site. This provided an initial assessment of the site and further detailed work is required, however, it concluded that there is no ecological reason not to develop the site.

Archaeological Assessment

CgMs Limited were commissioned by Countryside to undertake a detailed Archaeological Desk Based Assessment of the land parcels. This established that the site does not lie within an area of archaeological priority as designated by Brentwood Borough Council and that the site can be considered to have only a modest potential for the later prehistoric.


Countryside instructed Ardent Engineering Limited to undertake a Noise Assessment of the site, in light of its close proximity to the A12. The assessment concluded that there are no noise constraints of such significance that would restrict development of the site and a number of suitable mitigate measures can be incorporated into a residential proposal.

Air Quality

Ardent Engineering Limited was also commissioned by Countryside to advise on air quality matters. The findings of initial assessment show that there are no air quality constraints of such significance that would prevent development of the site. The site falls outside of any Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA), although it is recognised that two AQMAs have been declared within close proximity and are located along the A12. Therefore, further monitoring of the air quality will be undertaken and taken into consideration during the scheme preparation and suitable mitigation measures exist to overcome any impact that may exist.

The extensive technical work undertaken by Countryside establishes that land at Doddinghurst Road (either side of A12) is suitable for development and is a sustainable location for Green Belt release to accommodate medium scale housing development..

About the Proposal

A preliminary masterplan has been prepared (Figure 1) which takes into consideration the site's opportunities and constraints, as advised by the conclusions of baseline studies. It is proposed to provide residential development on both the northern and southern parcels of land. The northern parcel can accommodate a higher proportion than the southern and development will be landscape led so as to be sensitive to its wider Green Belt surroundings. It is proposed to deliver traditional style units, designed to Countryside's high standard, with a mix of type and tenure. The allocation of this greenfield site for residential development would also allow for the delivery of on-site affordable housing.

The site is deliverable within the beginning of the plan period. The site should be defined as a housing allocation in the Local Plan for 230-250 dwellings. The failure of the Local Plan to reflect the Site Assessment and SHLAA assessments with an allocation of the site will reduce the provision of housing in the borough in the short, medium and long term.

Countryside has provide the above for illustrative purposes only and welcomes the opportunity to discuss this with the Council to ensure that a shared vision for the site is developed and delivered.

Chapter 6: Quality of Life and Community Infrastructure

Q12: Have we considered the main infrastructure issues? Are there other important issues to
Q13: What do you think the priorities for infrastructure spending should be?

There is a clear need for the housing strategy to both ensure that it meets the OAN and for the provision strategy to acknowledge and respect the changes to the local housing market which will follow the opening of Crossrail. Infrastructure spending needs to ensure that the stations at Brentwood and Shenfield can adequately serve the increased accessibility created by the investment in the provision of that infrastructure.


In order to meet the OAN for the plan period (2015-2030), it is appropriate for growth to be directed to Brentwood. A review of the Green Belt boundary with the aim to release greenfield sites that abut the town of Brentwood should be undertaken, in order to accommodate the full OAN for housing. Our client's land at Doddinghurst Road (either side of A12), capable of accommodating 230-250 dwellings, provides the opportunity to deliver market and affordable housing in the short term.

The site is located within a highly sustainable location, providing the ability to accommodate a small scale urban expansion and the land is within a single ownership with no known constraints to its deliverability. It is developable within the first 5 years of the plan period and should be defined as a strategic housing use allocation in the Local Plan for approximately 230-250 dwellings.

As mentioned previously Countryside notes the publication of the Council's OAN paper was delayed until 3 days before the closure of the current consultation. There has been insufficient time to comment on this and as such Countryside reserves the right to respond to this in due course particularly given the shortcomings of the paper.

