
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 7770

Received: 14/02/2015

Respondent: Lisa Atkinson

Representation Summary:

* Site 200 (Dunton Garden Suburb) would be strongly preferred to 037, 038 and 126 as a means to provide the required level of housing within the Borough, whilst managing this growth in a sustainable manner. However, given the level of infrastructure that would be required, again this would need to be managed in a sustainable and appropriate manner to safeguard the existing West Horndon community, and create a self sufficient community within the Garden Suburb. It would also be necessary to ensure a sufficient buffer of land is maintained going forwards, between the Garden Suburb and the land surrounding West Horndon village. I suggest that this could be achieved through creating a woodland area reaching from the west of the Garden Suburb, up to Thorndon Country Park.

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