
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 8431

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mr Mark Morgan

Representation Summary:

Houses: 3
Commercial/ Industrial buildings: 1
Nature Reserves/ Wildlife: 4
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 4
Degraded/ Derelict/ Waste land: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure/ Recreation Facilities: 2
Other - Doctors/ Schools: 2

Full text:

Q1: No infrastructure i.e. schools/ health services/ transport/ water/ waste/ roads/ shops.

Q2: Do not understand the question! Poor wording! Looked at web site consultation and still could not understand.

Q3: Yes - Will spoil the village/ community and reason I like living here. I chose this rural community as did not want to live in a town.

Q4: I would prefer new houses were built elsewhere such as A127 as it has better infrastructure and links to services and roads. However not in favour of this new building either.

Q5: Yes - Better to build there than in rural places such as Blackmore. Need to preserve the rural unique way of life. If we change to a town it will change community and a part of our heritage will go for future generations.

Q6: No to greenfield sites, they were intended to be protected for a reason. Nature will be endangered. Not happy with brownfield sites either not a good site for housing due to chemicals.

Q7: Yes - Need to be near major roads and railways.

Q8: Yes - Do not want village life community to disappear for future generations. This is not progress.

Q9: No - Need to keep our green fields natural and for recreation.

Scenic Beauty/ Attractiveness: 5
Outdoor Recreation/ Leisure Use: 5
Wildlife Interest: 5
Historic Interest: 5
Tranquility: 5
Other - Part of Britains Heritage: 5

Houses: 3
Commercial/ Industrial buildings: 1
Nature Reserves/ Wildlife: 4
Farmland: 4
Woodland: 4
Degraded/ Derelict/ Waste land: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Leisure/ Recreation Facilities: 2
Other - Doctors/ Schools: 2

Q12: No - Lack of Doctors, school places at primary and secondary schools are in Brentwood, time taken for fire/ police/ ambulance to reach the area. Lack of public transport. You have shut the library already! Water/ waste, lack of parking, small lanes.

Q13: Retain our post office. Bring back the library ECC shut. Safeguard greenbelt for the next generation.
