
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 8889

Received: 18/02/2015

Respondent: Mrs Ivy Bourne

Representation Summary:

Education - West Horndon School is a village school. New schools would be needed to cope with any significant growth. The same would apply to health care difficult to get doctors appointment at present.

Full text:

Q1: Yes - The 3 different areas make sense.

Q2: No - Why does the A127 corridor have more potential than A12? The A127 is already at capacity in rush hour. We value our open space because we are nearer. The outer London boroughs and Green Belt is very important to us.

Q3: Yes - The brownfield site at West Horndon (the industrial estate) (A20-A21) which has a proposal for 500 would practically double the size of our village and this without any Green Belt development would alter the character of West Horndon. Flood risk must be taken seriously.

Q4: I do not agree with the statement, the A127 has a greater capacity than A12. Therefore feel that the only development around West Horndon should be the industrial estate (A20-21). Surely great development could occur in connection with new Crossrail line.

Q5: Yes - A12 corridor has the ability to meet a significant portion of Borough's increased housing need. As does Crossrail corridor.

Q6: Brownfield sites should always be first choice for building needs. Green Belt land particularly south of the borough where we are enclosed between Upminster and Basildon is greatly valued both as open space and flood relief.

Q7: It has been suggested that the present industrial site in West Horndon be relocated to the junction of A127 and M25. This seems an excellent idea provided that transport links be established from West Horndon Station, for workforce who presently come by train.

Q8: Yes - But we do need better transports into the town centre particularly later in evening it isn't any good having late opening in Brentwood if we can't get back.

Q9: It would be good to have a sports centre on the land adjacent to the Industrial estate.

Scenic Beauty/ Attractiveness: 4
Outdoor Recreation/ Leisure Use: 3
Wildlife Interest: 5
Historic Interest: 3
Tranquility: 5

Houses: 3
Commercial/ Industrial Buildings: 3
Nature Reserves/ Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 2
Degraded/ Derelict/ Waste land: 1
Infrastructure: 3
Leisure/ Recreation Facilities: 2

Q12: Education - West Horndon School is a village school. New schools would be needed to cope with any significant growth. The same would apply to health care difficult to get doctors appointment at present.

Q13: Infrastructure needs to be in place prior to any development.
