
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 9428

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mr Christopher Watkins

Representation Summary:

We have plenty and room for development within the village.

Full text:

Q1: No - It is important that Brentwood remains separate from London and the villages from Brentwood.

Q2: No.

Q3: Yes - Important farmland.

Q4: Not given at all.

Q6: Yes so long as they do not swamp us.

Q7: No - One does not follow from the other.

Q8: Yes - I would encourage the building of homes close to the High Street.

Q9: No - We have plenty and room for development within the village.

Scenic Beauty/Attractiveness: 5
Outdoor Recreation/Leisure Use: 5
Wildlife Interest: 5
Historic Interest: 5
Tranquility: 5

Houses: 4
Commercial/ Industrial buildings: 4
Nature Reserves/Wildlife: 4
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 4
Degraded/Derelict/Waste Land: 4
Infrastructure: 4
Leisure/Recreation Facilities: 4

Q12: Brentwood has expanded massively since the war, Essex has also done more than its share.
