
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 8003

Received: 24/03/2015

Respondent: Pat and Mike Huxstep

Representation Summary:

Require additional open space for leisure activities, in particular football pitch facilities within Hutton and Shenfield. Hutton Football Club has been working with the Council, Football Association and land owners to try and identify a suitable location for football pitches for use by the club and its 50+ teams. Currently teams play on a mixture of council owned facilities and local schools.

Possible solution for new facilities would be as part of open space provision if land at Officer's Meadow in Shenfield [site ref 034] were allocated for development. Consideration of this issue should be included within the Local Plan.

Full text:

In response to the call for input into the local development plan my main area of concern is with open space for leisure activities, in particular, football pitch facilities within Hutton and Shenfield.

For the local community football club there is a huge dependency on schools which places the clubs in a precarious position as there is no security of tenure, costs may rise and obviously the school will take priority over use of its facilities.

Hutton FC is a prominent club within the area with over 50 teams who are currently playing on a mixture of several council facilities as well as local schools, St Martins and Shenfield. The result of this is that club members are spread far and wide and as a consequence the Club lose cohesion due to having no central base where all teams can play and socialise which would improve community feeling, help increase revenue and provide a useful facility. In addition this issue places huge stress on the volunteers that run the Club, raises health and safety issues and welfare concerns.

The club has been working with the Council, the Football Association and local land owners to try to identify a suitable location. The first choice solution would be to locate facilities at Officers Meadows in Shenfield.

Assistance is sought through this document in trying to establish facilities for the Club in this location and achieve funding through the impact of Cross-Rail. If this site is not available then an appropriate space for the Club is desperately needed and should be identified. Obviously we are aware that land is at a premium but believe that if it is the intention to develop more housing in the area then this will create even more demand for facilities which at present are lacking in the area.

A local football club which provides sport participation and development for ages 5 - veterans (and family members) should have a proper base where the teams can play together and I would therefore ask for consideration of this to be included within the document.